作者doood (嘿嘿嘿)
时间Wed Oct 18 23:50:04 2006
PART1 个人基本资料: 徵友时效:1周
ID / 笔名:doood 年次:69
性别:no gender ,ha 身分: 社会人士
站内信: 邮政信箱:(愿意收实体信件的人填写)
PART2 希望笔友能符合:
希望性别:human will be fine 希望年龄:0~100
希望身分: no restrain
PART3 兴趣 / 喜好:
I am a assistant research in a acadamic institute now.
Confusing about my future ,I am not sure what kind of
job suits myself.I hope we can polish your english skill by sending
letters each other.And the topic can be everything!!!
Waiting for your letters ^_^
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 编辑: doood 来自: (10/20 11:58)