PathofExile 板

LINE 刚好在推特看到 没有给出详细数字 所以纯属看热闹的嗑瓜子时间 简单翻一下 不逐字 也没润稿 有错误麻烦提醒一下 感谢 大部分的括号内是我自己的看法 In our upcoming 3.20 expansion, we're making a number of balance changes that we'll present over several balance manifestos that each cover an individual topic. In today's manifesto, we're discussing changes to Jewels, most notably increasing their potential for ailment mitigation. 在接下来的3.20版中,我们会陆续放出多篇不同主题的改动声明,今天的主题是珠宝,主要 着眼於增加元素异常轻减词坠的数值. Problem: Jewels have modifiers that provide various forms of ailment avoidance or protection. However, because their current values are moderately low, you often need to stack several Jewels in order to have adequate levels of protection. We feel that this is an excessive amount of investment for how necessary ailment mitigation is to a character's build. This issue has been exacerbated by some of these mods being gated behind corruption, making them more expensive and difficult to acquire. 问题 简单来说是原本数值太低 你不大量塞很多颗根本没感觉 这对想免疫元素异常的玩家来 说需要投资的成本太多 主因为很多这类词都要靠瓦的才瓦的出好看的数字 所以弄起来 很贵又很麻烦 Solution: We're expanding the pool of mods available on magic and rare Jewels and are making their modifier values more generous so that players have better access to sources of ailment mitigation, with less investment. 解决 我们增加了珠宝可以骰出的词坠,并给予更好的数值让玩家可以用更少的投资拿到更多处 理元素异常的手段 Regular Jewels (i.e. Jewels that are not Abyss or Cluster Jewels) now have mods that provide Reduced Duration or Reduced Effect for a wider variety of ailments than before. Abyss Jewels now have mods that provide avoidance of various ailments. 普通珠宝(非深渊,星团)现在有更大范围的减少持续/减少效果的词坠,深渊珠宝现在有词 坠提供各样异常免疫 (我记得原本就有这类词? 还是他的意思是可以一条词抗两种元素异常?) Summary: This means that Jewels should be a more reliable and less expensive source of ailment mitigation through their higher mod values and better variety of mods. 结论 这代表这些珠宝提供更可靠的元素异常减免来源,因为他们有更高的数值和更棒的词坠 Problem: Many unique Jewels are not exciting to find. There are a few reasons for this. In most cases they are simply underpowered, or apply to a too-narrow window of usage, or both. There are also many corruption-only Jewels that don't fulfill a good purpose. 问题 大多传奇珠宝都不是让人太惊喜的掉落,主要是因为他们不够强,用途太少或两者都是, 而且还有一堆只有污染能搞出来的珠宝没啥用 Previously, we were hesitant to revisit unique Jewels and improve them beyond their initial designs because many of their themes are somewhat rigid in nature, meaning there is little room to improve them without completely remaking them. 