PathofExile 板

参考网址 该网址的更新日期为 2013.2.3 23:42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 怪物名称 所在地图 章节 Fire Fury at Terraces Act 1 - Unique Dune Scavenger. (怪物种族描述) - Located in the Terraces, close to the Tidal Island, on top of a hill near a campfire. (所在地点描述) 额外火伤 Extra Fire damage (怪物特性与使用技能) Firestorm法术 Casts Firestorm (怪物特性与使用技能) Hailrake at Tidal Island Act 1 - Unique Skulking Wretch. Killing him is part of the Mercy Mission Quest. - Located in the south part of the Tidal Island. 额外冰伤 Extra Cold damage Ice Spear法术 Casts Ice Spear Oozeback Bloom at Mud Flats Act 1 - Unique Rhoa. - Located in the east part of the Mud Flats. 冲刺 Charge at Enemies 加准 Hits accurately 持续流血 Enemies lose health over time Kadavrus the Defiler at Fetid Pool Act 1 - Unique Necromancer. Must be killed as part of the quest A Dirty Job. - Located in the north part of the Fetid Pool. 召唤不死怪 Raises Undead The Deep Dweller at Flooded Depths Act 1 - Unique Shield Crab. Must be killed as part of the quest The Dweller of the Deep. - Located in the end of Flooded Depths. 额外冰伤 Extra Cold Damage 物理减伤 Reduced Physical Damage Taken 缓速 Enemies are Slowed Kuduku, the False God at The Ledge Act 1 - Unique Totem. - Located 3/4 the way of The Ledge map. Shock Nova法术 Casts Shock Nova (not listed) Spark法术 Casts Spark (not listed) Ironpoint the Forsaken at The Rocky Climb Act 1 - Unique Skeleton. - Located near the end of The Rocky Climb. 快速攻击 Attacks Quickly 加准 Hits Accurately Rain of Arrows技能 Fires a Rain of Arrows Split Arrow技能 Fires Split Arrow Chatters at Lower Prison Act 1 - Unique Skeleton. - Located in the Lower Prison. 附近同伴附加冰伤 Allies deal additional Cold Damage Sawbones at Upper Prison Act 1 - Unique Necromancer. - Located in the Upper Prison. 高血量 Additional Life 召唤不死怪 Raises Undead 召唤骷髅兵 Summons Skeletons The Burning Menace at The Prisoner's Gate Act 1 - Unique Hellion. - Located near the end of The Prisoner's Gate. 快速攻击 Attacks Quickly 附加火伤 Deals Fire Damage 死亡时地板引发燃烧效果 Ignites Ground on Death Fairgraves Eternal at The Ship Graveyard Act 1 - Quest giver of the quest The Marooned Mariner. - Located near his boat in The Ship Graveyard. Stranglecharm at The Ship Graveyard Cave Act 1 - Unique Water Elemental - Located in the end of The Ship Graveyard Cave. Ice Nova法术 Casts Ice Nova 附加冰伤 Deals Cold Damage 缓速 Enemies are Slowed Amarissa, Daughter of Merveil at Cavern of Wrath Act 1 - Unique Siren's Daughter. - Located in the Cavern of Wrath. 附加雷伤 Lightning damage Lightning Strike法术 Casts Lightning Strike (not listed) Spark法术 Casts Spark (not listed) Ambrosia, Daughter of Merveil at Cavern of Anger Act 1 - Unique Siren's Daughter. - Located in the Cavern of Anger. 附近同伴附加火伤 Allies Deal Additional Fire Damage Fireball法术 Casts Fireball (not listed) Firestorm法术 Casts Firestorm (not listed) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gneiss at Old Fields Act 2 - Unique Titan. - Located in the Old Fields. 3/4 the way to the end if you fallow the road. 高血量 Additional Life Calaf, the Headstaver at Crossroads Act 2 - Unique Human Warrior. - Located in the Crossroads, heading to the Chamber of Sins. 击退 Knockback (not listed) Aidan the Frenzied at Dread Thicket Act 2 - Unique Blood Ape. - Located in the end of Dread Thicket. 附近同伴移动与攻速变快 Allies Move and Attack Faster Nadia the Soothing at Dread Thicket Act 2 - Unique Blood Ape. - Located in the end of Dread Thicket. 缓速 Enemies are Slowed Archbishop Geofri the Abashed at Church Dungeon Level 2 Act 2 - Unique Skeleton. - Located in the end of the Church Dungeon Level 2. 诅咒免疫 Immune to Curses Vulnerability诅咒法术 Casts Vulnerability Curse Temporal Chains诅咒法术 Casts Temporal Chains Curse Plague Retch at Chamber of Sins Level 1 Act 2 - Unique Zombie. - Located in the Chamber of Sins Level 1. Viper Strike技能 Casts Viper Strike 持续流血 Enemies Lose Life Over Time Black Death at Chamber of Sins Level 2 Act 2 - Unique Spider. - Located in the Chamber of Sins Level 2. Viper Strike技能 Casts Viper Strike Fidelitas, the Mourning at Chamber of Sins Level 3 Act 2 - Located in the end of the Chamber of Sins Level 3. - Guards the Baleful Gem. Lightning Strike技能 Casts Lightning Strike The Great White Beast at The Cave Act 2 - Unique Beast. - Located at the end of the The Cave. 