Pelicans 板


这个FRATELLO是不是当年在骑士队带起那个狂慢节奏的教练阿, 也许明年可以看到黄蜂有不一样的球风,不过还是希望早点知道总教 练的人选说,这样也方便开始补强,记得好像那偏板大的外电有写到 老板已经有觉悟了,假如花多一点钱可以请到一个带黄蜂进入另外一 个等级的教练,就算多花点钱他也愿意,但是不光教练阿,要给他好 的材料才作的出好蔡咩。 对了,有选秀的消息吗 >< ※ 引述《BIASONICA (my desired happiness)》之铭言: : : Fratello, Hill could be next : Hornets to resume candidate interviews : Friday, May 21, 2004 : By Jimmy Smith and John Reid : Staff writers : The Hornets didn't conduct interviews with head coaching : candidates Thursday, but things could heat up this weekend : if certain scheduling hurdles can be overcome. : Team officials are waiting to visit with TNT TV analyst Mike : Fratello to talk about the coaching vacancy, as well as New : Jersey Nets assistant coach Brian Hill. : Fratello is in Minneapolis to broadcast the Western Conference : finals. : League sources said Thursday it's possible Hornets majority : owner George Shinn, who apparently was ill Wednesday, could : travel to meet with Fratello. : Hill could be available for an interview if the Nets don't make : the Eastern Conference finals against the Indiana Pacers. That : series begins in Indianapolis on Saturday. : Sources indicated that no contract offer has been made to former : Nets coach Byron Scott, who was interviewed Monday and toured : additional team facilities Tuesday. : Scott's agent, Brian McInery, continued his tour of New Orleans : on Thursday and again met with Shinn and other team officials, : according to assistant general manager Allan Bristow. : McInery indicated that he had never visited New Orleans before : and wanted to get a feel for the city. : The Hornets have been searching for a head coach since firing : Tim Floyd on May 7. : The team is expected to interview Fratello, Hill and former : Seattle and Milwaukee head coach George Karl, now an analyst for : ESPN. : All three fit the team's stated goal of hiring a former NBA head : coach who has experienced success. : League sources have said that the Hornets also could talk with : former Lakers player Michael Cooper, currently the head coach of : the WNBA's Los Angeles Sparks. : The WNBA season began Thursday. : . . . . . . . : Jimmy Smith can be reached at [email protected] or (504) 826-3814. : John Reid can be reached at [email protected] or (504) 826-3787. -- 有些人得分时看起来的确表现不赖,但当球尚未落下时,你会看到一群人冲去 卡位,用心打球,保护篮板或是做其他的事,这才是真正的篮球员。把 "铁血 " 洒入对手的灵魂,让原本强悍的对手变的软弱而失去对抗性。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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