我们原本颇犹豫要不要回来看传奇珠宝这个问题并改善他们的设计,因为大部分的主题都 很单纯死板,意思是如果不整个重做的话没有太多改变空间 An example of this is the Fireborn Crimson Jewel. It has no values that we could increase to make it more useful; it simply changes the damage type within a radius which has very limited opportunities for use. Any improvements we could make to this Jewel would have to fundamentally change its identity and would therefore essentially remove the Jewel in its current form from Path of Exile. 打个比方 ↓ 像这颗珠宝 这东西上面甚至没有数值可以直接改善,这东西单纯把范围内的伤害类型改变,所以用途 非常的少,要做出改变基本上就要从根本上的重做了,这根把他砍掉出新东西差不多意思 Solution: We're making it so that every unique jewel that drops is very rare and highly desirable. This means that many existing unique Jewels have been removed from the drop pool. The intention is that now when you find a unique Jewel, it should almost always be a very positive experience. 解决 所以我们打算把传奇珠宝弄成更稀有且更有价值的掉落,这代表许多现存的传奇珠宝将会 被移除.这麽做的用意是让你以後打到传奇珠宝的时候大多是比较正面的体验. (我不觉得这说得通就是了) To help make jewel drops special, we've designed a new set of unique Jewels that are powerful chase items. These can drop from the core pool. You can learn more about these Jewels in our upcoming announcement livestream for the 3.20 expansion. 为了让这些珠宝很特别,我们打算出一些新的强力传奇珠宝放入核心掉落池中,更多内 容会在3.20预告实况中公布 With that said, there were some unique Jewels that were still useful for a subset of players because they had build-enabling modifiers or other very niche uses (like the Brute Force Solution or other attribute-transformation Jewels). Instead of getting rid of these, we've made them corruption-only unique Jewels. We feel this has benefits for both players who want them and players who don't, as generally players who don't want them won't come across them as core drops and players who do want them can still actively pursue them. 阿对於有些现在还是有些特定build核心要用的珠宝(像是那些能力转换珠宝),我们将把 他们变成污染专属的传奇珠宝,我们觉得这对於想用跟不想用的玩家都好. (我觉得如果跟现在瓦出那堆扣球东东差不多机率的话才是) Some build-enabling unique Jewels can now be found from more deterministic sources throughout Path of Exile. One example is Combat Focus which can now be obtained through a vendor recipe. 至於剩下build核心用的珠宝会以更明确的方法给予,像是专精作战会改由商店配方获得 Some other build-enabling Jewels that affect Golems can no longer drop but can be found from another more deterministic source. While we want you to discover this new source on your own during gameplay, we will say for clarity that these Jewels do not come from vendor recipes. 