PathofExile 板


QA 新增 12/8 新增 Q. 苦行印记召唤出来的幻影有多少生命? 他们能传染毒吗? A. A Phantasm's maximum life depends on the level of the Penance Marked monster. In a level 83 area, they will have about 20,000 life. It is possible for poisons to be proliferated from Phantasms to the marked target, as long as the Phantasm is close enough for the proliferation. 幻影的血量看你标记的那只怪的等级,地图等级83的区域幻影约2万血 他们能帮忙传染毒只要距离够近 Q. 迷宫分别会给几次工艺? A. This depends on the difficulty of the Labyrinth. Normal: 1 craft, 2 options Cruel: 1 craft, 3 options Merciless: 1 craft, 4 options Eternal: 2 crafts, 4 options Gift to the Goddess: 8 crafts, 4 options 普通 : 1次工艺,2个选项 残酷 : 1次工艺,3个选项 无情 : 1次工艺,4个选项 uber : 2次工艺,4个选项 女神 : 8次工艺,4个选项 12/7 新增 Q. 荒林昇华的苦行印记吃印记效果吗? A. Yes, Penance Mark scales with Mark Effect. Scaling Mark Effect increases the number of enemy Phantasms spawned. 吃,印记效果可以增加产生的敌人幻影数量 Q. 能详细说明那些变异召唤宝石吗? A. The empowered chaos DoT aura from Summon Chaos Golem of the Maelström deals approximately 2.5 times the damage of the regular version, has a duration equal to its cooldown, and 50% more area of effect. It applies Withered once per second to enemies in the storm. The impact from Flame Golem of the Meteor is an attack that also leaves an area of burning ground. Because Flame Golem's other skills are all spells a direct comparison isn't possible, but the damage is fairly high. The dash attack from Summon Reaper of Eviscerating is identical to the regular version, but has no cooldown. Raise Zombie of Slamming uses the same slam attack that default Raise Zombie used to use. 混沌魔像的DOT伤害为普通的2.5倍,持续时间等於冷却时间,范围增加50%,每秒对 DOT内的敌人上一次凋零 烈焰魔像的冲击地面会留下一片燃烧地板,由於魔像的其他技能都是法术, 无法直接比较,但伤害相当高。(蛤? of Eviscerating的夺魂镰(不会主动攻击只会跟在你旁边那版本) 冲刺攻击与一般版本相同,但没有冷却时间。 of Slamming的殭屍的猛击与一般的相同 Q. of Hordes的魔像(加上限的)的上限词是全域还是针对该魔像 A. It is specific to that instance of the skill. For example, if you have both a normal Stone Golem and an Ice Golem of Hordes socketed, you could have 3 Ice Golems summoned, or 2 Ice Golems and 1 Stone Golem, but not 3 Stone Golems. The same principle applies to different versions of the same type of Golem. 针对该魔像。如果你有一般巨石魔像跟变异冰魔像,你可以召唤3冰或2冰1石,但不能3石 同样的原理也适用於同一类型魔像的不同版本。 (多重图腾的上限计算方式) Q. 荒林昇华的苦行印记是如何运作? A. Whenever the marked enemy is hit, it spawns 3 phantasms, no more than once per second. The phantasms are regular enemies and will fight you while they live, but expire after a few seconds if not already killed. They grant flask charges and vaal souls when slain (but don't drop loot or leave corpses). 有印记的敌人被击中时,产生3个幻象,每秒最多一次,他们会攻击你 但如果没死的话几秒後会消失 他们被杀会有药剂充能跟瓦尔灵魂,但没有屍体跟掉落物 Q. 有木质外肤的说明吗?(荒林昇华给的) A. Barkskin is a persistent buff that reserves 25% of your mana. Its effects are: Gain 1 Bark each second if you haven't been Hit by an Enemy Attack Recently Lose 1 Bark when Hit by an Enemy Attack 15% increased Armour per Bark -15 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits per Bark 2% more chance to Evade Attacks per Bark below maximum Maximum 10 Bark 他是一个buff,要保留25%法力 如果您最近没有被敌人攻击击中,则每秒获得 1 层木质 受到敌人攻击时失去 1 点木质 每层木质护甲提高 15% 每层木质受到攻击命中 -15 点物理伤害 当木质低於最大值时,每层木质有 2% 闪避攻击击中率 最多 10 木质 Q. 荒林昇华岚之术士(血魔法那位)的召唤黑暗雕像是什麽? A. Creates a Dark Effigy tethered to you. Damage you take from enemy hits is taken from the Effigy's life before yours, and 200% of damage the Effigy takes from enemy hits is taken from your life before its own. The Effigy is destroyed if you get too far away from it. The effigy is not a minion. Its life scales based on your character level. 