Pelicans 板


原文出自 Inside Training Camp: October 6, 2004 Head Coach Byron Scott (on how much longer his voice will last in practice) Probably another day or so as far as raising it. It’ll be okay at the normal level for a while but as far as raising it, it’ll probably leave me in a couple of days. (on if the second day of practice was harder than the first) No, I don’t think so. I thought it was just as intense, just as hard. I didn’t think it was any harder. I thought it was equally as hard today as it was yesterday. (on how long it takes him to get a good assessment of his team) It doesn’t take long. After about two or three days, you get a pretty good idea of things you have to work on or give a little bit more time to. I had a good chance last night to watch yesterday’s practice on tape and came out today and the first thing we do when we come into practice the next day is talk about yesterday. I talked about some of the key things from yesterday and some of the things we need to improve on and then we try to put those things in place today along with the rest of our game plan as far as practices are concerned. Again, I thought today was pretty good. We’re going to continue to work just like we worked today to get better in a couple of areas that I think we need to improve on. (on what he hopes to have in place and if he’s going to put a lot in before his first preseason game) It’s not a lot of stuff. Each day we just try to gradually put in things we have been doing the last couple of days so these guys aren’t overloade. That’s the one thing I don’t want to do. I don’t want to overload them. I want to give them just a little bit at a time and hope, by next week, that everybody feels pretty comfortable and confident in what we’re doing. That’s the thing right now is have familiarity and getting these guys in a comfort level. Right now, guys sometimes are running around like they have their heads cut off it seems like. I’ve got to get guys to be a little bit more patient and slow down a little bit more. (on how long the practices will be during the regular season) Anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours. It probably won’t be as much running and conditioning drills. It’s more focusing in on both ends of the court, offensively and defensively. You just try to get those things in and you try to get your guys to a comfort level because almost every day during the season we’re going to be putting in new stuff too. (on if he’s trying to send a message with his tough training camp) I’m not trying to send a message. This is me. This is my camp. This is how I run my basketball camp. I’m not trying to send a message to anybody out there in particular. I’m just trying to tell the guys this is what I’m used to doing and this is how we work as a staff and this is how I want you guys to work as players. We’re here everyday from eight in the morning to five or six in the afternoon and then, even though I left at five yesterday, I went home and watched tapes. We’re committed as a staff and we want our players to be committed as well. (on if Jamaal Magloire can fill the role of second offensive option on the team) I hope so. I think he has a lot of room to grow and improve. There’s not doubt about that. I do think he’ll have better numbers that he did last year. I think this time he’ll see a lot more opportunity in the offense than he has seen in the past as well. It’s just up to him to come with that type of attitude that he’s going to have a much better year than he did last year. (on if he feels the team can be competitive and make the playoffs in the West) I think we have enough talent to be competitive. Making the playoffs is a different story. I don’t know. I think we have enough it just depends on how fast our growth is, to be honest with you. To me that’s not the challenge. My challenge is winning a championship here. Making the playoffs is not something that I’m looking at as something that’s fantastic. I think we have enough to make the playoffs here and I think we have enough to play a lot better than people have given us credit for. -------------------------------------------------------------- Forward David West (on training camp) It’s going all right. We’re getting in here and getting our work done, learning and progressing. (on what he heard about Coach Scott’s training camp during the offseason) I talked to him this summer and he said we were going to come in here and we’re going to work. I figured that it was going to be something like this. Talking to other guys throughout the summer, we kind of knew what was coming and we kind of knew what to expect. I work hard in the offseason anyway so I’m not one of these guys who gets out of shape or anything like that. I knew I was going to stay with my same regiment and routine. (on being more aggressive on the offensive end) I think it’s more or less a mentality that I’ve got to set early and establish now because there are going the be a lot of different situations and a lot of opportunities to score out here and it makes other guys jobs easier when there are other threats on the floor. (on the more aggressive and running style of play) It’s something that’s good as long as we’re running with a purpose and getting good shots. We’ll find a way in terms of opportunities on the offensive glass and things like that. We know we’re going to have to get up and down the floor, but like I said you’re going to have to do it with a purpose. You can’t be running just to run. (on if it’s a big deal the Hornets are moving to the Western Conference) Everybody is making a big deal out of it. The East won the championship last year. You look at the teams out in the West. When we played those teams last year, we didn’t feel like we were out of it. We’re returning with the same core group of guys and I think guys have a different outlook in terms of what we’re expecting this season. I’m not really looking at it as being a mountain we can’t climb. We’ll be fine. (on the difference between his first and second year in training camp) You know what to expect. That’s the biggest thing I think. I know exactly what to expect in terms of games and how fast game is. The first year in the NBA is basically about adjustments. No matter what, you’ve got to get adjusted to playing against grown men, playing, in some cases, every other night and the travel. On thing I told Tim (Pickett) is that you’ve got to pace yourself. You’ve got to understand this thing is long. We’re going to be doing this for the next seven months so you’ve got to pace yourself. The older guys know what to expect and you can see it when we’re out there playing. --

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