至於其他build核心用的珠宝,影响魔像的那些不再会掉落但会提供其他更明确的来源, 我们希望你们自己去找出来,现在能说的是确定不是从商店配方获得 (我原本想猜支线 结果下面就啪啪给我两巴掌= =) Summary: Our goal is that finding a unique Jewel is an exciting experience. The unique Jewels that drop naturally should be those that are very valuable with broad appeal to the average player, either to use in your own build or trade to someone else. We've worked towards this goal by removing uninteresting unique Jewels, adding more chase unique Jewels, and moving Jewels that do appeal to a smaller subset of players to other places so that they can be pursued by choice. 总结 我们的目标是让打到传奇珠宝是种更爽的体验,所以那些直接喷出来的传奇珠宝都会是 很有价值且对大多玩家来说都很泛用的东东,无论是自用还是卖掉都好,我们的目标是砍 掉那些无聊的传奇珠宝,加入更多好东西,并将用途较单一的传奇珠宝改由其他手段入手 Problem: Many of the unique Jewels that are currently granted through quest rewards are not very desirable. Additionally, because they're offered to all players who make their way through the campaign, they're extremely common, which inhibits them from having value or being meaningful items to find. We have also come to feel that it's thematically incorrect to offer unique items as quest rewards, as it undermines their feeling of uniqueness and prestige. 问题 有很多没啥人要的传奇珠宝目前是由任务奖赏给予,而且因为只要打完剧情的人就能拿 到所以他们总量非常多,这也抑制了他们的价值,我们觉得任务奖品给传奇道具不是个好 决定,这破坏了他们的独特性. Solution: Unique Jewels will no longer be offered as quest rewards. Most of the Jewels that were previously offered have been removed entirely, though some important ones have had their effects preserved in the form of new unique items or by being added to the pool of rollable Jewel modifiers. 解决 任务奖品不再给予传奇珠宝,一部分被永久移除了,另一些比较重要 有自己特殊用途的 任务传奇珠宝词坠被加入可骰出的珠宝词坠中 These quest rewards now offer a random Rare Jewel. Because the rewards are not static like the unique Jewels were, they may have a better chance of being useful to the receiver or something that may be valuable to trade to others. At the very least, they should be less predictable. 这些奖品之後会给黄珠宝,黄珠宝不像传奇珠宝这麽单一用途,所以会有比较高一点的机 率对玩家有用,至少不像以前这麽死板. Summary: Players should no longer be burdened with predictable unique Jewel quest rewards but will not entirely miss out on some of the valuable aspects they did have. 结论 玩家不用被那些任务绑死,并且不会错过那些旧传奇珠宝有用的部分 Conclusion: Jewels should be more exciting than before and provide a better source of ailment mitigation than they were in 3.19. Jewels with effects that are useful only to a subset of players should still be attainable while moving them out of the way of players who aren't interested in them. You can find out more information in the patch notes for the 3.20 expansion and in our announcement livestream. 总结 珠宝会比以前更好一点,而且会成为更棒的元素异常对抗手段来源,珠宝的效果会更泛用 ,而那些特定build的玩家还是可以拿到他们需要的东西,更多内容敬请期待3.20实况 As we mentioned, we have several other balance manifestos coming out. These will cover topics such as Curses, Archnemesis and Eldritch Altars, among other things. 然後就像一开始说的,还有更多其他面向的平衡会慢慢放出,像是诅咒,宿敌词,红蓝王祭坛 跟一堆奇怪的东西 (我猜宿敌词强度大概再削一圈,连词坠奖励掉落一起吧,绕一大圈还不是走回老路,这几季 做死干啥呢) 大概就这样 内容都讲个大概而已 看看就好 期待跟不爽都不用太早下 --

