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连结网址: Forward Lynch riding bench lately Sunday March 07, 2004 John Reid Hornets forward George Lynch's playing time has been reduced significantly since Jamal Mashburn returned from knee surgery in January. 前锋 George Lynch 的出赛时间在怪兽膝盖手术於一月归队之後有严重的缩减. Lynch started 43 of the Hornets' first 45 games and averaged 5.8 points. But, in nine of the Hornets' last 15 games, Lynch has played 10 minutes or less. He didn't play Monday night against the Washington Wizards or Wednesday night against the Chicago Bulls. Lynch在黄蜂前45场比赛之中先发了43场,平均有5.8分.但是在过去十五场比赛中的九场 ,他只有10分钟或是更少的上场时间.在星期一晚上对巫师与星期三晚上对公牛都并未出 赛. Lynch would like to play more, but he's not complaining. Coach Tim Floyd said he addressed the situation with his staff this past week. Lynch想要打更多,但是他并没有任何的抱怨.教头 Tim Floyd 说他在这个礼拜向全体球员 说明了这样的情形. "I'm sick about it," Floyd said. "Sometimes, it's difficult to play more than five perimeter players between the three spots. We have been playing six players between the three spots." "这真的让我头大," 教头说. "有时候,你很难在五位球员对三个位置的竞争上作出抉择, 而我们现在有六位球员竞争三个位置." Floyd has mainly gone with point guard Darrell Armstrong, shooting guard Stacey Augmon and forward David West as his top choices off the bench. Floyd also alternated between Augmon and Armstrong at the starting shooting guard spot when David Wesley was injured. Floyd以使用控球後卫Darrell Armstrong,得分後卫Stacey Augmon和前锋David West 作为他板凳上的首选.教头同时轮流使用Augmon 和 Armstrong作为先发得分後卫,在 这段David Wesley受伤的期间. "Stacey has played so well, and the matchups have dictated an awful lot," Floyd said. "We've needed Stacey's activity against ones (point guards) and twos (shooting guards). David has also been playing well. But those guys (Lynch and Steve Smith) need to be ready to play, because their time will come." "Stacey打的是如此之好,让他的对手们接受严厉的考验" 教头说 "我们需要他的活力 来对抗这些控球後卫跟得分後卫" David这些日子也打的很好. 但其他人也必须随时 做好上场的准备,他们的时间将会来临(好像魔戒的台词喔@@)" FINDING HIS RANGE: Mashburn walked off the court Wednesday night with his tongue out after he nailed a last-second 3-pointer to clinch the Hornets' 100-97 victory against the Bulls. 在星期三晚上怪兽的三分球最後一击击败了公牛之後,怪兽在走出球场时忍不住开始 鼓动他的舌头. "When it left my hand, I pretty much knew it was a good shot. I ran off the court and didn't speak to anybody or have to wait and see replays. It was good," Mashburn said. "I always think my shots are going to go in." "当球离开我的手的时候,我差不多就知道这是个好球了,我转身跑出界外而且不需要问 任何人或是等着看重播镜头,这球会进," 怪兽说 "我总是觉得我的投射会进."(意思是 不管进不进他都会这样想吗 =.= 那前面说了不是跟没说一样) Mashburn ended up with 27 points, his ninth consecutive game that he's scored 20 or more. 怪兽最後有27分,这是他连续第九场得分有20分以上.(今天马上破功@@) Since returning to the lineup, Mashburn is averaging 21.5 points and shooting 39.8 percent from the field. In the past 10 games, he's averaged 23.4 points and 6.7 rebounds. 重回先发线上之後,怪兽平均有21.5分,命中率39.8%(三分球?请赐教).在过去十场当中, 平均有23.4分和6.7篮板. STREAK ENDS: Point guard Baron Davis had played 41 consecutive games without fouling out. But his streak ended against the Bulls this past week when he got his sixth foul with 2:26 remaining. 控卫小胖连续41场没有犯满出场的纪录终结.在对公牛剩下2:26领到他的第六次犯规. The last time Davis fouled out was Nov. 25 against the Miami Heat. 上一次小胖犯满是11月25日面对热火. STILL PAINFUL: Wesley has returned to the starting lineup, but he's still experiencing pain in the sprained left big toe that forced him to miss 20 consecutive games. Wesley started this past week for the first time since Jan. 15. 老卫重回先发阵容,但是他左脚大拇趾那让他缺席了20场比赛的扭伤依然隐隐作痛. 这是从1月15日之後再度先发 "I've tried to get it to a consistent pain," he said. "I can play through it, but when I get kicked or it gets stepped on is when I feel sharp pains." "我试着去调和痛楚," Wesley说. "我可以带着伤上阵,但是当我踢到它或是踩到它时 还是会有一阵锥心刺骨的痛." Wesley didn't rule out the possibility that the toe could require surgery at the end of the season. 老卫没有排除他球季後必须去动手术的可能. PLAYOFF WATCH: The Hornets are tied with the Milwaukee Bucks for the fourth seed in the Eastern Conference playoff race. Both teams have 20 games remaining. They meet for the final time in the regular season on April 10 in Milwaukee. 蜂群们现在跟公鹿陷入了竞争东区第四的泥沼当中.两支队伍都还剩下20场比赛.两队 最後一次交手将在4月10日於密尔瓦基. The Hornets have won two of three games against the Bucks. 前三次交手当中黄蜂赢了其中两场. If the Hornets and Bucks finish the regular season as the fourth and fifth seeds, they will meet in the first round of the playoffs. 如果正规赛结束两队分列第四与第五,他们将在季後赛第一轮交手. QUICK SHOTS: The Hornets are 5-13 when they shoot below 40 percent. . . . Today against the Toronto Raptors, the Hornets will try to end a four-game losing streak on the road. Overall, they are 13-17 on the road. . . . Center Jamaal Magloire has scored in double figures in 12 of 14 games. He's also grabbed nine or more rebounds in 12 of 14 games. . . . The Hornets are 5-5 since the All-Star break after Friday's loss against the Cleveland Cavaliers. 当黄蜂命中率低於40%时,战绩为5-13.今天面对暴龙,黄蜂将试着中止客场四连败(失败了 @@).黄蜂目前客场13-17.中锋Jamaal Magloire过去14场中的12场得分有双位数演出. 过去14场中的12场他同样抓下了9个以上的篮板. 明星赛後黄蜂5-5(加今天输暴龙5-6). UPCOMING: The Hornets play the Miami Heat on Wednesday night at New Orleans Arena before traveling to play the Houston Rockets on Thursday night. 接下来黄蜂将再礼拜三晚上主场对到热火(热火最近烫),然後星期四要到休士顿去面对 火箭(这场有转拨唷!^^). On Saturday, they play the Golden State Warriors at New Orleans Arena. 星期六,回家面对金州勇士. ============================================================================= 都是Boxscore 翻点新闻来看看 ^^ 翻的不好请大家多多指正唷! 有没有人可以教我用控制码阿 ^^?? 用彩色好像会比较清楚些~ -- 请多多指教 <(_._)> --

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