高血量 Additional life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Perpetus at City of Sarn Act 3 - Unique Undying Outcast - Located around the middle of City of Sarn. 抗雷 Resists Lightning Ethereal Knives技能 Casts Ethereal Knives 熊陷阱 Throws Bear Traps Guard Captain at Sarn Slums Act 3 - Unique Guard - Located in the Sarn Slums at the quest location for Lost in Love 抗元素 Resists Elemental Damage 物理减伤 Reduces Physical Damage taken Cleave技能 Uses Cleave Double Strike技能 Uses Double Strike Hatebeat at Crematorium Level 1 Act 3 - Unique Cinder Elemental - Located in Crematorium Level 1 Near the entrance to Crematorium Level 2. 抗火 Resists Fire Firestorm法术 Casts Firestorm 滚动攻击 Rolls over Enemies Marceus the Defaced at Marketplace Act 3 - Unique Giant Gladiator Statue - Located in Marketplace 抗浑沌 Resists Chaos Damage Captain Aurelianus at Battlefront Act 3 - Unique Black Guard Soldier - Located near the bridge in Battlefront 抗元素 Resists Elemental Damage Cleave技能 Uses Cleave Double Strike技能 Uses Double Strike The Infernal Seal at Solaris Temple Level 1 Act 3 - Unique Flame Sentinel - Located in Solaris Temple Level 1 抗冰 Resists Cold Firestorm法术 Casts Firestorm Flammability法术 Casts Flammability The Voltaic Seal at Solaris Temple Level 1 Act 3 - Unique Galvanic Ribbon - Located in Solaris Temple Level 1 抗冰 Resists Cold Shock Nova法术 Casts Shock Nova Conductivity法术 Casts Conductivity The Goddess of Purity at Solaris Temple Level 2 Act 3 - Unique Auric Colossus - Located in Solaris Temple Level 2 抗浑沌 Resists Chaos Ice Nova法术 Casts Ice Nova 召唤圣水与纯水 Summons Holy Water and Pure Water Banner of Passion at Solaris Temple Level 3 Act 3 - Unique Assault Ribbon - Located in Solaris Temple Level 3 抗冰 Resists Cold 增加爆率与爆伤 Increased Critical Strike Chance and Damage 附近同伴附加火伤 Allies deal additional Fire Damage Banner of Action at Solaris Temple Level 3 Act 3 - Unique Assault Ribbon - Located in Solaris Temple Level 3 抗冰 Resists Cold 快速移动 Moves Quickly 附近同伴附加雷伤 Allies deal Additional Lightning Damage Banner of Knowledge at Solaris Temple Level 3 Act 3 - Unique Assault Ribbon - Located in Solaris Temple Level 3 抗冰 Resist Cold 物理减伤 Reduced Physical Damage Taken 附近同伴附加冰伤 Allies deal Additional Cold Damage Fleshrend, Grand Inquisitor at Lunaris Temple Level 1 Act 3 - Unique Reanimator - Found in Lunaris Temple Level 1, near the entrance. 抗浑沌 Resist Chaos Damage 击中时获得Power Charges Can Gain Power Charges on Hit 召唤僵屍 Casts Raise Zombie Kole at Lunaris Temple Level 2 Act 3 - Unique Brute - Located in Lunaris Temple Level 2 Spinecrack at Lunaris Temple Level 3 Act 3 - Unique Shocked Miscreation - Found in Lunaris Temple Level 3 抗雷 Resists Lightning Lightning Strike技能 Uses Lightning Strike --
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1F:推 JohnnyWalker:推整理 02/13 11:46
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2F:推 loveFantasy:感谢,已文摘 02/13 13:21
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4F:推 Joshua0000:少第一只XD 02/13 22:55

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icon.png[正妹] 瑞典 一张
icon.png[心得] EMS高领长版毛衣.墨小楼MC1002
icon.png[分享] 丹龙隔热纸GE55+33+22
icon.png[问题] 清洗洗衣机
icon.png[寻物] 窗台下的空间
icon.png[闲聊] 双极の女神1 木魔爵
icon.png[售车] 新竹 1997 march 1297cc 白色 四门
icon.png[讨论] 能从照片感受到摄影者心情吗
icon.png[狂贺] 贺贺贺贺 贺!岛村卯月!总选举NO.1
icon.png[难过] 羡慕白皮肤的女生
icon.png[问题] SBK S1安装於安全帽位置
icon.png[分享] 旧woo100绝版开箱!!
icon.pngRe: [无言] 关於小包卫生纸
icon.png[开箱] E5-2683V3 RX480Strix 快睿C1 简单测试
icon.png[心得] 苍の海贼龙 地狱 执行者16PT
icon.png[售车] 1999年Virage iO 1.8EXi
icon.png[心得] 挑战33 LV10 狮子座pt solo
icon.png[闲聊] 手把手教你不被桶之新手主购教学
icon.png[分享] Civic Type R 量产版官方照无预警流出
icon.png[售车] Golf 4 2.0 银色 自排
icon.png[出售] Graco提篮汽座(有底座)2000元诚可议
icon.png[问题] 请问补牙材质掉了还能再补吗?(台中半年内
icon.png[问题] 44th 单曲 生写竟然都给重复的啊啊!
icon.png[心得] 华南红卡/icash 核卡
icon.png[问题] 拔牙矫正这样正常吗
icon.png[赠送] 老莫高业 初业 102年版
icon.png[情报] 三大行动支付 本季掀战火
icon.png[宝宝] 博客来Amos水蜡笔5/1特价五折
icon.pngRe: [心得] 新鲜人一些面试分享
icon.png[心得] 苍の海贼龙 地狱 麒麟25PT
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] (君の名は。雷慎入) 君名二创漫画翻译
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] OGN中场影片:失踪人口局 (英文字幕)
icon.png[问题] 台湾大哥大4G讯号差
icon.png[出售] [全国]全新千寻侘草LED灯, 水草