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1F:推 WenKaiSu: 下版改动方向竟然是珠宝 11/15 05:07
2F:嘘 iamnotfatest: 老ggg了 没有明显大对手威胁生存的话 还是不期不待 11/15 05:42
3F:→ iamnotfatest: 不受伤害 11/15 05:42
4F:嘘 Arebize: 白痴GGG不把珠宝花园上缀还回来让玩家舍弃一个後缀搞免 11/15 05:45
5F:→ Arebize: 役异常 11/15 05:45
6F:推 michaelfat19: 说认真的 我好几季不靠珠宝拿元免了这改动无感欸 11/15 06:15
7F:推 sobiNOva: 看到减少掉落就知道要干XX GGG了吧 11/15 06:18
8F:推 rusa: GGG应该会让你得从珠宝或天赋称超过100%的 等者看 11/15 06:31
9F:→ stkissstone: 反正现在野生珠宝没几个好的 有价的本身就超少 11/15 06:38
10F:→ sx7890sx: 能力转换变污染不会比较好啊 这样瓦不出上坠了啊== 11/15 07:29
11F:推 egain: 生存秘技征服迅捷至少中期还能卖个几十C给想瓦的人 任务给 11/15 07:31
12F:→ egain: 黄珠宝能干嘛 点金碎片? 11/15 07:31
13F:嘘 fantasybard: 那个污染变成转换是认真的吗,想污染的人不会想看 11/15 07:35
14F:→ fantasybard: 到这鬼东西吧,GGG又发病了是吧= = 11/15 07:36
15F:推 rusa: 一贯作风花式改烂 11/15 07:42
16F:推 p200404: 就是给你垃圾阿 那几个传奇珠宝还有点用处 黄珠宝就是垃 11/15 07:44
17F:→ p200404: 圾 11/15 07:44
18F:→ p200404: 监定我还嫌浪费我一张只是卷轴 11/15 07:44
19F:嘘 scott50110: 结论 11/15 07:59
20F:→ scott50110: 11/15 07:59
21F:→ scott50110: 玩家不用被那些任务绑死,并且不会错过那些旧传奇珠宝 11/15 07:59
22F:→ scott50110: 有用的部分 不是欸 讲的好像可以跳过剧情一样 送传说 11/15 07:59
23F:→ scott50110: 珠宝的任务不是主线任务吗 打善那个任务 11/15 07:59
24F:推 kenntrf: 不期不待 没有伤害 11/15 07:59
25F:推 amsmsk: 有人靠塞珠宝拿元免吗 窝很好骑 11/15 08:11
26F:→ amsmsk: 任务不给传奇 那为啥不移除任务 11/15 08:12
27F:推 zianz113: 熟悉的ggg风格最对味 11/15 08:18
28F:推 sm3bp078: 移除 lol 11/15 08:25
29F:推 ja2200: 该改的是很多废技能吧 11/15 08:43
30F:推 Jwfsm: 垃圾太多所以我们把垃圾移除的既视感 11/15 08:53
31F:推 steven70101: 现在传奇珠宝好像都支线,黄金手,乌图拉,瓦斯提里 11/15 09:26
32F:→ steven70101: 之翼,原本主线拿门槛珠宝的被拔了 11/15 09:26
33F:→ steven70101: 不过能力转换改成污染限定....还好我这季千属玩过了. 11/15 09:27
34F:→ steven70101: . 11/15 09:27
35F:推 cjwgary: 每次看GGG发言都觉得好像他们玩的是不同的游戏 与现实玩 11/15 09:29
36F:→ cjwgary: 家体验脱节 11/15 09:29
37F:推 steven70101: 如果污染限定只留残虐跟扣球剩下都砍的话可以期待( 11/15 09:31
38F:→ steven70101: ?)。反正剩下没印象有build会绑定的 11/15 09:31
39F:推 MoneyBlue: 光环贵桑桑bd就是靠星团的珠宝洞称免疫 11/15 09:50
40F:→ MoneyBlue: 不过我现在觉得玩sc没差,刷图不用称太多免疫,猎首上 11/15 09:51
41F:→ MoneyBlue: 去通通ok 11/15 09:51
42F:→ MoneyBlue: 刷uber建议直接针对boss伤害去特化防御,或是直接用通 11/15 09:52
43F:→ MoneyBlue: 货堆出超级玻璃大炮 11/15 09:52
44F:→ MoneyBlue: 想要一个脚色全吃才会出问题 11/15 09:52
45F:推 palewalker: 我们卖的50块抽抽乐内容有很多都是渣渣,我们的改进是 11/15 10:00
46F:→ palewalker: 把渣渣拿掉,价格改高。嗯嗯嗯 11/15 10:00
47F:推 TabrisXVII: 绕一大圈 我看就是想砍掉那个生存系列珠宝 11/15 10:09
