PathofExile 板


瓦尔霸气之击 看起来可以充能3次,会把小兵变成打善时的雕像 猫(?) 新命运卡 8张 黑曜护身符 物品等级 85 品质 +20% 受势力影响 4个涂油 ? 会带有孵化器? 已污染 也太混乱...难怪图案是混沌石 早上翻译FAQ时这篇还是3.20的内容 现在变成3.21了 一样英文很烂,会靠估狗翻译再修饰 Does the new Elemental Mastery that has a 25% chance to invert enemy resistances work with traps? Yes. Q. 新专精 25%机率反转敌人抗性,陷阱吃吗? A. 吃 Will Nimis projectiles return even if they hit nothing? In most cases, yes. A projectile which flies out uninterrupted to the maximum projectile range will return instead of just stopping there. But returning, like piercing/chaining/etc, does not extend how long a projectile can exist. If a projectile lasts for an explicit duration like Spark, or fades out over a fixed time like Freezing Pulse, it stops existing after that and can't then return. Q. 尼米斯的投射物即使没有击中也会返回吗? A. 大多数时候是,飞到最大射程的投射物将返回而不是停在那里。 但是返回,会比照穿透/连锁/等,不会延长投射物可以存在的时间 如果该投射物有专属规则,例如电球有说死持续时间, 或冰霜脉冲那样固定时间内逐渐消失,这种的就不会返回... What is considered a chest for the new Caster Mastery that grants a chance to open a chest? Interactable objects in the game would which can be opened by clicking on them, damaging them, or either, which drop items. This includes crates, jars, etc. Chests locked by specific game mechanics can't be opened until unlocked. Q. 当你施法时有25%的机率打开附近的箱子 如何运作? A. 游戏中所有可以透过点击点开的,可以被破坏的,且会喷物品的都算 包含箱子罐子等 (图腾或烙印用烈焰冲刺打瓶子罐子箱子更有效率了XD) How does Necromantic Aegis/Animate Weapon/Animate Guardian work with Crucible Passive Trees? Most Crucible Passives should work with these, however, Crucible Passives that allocate notables will not work because minions don't have regular passive trees. Q. 灵能神盾(你的盾牌套到召唤物身上而不是套在你身上),幻化武器,幻化守卫 如何跟Crucible Passives连动? A. 大多数的Crucible Passives会正常连动,但是分配Crucible Passives则不会作用 因为召唤物没有常规的天赋树 (其实第二段我不太懂) Will you consider adding a Crucible specific equipment slot (like for Sanctum relics) so that players don't have to potentially sacrifice levelling gems in their weapon swap? To address this feedback, we're planning to make it so that the leftmost identified weapon in your inventory will also be selectable in Crucible encounters. Q. 你会考虑添加一个 Crucible 特定的装备槽(比如 Sanctum 圣物) 这样玩家就不必在他们的武器交换中牺牲升级宝石了吗? (应该是指这个,选择要进入坩锅的武器只会秀你身上跟背後的主副手部位) A. 为了解决这个反馈,我们计划让你物品栏中最左边的已识别武器也可以被选择 Do uniques that are commonly used for a purpose that doesn't match their base type (eg a caster themed unique such as The Whispering Ice, which has a Warstaff base) have special weightings for Crucible passive trees? We have tagged uniques as being caster themed or minion themed. So things like Cospri's Malice or Whispering Ice can roll caster skills or things like Chober Chaber or United in Dream can roll minion skills Q. 那些跟基底类型不太符合的传奇物品(例如归类为征战长杖的冰点低语) 是否在Crucible passive会有特殊权重 A. 我们会把传奇物品归类为施法为主或者召唤物为主 所以冰剑或是冰点低语之类的可以随机到施法相关 忠诚之锤跟合流梦寐可以随机照召唤物相关 Do Triggerbots relocate the ability or do the Triggerbots count as the ones dealing damage? For example, if I use Triggerbots to Trigger a Cast on Crit setup with a spell, will my spell leech apply to me? Triggerbots don't count as dealing damage. The origin point of the Trigger changes to the Triggerbots. So in this case, Spell Leech still applies to the player. Q. 触发机器人是只是重新定位还是会被算做造成伤害的人? 例如,我的COC给触发机器人触发,那偷取会给谁? A. 触发机器人不算造成伤害,他只是把法术出发点改成他自己位置 所以这种情形下,偷取仍适用玩家 (表示反伤也是玩家吃,应该就是奥术烙印规则) When using the new Triggerbots from the Saboteur ascendancy, what specific aspects of triggered skills are moved to the triggerbot's locations? This is doing the same thing as Arcanist Brand, which is overriding the location the triggered spell thinks it was cast from. Anything that happens at the location the skill was cast from, will happen at the location of the bots instead. It does not change where the skill is targeted at, only where it originates from. It does not change anything which adds an ongoing effect to the caster, such Blade Vortex or the Aegis skills, because that's not using the location they were cast from, that's using the object which has the triggered skill. Q. 当我使用触发机器人时,那些触发技能会被移到触发机器人上面? A. 比照奥术烙印,他施放的位置就是烙印位置 施放技能的位置发生的任何事情都会在机器人位置上发生 他不会改变技能的目标,只会改变发射点 他不会改变任何是对施法者增加持续效果的东西,例如BV跟圣盾类 因为那不是使用他们被施放的位置,而是使用具有触发技能的对象 --

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1F:推 je789520: 刷裂痕应该有料 04/04 00:00
2F:→ je789520: 机器人两倍回击 04/04 00:02
3F:推 lightKevin: 两倍击回太强了吧 这样一定要玩一只破坏者coc了 04/04 01:14
4F:推 thbygn98: 有料 04/04 01:27
5F:推 wthwth: 耗魔也是两倍吗 04/04 03:43
6F:推 guitarspirit: 如果耗魔两倍的话 大概会少很多原本想玩的人 04/04 04:55
7F:→ guitarspirit: 当初不想让玩家白瞟触发才把触发技能改成要耗魔 04/04 04:58
8F:→ guitarspirit: 感觉真有可能两倍魔力 04/04 04:58
9F:推 stu99417: 灵能神盾那段说的是小点会影响召唤物但大点不会的样子 04/04 07:03
※ 编辑: steven70101 ( 台湾), 04/04/2023 08:25:45
10F:推 davidliudmc: 两倍耗魔 两倍击回/偷取 感觉蛮合理的 04/04 08:25
11F:推 hh123yaya: 召唤物那段应该是指有用 但因为很多武器天赋是跟玩家天 04/04 09:20
12F:→ hh123yaya: 赋树有关 对召唤物就没效果了 04/04 09:20
13F:→ hh123yaya: 像那影片的弓有一颗+1投射物的天赋 而不是给+1投射物 04/04 09:21
14F:→ hh123yaya: allocate notables就是获得XX天赋 涂油也是这样 04/04 09:22
15F:推 vaporfang: 笑死 切姿态1秒肾上腺素死去 04/04 09:47
16F:→ vaporfang: 改成切换姿态时移除伤害型异常状态,切换姿态增加六秒 04/04 09:48
17F:推 kay00077: 到底哪个天才去问的 我的天 04/04 09:53
18F:推 guitarspirit: 好了 不用考虑要不要卡键了\ 04/04 09:58
19F:→ guitarspirit: 04/04 09:58
20F:推 shes60101: 这真的不是GGG自问自答吗= = 04/04 10:24
21F:推 thbygn98: 复健科利空,各位的腕隧道被拯救了 04/04 10:33
22F:推 Sinful: 我的手指关节炎得救了,感恩GGG! 04/04 16:16

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