创造一个拴在你身上的黑暗雕像。 你被敌人击中时先扣雕像的血才扣你的血 雕像因敌人攻击而受到的伤害的200%则先从你的生命中扣除(WTF) 雕像不是召唤物。 它的生命会根据你的角色等级而改变。 Q. of Arcing's的闪电打击是如何运作 A. It causes projectiles to deal 10% more damage for each time the projectile has chained. This stat will be reworded to be less ambiguous. 连锁後的投射物都会使该投射物的伤害10%更多 (不太确定) Q. 只有冰魔像有Hordes变异吗?(加上限那个变异) A. No, all Summon Golem gems will have the "of Hordes" Transfigured variant to make up for the Anima Stone Unique Jewel no longer having the "+1 to maximum number of summoned Golems" stat, as mentioned in the patch notes. 没,所有魔像都有"of Hordes"变异 12/6 新增 Q. 分割野兽配上简纯护身符会发生什麽事? 会出现蓝色护身符但是有辞缀吗? A. 会 (他这题就只回答一个 Yes. 没有更细的说明..) Q. 瓦尔变异宝石如何运作? A. Transfigured gems can be corrupted to Vaal versions of the gem, but the Vaal Skill that gets added to the Transfigured gem will be the normal Vaal Skill and not a Transfigured version of the Vaal Skill. 变异技能可以瓦,但是他的瓦尔技能会是正常的版本的 不会是变异版本 Q. 魅影射击跟闪现射击的元素打击会是几等的? A. It is not directly comparable to the player version of Elemental Hit. It has the same base behaviour of picking an element and ignoring damage of other types, and can be manipulated by Combat Focus jewels, but it does not have an area of effect component or deal more damage to enemies per ailment on them. It also only has a 20% chance to freeze, shock and ignite. The description will be updated to refer to it by a different name to avoid being misleading. Similarly, the Bombarding Clones variations will be updated to not call out Rain of Arrows by name, as the clones only fire 11 arrows by default rather than any of the amounts available to players. The skill is otherwise mechanically identical. 他们用的不能视为玩家版的[元素打击],他们只是一样随机挑属性攻击且可以用专精作战 他没有元素异常增伤,也只有20%造成冰冻、感电与燃烧,我们之後会改名字以防搞混。 箭雨版本也会改名字,他们只会射11发箭矢跟玩家的可用数量无关 Q. 变异旋风斩的叠层上限会增加吗? A. No, it has 6 maximum stages at all levels. 没有,都是6层 Q. 红球版变异奉献之路(Consecrated Path of Endurance),你消耗掉的那颗红球 还会给变异奉献之路加乘吗? A. 不会 Q. 女神献礼,女神之赠,女神奉献 有改动吗? A. The Eternal Labyrinths of Fortune and Opportunity are unchanged. The Eternal Labyrinth of Potential does something a bit different to what it used to, but you'll have to find out exactly what for yourself! 奖励变丰富跟额外附魔没变,腰带的换了,但请自行在游戏中看变成了什麽! Q. 瘟疫变异1(Contagion of Subsiding)提到每次传染只会造成之前四分之三伤害 那传染2次後是 56.25% 还是 50%? A. 56.25% (which also prevents it from running out of damage entirely after 4 spreads). 56.25%,以预防传染4伺候直接没伤害 Q. 我用混沌石,花园工艺那些去洗简纯护身符,是否都是只有3词 A. 是 Q. 我拿改造石点简纯护身符是不是就是个没有词的蓝装? A. 是 ------------------------------------------------------------- Q. 专精作战还在吗? 他们完全没被提到 A. No, they're still available from vendor recipes. 还在,一样靠商店配方获得 Q. 掉落的殭屍复苏伤害如何计算,殭屍上限重要吗? A. It deals 2.5x the damage of a regular zombie melee attack. Your zombie limit doesn't matter unless that limit is zero, since that prevents you from summoning zombies. 坠楼(?)伤害是殭屍普攻的2.5倍,除非你上限是0殭屍根本召唤不出来 不然上限不重要 (如果用图腾或陷阱地雷...这画面我好有兴趣(?)) Q. 变异技能能套商城skin(microtransactions)吗? A. Yes, as long as the base gem has a compatible microtransaction, it should work with the Transfigured version of the skill. 可以,只要技能基底能对上变异版本都能套用 Q. 