48F:推 cty78221: 珠宝词缀pool又要增加了= = 11/15 10:11
49F:推 bee0316: 假装要buff 先预防性砍烂 11/15 10:19
50F:推 albino1347: 好耶 传奇珠宝变强了 只是再也打不到了 11/15 10:19
51F:推 waterfully: 任务给的装备向来都是垃圾 除了跑水 哪次不是直接卖商 11/15 10:46
52F:→ waterfully: 店 11/15 10:46
53F:推 babyalley: 熟悉的ggg改法 呵呵 11/15 10:51
54F:→ sobiNOva: 改怎样都没差吧 反正根本不会掉XDD 11/15 10:53
55F:推 poboq0002: 不愧是垃圾公司 延期後的改版方向还是这麽低能 11/15 11:02
56F:推 saulong: 太多烂传奇珠宝掉出来让玩家沮丧 所以我们降低掉落率了 11/15 11:12
57F:→ saulong: GGG真的不会让人失望耶 11/15 11:12
58F:推 islyun: 反正还是会玩 11/15 11:16
59F:→ shane24156: 又增加更多废词吗 11/15 11:17
60F:推 waterfully: 不过如果专精作战配方就能换的话 对自立还蛮友善的 11/15 11:22
61F:推 fucc: 改的更稀有=打不到=改版无感 11/15 11:26
62F:推 CityRanger: 可怜 除了3.17全知星尘 能不能来点好玩好掉的 11/15 11:44
63F:→ Barbarian123: 全知跟星辰真的是ggg最後难得的佛心 11/15 11:45
64F:推 steven70101: 魔像珠宝没配方不掉落,不知道是变成专属掉落还是又 11/15 12:07
65F:→ steven70101: 塞去迷宫(头痛)。还是塞去密教,希望是魔像boss系 11/15 12:07
66F:→ steven70101: 列专属掉落啦 11/15 12:07
67F:→ c121125: 魔像打死BOSS有机率掉落之类的? 11/15 12:21
68F:→ c121125: 这改动说真的还可以,但有更重要的要改,等接下来的消息 11/15 12:24
69F:→ c121125: 这跟病人需要做开腔手术,他把冻甲治好了一样 11/15 12:24
70F:推 kirkno123: 按照ggg改动套路(有buff必有更多nerf)隐藏起来的改动 11/15 12:35
71F:→ kirkno123: 应该很感人…例如乱删 打不到 拿不到,nerf联盟後也意 11/15 12:35
72F:→ kirkno123: 识到牙膏或pn还是说好话就好吧 11/15 12:35
73F:嘘 quick511413: 主线给了一颗黄珠宝除了占格子以外能干嘛 11/15 12:46
74F:推 qd6590: 陆续放出 没关系我就等你全放出看是不是又暗改 11/15 13:00
75F:推 hecaton: 50%算给的很大方 11/15 13:02
76F:→ hecaton: 现版本主要是免晕难拿,不然元素其实众神/暴风盾/鞋工艺 11/15 13:03
77F:推 Kingofknife: 他们这次的体验报告是没错的啊 传奇珠宝99%都垃圾 11/15 13:04
78F:→ hecaton: 就可以很好过度拓荒甚至大後期 11/15 13:04
79F:→ Kingofknife: 就算砍掉99%不见了 也没差阿 补的是垃圾也不变 11/15 13:06
80F:推 Kingofknife: 传奇垃圾要删除换一批垃圾没感 白痴宿敌先弄好就好 11/15 13:08
81F:→ Kingofknife: btw明明不只珠宝其他类传奇也都是垃圾 不比照办理吗 11/15 13:11
82F:推 hanmas: 废到笑www 花一堆时间去砍这些东西 没屁用还降低自己游戏 11/15 13:27
83F:→ hanmas: 深度 真的是搬石头砸自己脚 11/15 13:27
84F:→ hanmas: 加後缀就是污染词库让你难骰爆伤 11/15 13:29
85F:推 qd6590: 这次pn 没改宿敌+掉宝就要考虑下季不玩了 11/15 13:59
86F:推 p200404: 笑死人 光看数值是很大方啦 实际上是多了更多垃圾词去污 11/15 14:17
87F:→ p200404: 染珠宝池 11/15 14:17
88F:→ p200404: 每种异常是单独一条 有屁用 11/15 14:17
89F:推 p200404: 而且怎麽可能有这麽多天赋跟洞去给这些东西 11/15 14:23
90F:→ su4vu6: 好ㄟ 珠宝词被弄脏了 11/15 14:24
91F:推 doom3: 先猜魔象珠宝特殊掉落 打魔象类的BOSS 11/15 14:43
92F:推 ilove640: 我们发现垃圾腰带太多,为了让玩家打到腰带有更爽的体 11/15 14:52
93F:→ ilove640: 验,决定删掉除了魔血以外的所有传奇腰带,并且大幅下 11/15 14:52
94F:→ ilove640: 降魔血的掉落率,让玩家看到传奇腰带就高潮,天才吧= = 11/15 14:52
95F:推 amsmsk: 第一个牙膏就臭到不行 看来玩家还是太多了 11/15 15:02
96F:推 ja2200: 懒人包:珠宝更多废词,暴伤珠宝更难做了 11/15 15:02
97F:推 fff417: 如此粗暴的删法duck不必 猎首和魔血同基底的全删掉就好 11/15 15:03
98F:推 hh123yaya: 玩过火钜跟13月 我现在只想知道有没有QOL的更新 11/15 15:16
99F:推 amsmsk: 防单一元素异常到底谁会用= = 还来污染珠宝 吐了 11/15 15:21
