PathofExile 板

LINE 一样,烂英文所以会靠GOOGLE翻译 Are there special items to buy from the vendors in Ruthless with Gold? In addition to regular items, an NPC in each town now offers items you can gamble for, using gold (similar to Gwennen). 黄金残暴模式中是否有新的商店货 有,城镇的NPC新增了关南的赌博,但是是用金币 (基德,卡达拉 : 安安) Is the Ruthless event voided? Yes. 残暴活动会进入虚空 Can I play the Group SSF events solo? While it's possible to create a private league for yourself in these events, the Friendly Fire and Polarity Group SSF events will require at least three and two party members respectively in order to deal damage to monsters. The Krangled Passive Tree event doesn't have these restrictions, so it can be played solo. SSF活动我可以SOLO吗? 只有天赋树洗牌可以 In the group events, can accounts be added and removed from the Private Leagues freely (so more than the maximum number of allowed accounts can have participated in the Private League over its duration)? The number of accounts in a Private League is limited to the number of players the event allows. Accounts can't be removed. SSF活动中的私人联盟我可以移除旧帐号再换新的帐号加入吗? 不行,帐号会无法被删除 Will these Private League templates be added to the list of general Private League modifiers? We're keen to continue to augment the list of Private League modifiers, and some of these may make their way there in the future. 这些私人联盟活动未来会加入建立私人联盟的词坠选项中吗? 某些可能会 (飞机盃,BPL比赛表示开心(?)) How are masteries going to work in the Krangled Passive Skill Tree Event? Mastery locations are Krangled, but their options are not. 天赋树洗牌活动中的天赋专精会怎样? 精通位置会变,但是他们的选项不变 (这边需要帮确认 所以是指专精选项不会搬家? 生命圈上面的中点被洗牌成诅咒但是专精选项还是生命的? 或者是相反,专精会跟着入口的那个中点,那就更欢乐了(?)) For the Polarity event, if you're in a party of 2 players, can both players roll the same polarity? No, polarities are assigned when players enter a zone. The first player to join an instance will be assigned to one polarity and the next will be assigned the other. 极性活动的极性怎分配 进入某区域时依序发,第一个抽到N极的话下一个一定就是S极 Why is there only one set Krangled Passive Tree for all players instead of having a new randomised tree seed for each character? It's intentional that everyone gets the same tree so that everyone is trying to solve the same metagame. If it's popular, we'd like to run other variations in the future. 让每个人的天赋树都随机不好吗? (混乱邪恶) 先出一道题让大家先一起解,回响不错的话我们未来再改 (这题听起来天赋树洗牌似乎不是我本来以为的一个私人联盟就洗牌一次 而是真的只是换一个新的天赋树让大家玩) Why are these events so niche? We wanted to try some new things. Historically our events have been focused on having the most broad appeal while also being achievable alongside our development schedule. Getting to experiment with new options means trying a few things that aren't necessarily for everyone but will give us good information for designing events in the future. At the very least, we're hoping that these events will be fun to watch even if some players feel it's not conducive to their personal playstyle. 怎麽这次都是小众活动 (XDDD) 我们想尝试一些新事物。 从历史上看,我们的活动一直专注於具有最广泛的吸引力,同 时也与我们的开发计划一起实现。 开始尝试新选项意味着尝试一些不一定适合所有人但 会为我们将来设计活动提供良好信息的事情。 至少,我们希望这些赛事看起来很有趣, 即使有些玩家认为这不利於他们的个人游戏风格。 (毫不意外的回答XD) Why are there no Endless-style events this time? We have run the two existing endless events (Heist and Delve) a few times already and they'd need a bit of sprucing up to be exciting to do again. Endless Sanctum is potentially a cool idea for the future but not something we want to run alongside the actual Sanctum league. 无限系列活动呢? 无限矿坑跟无限劫盗都还需要打磨,无限圣域我们不想让他在圣域赛季出现 Can there be more participation prizes for the Group SSF Events? It feels like the Top 10 slots will get taken over by racing groups/streamers and will leave nothing for others. Because these are niche and experimental, we're wanting to see how they do based purely on the attraction of playing them. At the moment, we're not planning to add any additional prizes. SSF活动奖品太少了 只是小众实验,所以我们没打算增加奖品 Does this confirm that the next league will start on the 7th of April (PDT)? Yes. 所以这表示活动结束後就是新赛季了吧 是 Will the Ascendant ascendancy skills be shuffled in with the skills from the other ascendancy classes during the Krangled Passives Group SSF Event? No, the Scion class and Ascendant ascendancy skills will not be available during the Krangled Passives Group SSF Event. 天赋树洗牌昇华使徒的昇华天赋也会跟其他昇华天赋一起洗牌吗 不,该活动禁止使用贵族以及昇华使徒的昇华天赋 (欸所以昇华天赋会一起大洗牌? 暴徒里面有侠客猛攻+判官奉献地面这样?) Will Ascendancy nodes be reshuffled between classes only or all Ascendancies? They will be randomised across all Ascendancies, so for example a Necromancer could get Champion nodes. 昇华天赋的洗牌是否跨职业或跨角色 跨角色,所以死灵师你可能会常驻护体 (还真的) 3/3新增 Will Skills that specifically affect nearby allies such as Auras work in the Friendly Fire event? The actual mechanic of the Friendly Fire event is that players are on different teams, which makes them enemies. This means skills that specifically affect your nearby allies, such as auras, won't work. However, a Keystone such as Conduit would work since it checks for nearby party members rather than nearby allies. TK活动中光环那些会怎作用? TK活动的玩家不是友方,所以光环没用 但是能量连结这种指定是队友的可以 以上,如有翻译错误还请帮忙修正 --

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1F:推 lightKevin: 新天赋树感觉蛮好玩的 03/02 11:08
※ 编辑: steven70101 ( 台湾), 03/02/2023 13:40:21
2F:推 eaglecc2008: 觉得里面大概就打乱天赋树有趣,也可以一个人玩,反 03/02 23:15
3F:→ eaglecc2008: 正天赋树全貌长怎样等大家分享XD 03/02 23:15
4F:推 eaglecc2008: 阿不同人开的联盟可能还是长不一样? 03/02 23:29
※ 编辑: steven70101 ( 台湾), 03/03/2023 09:36:00
5F:→ Pourquoi31: 所有人长一样 03/03 09:42
6F:推 MoneyBlue: 感觉比较像是尝试新的天赋设计方向,然後再弄个迷雾这 03/03 17:16
7F:→ MoneyBlue: 样,应该也是为了poe2铺路 03/03 17:16
8F:→ stkissstone: 不过所有人共用 迷雾就没意义了吧 03/03 17:37
9F:→ stkissstone: 除非以後要搞真rogue like 03/03 17:38

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