Pelicans 板

LINE 2004 Draft Workouts: May 24, 2004 KIRK SNYDER - 6-6, 225 lbs. University of Nevada (on how he did) Like the previous workout I had, it's not about what you do in here. This is a small part of it. It's going to come down to 'do I really fit well with a team?' And that's all that really matters. Obviously, I'm talented and good but it matters what team I fit with. (on if he's shocked he'll still be available at the 18th pick) Yeah. I put my work in. I'm feeling really confident about myself and my ability right now and I think it would be somewhat of a disappointment to be 18th. (on how he thinks the early-entry candidates pushed down his status, if at all) I don't believe that to be true. It still feels like I'm from Nevada. I walk into places and they know that it's a small school. That I think is more of an issue than a high school or college guy. That doesn't really matter. It's just that I went to a small-time program, but we did big things. When I come into the workouts, I let people really know who I am and what I'm working with in terms of my physical ability and my skill level. (on why he would be an asset to an NBA team) I really was raised the right way. I'm a good guy. I'm a good teammate and that’s more of it right there, being a rookie and coming into a new atmosphere. You just have to be a good teammate. Obviously, I can play basketball. It's just a matter of getting with the right team. (on where he's been and where he's going for his workouts) Team-wise and agent, Roger, he just calls me and says 'let's go' and I'm ready to go. I've been working out in San Antonio with Coach Hill, who has coached the Spurs and he's teaching me about the X's and O's and footwork and everything and I stay ready. I go anywhere at anytime. My agent does the political side of things and I do the basketball stuff and I'm pretty good at the basketball part. JOHN EDWARDS - 7-0 Kent State University (on how important the workouts are to get the name out there) I think it's important to work your hardest in any workout situation, whether it's here or anywhere else. (on how important the non-shooting drills are) Anything that they're evaluating on is important. (on what he would like teams to notice about him) My work ethic. I'm a hard worker and that's one of my greatest assets. (on if his height helps his quest to make an NBA roster) Yeah, I think so. You know what they say: "You can't teach size." It's an advantage. (on if working out later or earlier helps him) At anytime, I'm ready to go. I'm always ready to work as hard as I can. (on where he's been and where he's headed) I've been to Memphis and I'm going to head to Houston after this and after that, I guess I'll find out, but it's kind of a week-by-week thing and I'm taking it one day at a time. RICKEY PAULDING - 6-5, 218 lbs. University of Missouri (on if he'll be surprised if he's still around for the Hornets 18th pick) I don't think so. That's pretty much where I'm projected; late first round to early second (round). To be around at 18 would be great for me. (on important the pre-draft workouts are) I place a lot of importance on them. I pretty much know this is it for me. I just try to go hard in these workouts and do my best. (on how he did) I think I did pretty good. I caught a late flight and just got off the plane (and participated in the workout), but everything went well. It was hard work, but things went fine. (on the type of player he is) I think I’m athletic. People definitely know my athleticism. I'm a team player....a real good spot up shooter. I think pretty much the teams have been scouting me throughout my career and know what I can do. (on how much playing in a strong college conference helped) I think me being a 4-year guy helped me get used to the physical side of the league. I was able to work on my body and get in the best shape I can be. So I think playing in a league like the Big 12 against Texas and Kansas really helps you mentally and physically. (on being a four-year guy helping) I don't know. I think different teams look for different guys. I definitely think me being a four-year guy and going through some of the stuff that I went through is a benefit for me but some teams are looking for the high school guys. (on if he evaluates himself in these workout situations) A little bit. All I can do is try and do my best. You can't put too much pressure on yourself because that can carry over to the next station. You're going to miss some shots then just go on and keep playing. RAFAEL ARAUJO - 6-11, 290 lbs. Brigham Young University (on what his natural position is) My position is center but I developed my game this summer to get better shooting to play power forward as well. (on if it matters what team he works out for) I just do what you've got to do. I came to do my job, like filling out an application for a job. You just show your "application" and they say good job and I wait for the phone call. We’ll see what happens June 24th. (on if his maturity and age – 24 – is a benefit to him) I don't think it's a benefit. I've worked hard for all four years I've been in the United States to prove my game for this time of the year. I want to come to the NBA and have a chance to play. I want to help a team and work hard to get my space. (on if international play has helped) I played on my junior national team. I had a good experience on my junior team and then I came to the United States. (on if he's had a chance to see any of the cities he's had workouts in) Not really....Just the gym. I get in and get out (laughing). (on what type of player he is) I think I'm athletic. I work a lot, every day. I admire a lot of the big men in the NBA. I really love Karl Malone. He's an awesome player. He's big, athletic....I really see myself like him a lot. HORNETS VP OF BASKETBALL OPERATIONS/GENERAL MANAGER BOB BASS (on how much emphasis is placed in individual workouts) We try not to draft a player we haven’t had in here for a workout. Occasionally, a player doesn't come in and workout and you have to go on your scouts. But we try to make sure every guy we draft comes in here. We put a lot on the workouts, but that’s not the only thing you go on. You can't throw away a whole college season and, in some cases, two or three years. (on any coaching/GM updates) I don't really have any updates. We're in the process right now, but it might be a little while. (on where the team is in the coaching search) I don't think I could put a time on it. That could happen anytime or it could go on another two to three weeks. I just don't know how to put a time on it. (on if they would like to have someone by the draft) That's the best-case scenario but it's not a "have to". (on if one search is ahead of the other) Coaching search is going on a lot faster than the GM search at this point. (on how involved he is in the GM and Coaching search) I'm updated every day on what's going on. I was involved when Byron Scott came in. I spent a lot of time with him. The GM is kind of slow right now. I don't think we’re moving very fast on that one. (on if any of the coaching candidates are above the others) Yes, I'd say so. (on the players that worked out today and if they'll be there at 18) I don't know about Snyder and Araujo. They could go before 18 but they're in range so anything might happen. We just have to try and bring in enough players. We've got 15 this week and that's before the Chicago camp. We hope to bring in about 30-35 before it's over. Some guys just won't come in. Their agents think that they're going to go way before 18, so they're not interested in coming in. Those are the guys I worry about because if they float to us, we have to make a decision without a workout, without an interview. (on how hectic things have been) It's not too bad. I really don’t like coaching changes. It's the NBA and I know and understand that, but the search is tough and it's difficult to get the right coach for the particular team we have. (on what they're looking for in the workouts) We'd like to have three centers and three point guards on our team and then those wingmen, those 2, 3 and 4's fill in the rest of it. We've been looking for a big off-guard guard for a long time in this franchise. (on if there is an advantage working out with a team long before the draft as opposed to closer to the draft) I think it's better right now because those players really get tired. This is the third team Kirk Snyder has gone to already and it's not even close to being over. Last year, we had a guy that had gone 10 straight days. You travel, workout, travel, workout....It's really tough. Some of them really wear down. --

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