100F:→ lovehina9304: 防单一我会用阿,不过那是花园珠宝上缀还在的时候了 11/15 15:30
101F:推 howard91707: 还没到我最期待的昇华 希望有比上季死灵师更有料的东 11/15 15:33
102F:→ howard91707: 西 11/15 15:33
103F:→ dxassin: 50% 权重 25 赞啦 11/15 15:40
104F:推 p200404: 火炬也开始言论审查了 直接把支那那套信用评分直接套用在 11/15 15:42
105F:→ p200404: 游戏身上 11/15 15:42
106F:→ p200404: 你就算安静不跟人吵架 你信用评分不够直接被系统变成透 11/15 15:43
107F:→ p200404: 明人 11/15 15:43
108F:→ goliath: 宿敌词天怒人怨 11/15 15:44
109F:推 hanmas: 游戏内的公频本来就很难讨论什麽吧 是说火炬可以在这个版 11/15 16:11
110F:→ hanmas: 讨论吗? ptt好像没专版 11/15 16:11
111F:→ tatamikuo: 你都给宿敌怪一堆爆抗增伤了,玩家天赋昇华有免疫的也 11/15 16:18
112F:→ tatamikuo: 砍过一轮,不如元素净化改25%保留,珠宝上缀改成能瓦 11/15 16:18
113F:→ tatamikuo: 出求知效果或魔血一条药剂才吸引人吧 11/15 16:18
114F:推 je789520: 我知道了 砍掉神感对吧 11/15 16:57
115F:推 ExCaleBuR: 写作平衡,念作nerf 11/15 17:26
116F:→ Barbarian123: 若ggg觉得珠宝buff 那一定有其他被砍了 11/15 17:50
117F:推 knight831022: 把花园固定词还来有这麽难吗= = 11/15 18:04
118F:→ edwin96017: 一颗珠宝4个词算2减轻词 也还是要两三颗才能免疫吧? 11/15 18:24
119F:推 hanmas: 真要讲只有凑抗晕有用吧 拿珠宝三条词凑单抗免疫不是脑袋 11/15 18:39
120F:→ hanmas: 坏掉 最重要的冰冻用众神就解决了 11/15 18:39
121F:→ hanmas: 单异常*免疫 说不定冰冻跟冰缓还要分两条 11/15 18:40
122F:→ stkissstone: 数字放出来再说吧 忙着期待跟忙着崩溃都挺巨婴的 11/15 18:49
123F:→ c121125: 发现情缘你最近挺爱说巨婴的,这形容词还蛮好用的XD 11/15 18:54
124F:→ edwin96017: 有推特文 一般珠宝35% 深渊50% 11/15 19:06
125F:→ stkissstone: 那可以一次全抗或抗好几个吗 因为单抗现在有了阿 11/15 19:07
126F:→ stkissstone: 我觉得要骂也要看实际数字再骂也比较大声 比较爽 11/15 19:08
127F:推 hanmas: 推特下面说单抗 11/15 19:11
128F:→ hanmas: 从推特说出来的数字就够垃圾了 11/15 19:12
129F:推 yotama12005: 懒人包:珠宝掉落我再继续砍罗~不用谢 11/15 19:47
130F:→ tatamikuo: 不是固定%根本超大坑,不要还说再拆成t1t2两个等级耶 11/15 20:03
131F:→ tatamikuo: ,你这季已经把神圣搞成这样了,花园密教都没得骰了 11/15 20:03
132F:→ stkissstone: 神圣真的很搞 卡少又没碎片 没弄配套就改这个 11/15 20:11
133F:→ stkissstone: 最好改回去 不然至少出个神圣碎片 11/15 20:13
134F:推 westwade: 我不会在被骗了 一定有更大的nerf没说 11/15 20:22
135F:推 egain: 没关系你就继续 我火炬接轨D4 11/15 20:34
136F:推 RushMonkey: 好像每次都是我们要大Buff罗 但其实都是Nerf 11/15 21:07
137F:→ a856445: 他们写change才该害怕,记得有一季讲得像是多大的改动 11/15 21:37
138F:→ a856445: 结果全部动数字还是nerf 11/15 21:37
139F:推 kolykoly: 根本就没有BUFF阿,你是拿原本珠宝的词坠去换免疫词坠 11/15 21:40
140F:→ kaosie1219: GGG现在总是会偷nerf 新赛季开之前都是假的 11/15 21:41
141F:→ kolykoly: 是玩家拿原本能拿的其他数值去交换免疫,又不是送的 11/15 21:41
142F:→ kolykoly: 这个免疫词坠就是把抽卡池加更多东西,让你原本想凑的 11/15 21:44
143F:→ kolykoly: 让你原本想抽得更加抽不到而已 11/15 21:44
144F:推 wfleowang: 跟天赋专精点一样 buff但是你要多升等拿天赋点去点哀嘿 11/15 21:50
145F:推 Silwez: 可以学C洽有PoE点就能讨论火炬 11/15 21:51
146F:推 Silwez: 这珠宝改动就像以前把好拿的东西拔掉,丢到词缀池要你洗 11/15 21:53
147F:→ chu630: 算了吧 已经看破ggg平衡法 11/15 22:17
148F:推 gustavvv: BEX:Everything is going to be okay 蛤?????? 11/15 23:13