如果敌人在赎罪烙印还没爆炸前就死了会发生什麽事? A. Nothing will happen if the target dies before reaching 20 energy. The brand would detach and deal no damage. The energy is stored on the target and not the brand, so if the brand re-attaches it will have to start from scratch again. 什麽事情都不会发生,烙印直接掉在地板上 然後因为赎罪烙印的能量是集在敌人身上的 所以该烙印重新黏到怪时能量会重新算 (虽然副作用大不过帐面看起来好很多 基伤170 - 254 -> 2541 - 3811 附加570%,20层0.1秒集一次,范围 0.8 -> 2.8,元素使点燃应该很开心) Q. 我该如何退掉荒林昇华的点数 A. Unlike normal Ascendancy Classes, respeccing points in a Wildwood Ascendancy Class only costs one refund point per passive. Also, you do not have to fully refund your Wildwood Ascendancy to switch to a different one. To change your Wildwood Ascendancy, you'll just need to find the associated Azmeri Wanderer in the Viridian Wildwood. 跟昇华不一样,荒林昇华退点只要1後悔点 另外,想换荒林昇华不用退乾净,去找对应NPC直接换就好 Q. 爆炸陷阱怎多了一条[较小爆炸的基础半径随机减少 30% 到增加 30%] A. Explosive Trap has always worked this way. This is purely an update to the description. 他一直都在,只是叙述更新 Q. 变异技能不是按照字母排序公布喔? A. Not all the Transfigured Gems are quite ready yet. We'll post them when they're ready though! 不是,有些变异技能还没准备好,当他好了时我们就会公布 (觉得怕,要赶工变异还有收入来源的赞助包) patch note 更新 碎地重击 品质除了给 +0-1 裂缝外还会给 +0-3 最大尖刺 寒冰冲击 品质现在给 0-15% 物理额外冰伤 力量抽取 每个暴击球增加暴击率 20 -> 10 每颗暴击球暴击加成 10 -> 20 净化烈焰 品质效果改成 +0-0.2 半径,以及 +0-0.3 奉献地面半径 --

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1F:推 james3510: 宝石还在想== 12/05 09:56
※ 编辑: steven70101 ( 台湾), 12/05/2023 10:02:23
2F:推 bollseven: 靠北开季前三天还在赶XD 12/05 10:21
3F:推 MoneyBlue: 碎地重击is back 12/05 10:23
4F:→ steven70101: 这季更恐怖的是他们要赶在圣诞假期前全都到位XD 12/05 10:28
5F:推 scott414: 所以不是不公布 是还没做好 难道换季还会有宝石没变异 12/05 10:33
他们当初是说至少所有主动技能都会有一种变异,少数多种 有没有辅助技能版的忘了 (奥术烙印,焚木 : )
6F:推 kill466: 对照之前爆炸图腾,感觉多重图腾陷阱地雷好像可行? 12/05 10:42
7F:推 wtocactus: 居然在赶工…那开季应该会有bug 12/05 10:48
8F:推 st264201: 干拎老 宝石还没公布完真的很鸟== 12/05 10:52
9F:推 howisknight: 荒野昇华更换好便宜好爽,拓荒头脚不插宝石根本神 12/05 11:05
10F:推 robin2691: 这样碎地的尖刺上限有没有buff啊...... 12/05 11:09
11F:推 hdes937119: 平衡一定是一团乱,这季要各种神仙打架了 12/05 11:10
12F:推 simon0529: 这次拓荒应该可以舒服点 12/05 11:17
※ 编辑: steven70101 ( 台湾), 12/05/2023 11:22:48
13F:推 hh123yaya: 宝石还没做完就上 有够敢== 12/05 11:27
14F:推 sm3bp078: 太强了 剩没几天欸 12/05 11:42
15F:推 wedman: 还有四天那麽久 不急 12/05 11:44
16F:→ haveastar: 碎地其他配套战吼跟拳霸辅助都nerf过欸,真的有救吗? 12/05 11:47
17F:推 scott414: 感觉会有不少有文字说明 但是没效果的bug 12/05 11:57
18F:推 lightKevin: 碎地要绑定战吼头啊 12/05 12:37
19F:推 p200404: 战吼more少了100多% 你觉得有没有救 12/05 12:37
20F:→ p200404: 还没算拳霸少的 12/05 12:38
21F:推 gustavvv: 这游戏神仙又不跟神仙打== 12/05 12:42
22F:→ gustavvv: 碎地之前砍太多了啦 给死人急救他还是死人 12/05 12:44
23F:推 jackysuyu: ggg应该也不敢拖啦会做完,不然他们自己圣诞假期要开 12/05 12:45
24F:→ jackysuyu: 天窗了 12/05 12:45
25F:推 robin2691: 3.15那波辅助大砍碎地死到底,只是有改还是会好奇一下 12/05 13:30
26F:→ robin2691: 我目洨了,碎地品质给的就是最大尖刺...... 12/05 13:32
27F:推 MoWilliams: 碎地以前很强啊,只是被砍成智障 12/05 14:45
28F:推 Regition: 配将军还行吧 12/05 15:11
29F:→ Puye: 真的 那时候练了一只碎地勇士 又坦又痛 後来砍成智障 12/05 16:41
30F:→ edwin96017: 还是来季中更新? 留一些到第二第三周才更新 12/05 21:37
31F:推 breakingmilk: 碎地重击! 12/05 23:55
32F:→ su4vu6: 季中跟新有机会阿 像这次 季中新增刺青 12/06 00:15
33F:推 Sinful: 季中更新真的太神了,让你一季有两季的感受! 12/06 00:17
34F:→ hh123yaya: 被暴雪的季中更新搞到PTSD 忘了上季中还新增抽奖刺青 12/06 10:56
35F:推 hdes937119: 别说了,为了刺EB花了我50D 12/06 11:10
36F:推 MoneyBlue: 刺青大点我也喷20D然後还没点到== 12/06 13:51
37F:推 wedman: 可以改名了 12/06 15:24
※ 编辑: steven70101 ( 台湾), 12/07/2023 14:20:38
38F:推 kay00077: 幻影印记1秒CD 嗯嗯嗯 12/07 14:42
※ 编辑: steven70101 ( 台湾), 12/08/2023 13:56:57

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