149F:推 ppon: GGG还是没搞清楚 玩家想要的是什麽 看来3.20有机会再烂尾 11/15 23:33
150F:推 quick511413: 下版说不定再来个半强迫你要牺牲OO换这些免疫 11/16 00:22
151F:→ davi0621: GGG玩得当然是不同游戏 有六词简纯耶!千小测试 EZ啦 11/16 00:29
152F:推 p200404: 我都觉得他们每个人都有好几颗八个洞的一嗓 不然他们这 11/16 00:56
153F:→ p200404: 种改法 洞怎麽够用 11/16 00:56
154F:推 Orenjifurai: GGG调整平衡不是本来就看前0.1%的玩家在调吗?玩不到 11/16 00:58
155F:→ Orenjifurai: 内容是玩家不够努力的问题 11/16 00:58
156F:推 weboau: 继续耍低能的垃圾公司 11/16 01:08
157F:推 good90150: 下一版再不ok我就直接移除ggc永远quit了 11/16 01:30
158F:→ Orenjifurai: GGG式的Buff就是把加强的部份往後面放,然後把前中ne 11/16 01:33
159F:→ Orenjifurai: rf砍掉,前前後後完整体是加强没有错啦,但是後面内 11/16 01:33
160F:→ Orenjifurai: 容只有前0.1%的玩家才享受的到 11/16 01:33
161F:推 metroid0104: 珠宝词弄得更难洗,GGG式的平衡:更多痛苦,更少收获 11/16 07:15
162F:推 dchain: =========上面抱怨的都是真粉========= 11/16 08:49
163F:→ yabeeboo: 反正开季还不是乖乖拓荒 11/16 10:14
164F:→ zzahoward: 直接移除GGC 然後直接下载GGG国际服客户端XDDD 11/16 10:40
165F:推 demon444: 看完ggg改动,都不自觉往坏的地方想,这群人是不是来恶 11/16 12:27
166F:→ demon444: 心我 11/16 12:27
167F:嘘 jackysuyu: ggg上季连最顶端的那几个硬核主播都说受不了了,还敢继 11/16 12:33
168F:→ jackysuyu: 续这样搞胆子真的大 11/16 12:33
169F:推 thbygn98: 这游戏真的越改越烂欸笑死 11/16 13:53
170F:推 thbygn98: SSF越来越难玩了,洗个珠宝垃圾辞坠一堆 11/16 13:57
171F:推 thbygn98: 而且特定元素免疫有很强吗?怎麽不给全异常状态免疫 11/16 13:59
172F:→ Alicputster: c肥他们真的很擅长利用问题制作出更多问题.... 11/16 14:09
173F:推 Merkle: 打火炬爽刷爽做装 干嘛回来虐待至自己 11/16 14:14
174F:→ su4vu6: 特定免疫很强阿 全免疫更强阿 不然大家干嘛开全抗光环 11/16 14:18
175F:→ su4vu6: 干嘛主神选免冰 11/16 14:18
176F:推 thbygn98: 他是%数免疫欸,要牺牲几条辞职拿100%?一个主神就搞定 11/16 14:19
177F:→ thbygn98: 的事 11/16 14:19
178F:→ thbygn98: 你愿意牺牲几条辞坠拿冰异常状态免疫? 11/16 14:20
179F:→ thbygn98: 同样位置可以拿血量%爆伤%,你确定你想牺牲这些? 11/16 14:23
180F:→ thbygn98: 而且这种%数的中个诅咒或者踩地板一样没用zzz 11/16 14:36
181F:→ thbygn98: 要撑就是撑100%不然跟没撑一样,牺牲三条起跳 11/16 14:46
182F:推 thbygn98: 我希望他%数区间至少33起跳==33~35这样 11/16 15:39
183F:→ stkissstone: 深渊50 要这样不如用深渊 配自己昇华之类的 11/16 16:40
184F:推 bryanyang507: 开珠宝洞就是要拿伤害啊... 11/16 16:45
185F:→ bryanyang507: 免疫都马靠天赋/装备或开光环 11/16 16:45
186F:推 gkkcast: 33~35要牺牲三颗。50才有竞争力吧。 11/16 16:55
187F:推 leocolin123: 我就主神免冰冻 其他靠6门 11/16 16:59
188F:→ stkissstone: 插在腰上 解决众神漏掉的那个 结束这回合 剩下不管 11/16 17:00
189F:→ mjmj58747: 希望这次设计,不要对普罗大众是5c过渡垃圾,但看起来真 11/16 19:14
190F:→ mjmj58747: 的像..所以免晕/流血呢 11/16 19:14
191F:嘘 SivLoMario: 花式乱砍~ggg屎性不改哈哈哈哈 11/16 19:43
192F:推 ttosgion: 明明就是宿敌词在搞!好好的平衡!变成打箱怪 11/16 20:57
193F:→ elspe: 还想骗我啊光头 11/17 00:31
194F:→ stkissstone: 宿敌词有要改 下几篇会讲 文章出来了再翻过来吧 11/17 01:03
195F:推 doom3: 宿敌奖励改随机掉落不看词缀名 11/17 04:25
196F:→ doom3: 一个宿敌词只有一个效果 宿敌词显示改成直接写效果 11/17 04:26
197F:嘘 chy19890517: 神圣崇高两个先改回来再说== 11/17 04:28

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