P_Management 板


【Assistant Category Manager品类管理经理】 #Job Distribution: 1.Strategic Management -Assist in the Implementation of global & regional & local Hardlines & Softlines Category plan / strategy. -Assist in the Development of local market Hardlines & Softlines Category plan in line with global & regional category strategy & plan. -Help undertake market analysis to monitor industry trends, regulations, sub-categories performance and retail channels, and determine company's segment share. -Help determine category key drivers (product, price, and retail channel) for DCP to expand presence consistent with local demographic and retailer needs. -Help contribute to regional / global discussion of the category on behalf of the local market. 2.Licensing -Develop, implement and achieve yearly revenue budget (wholesale sales, royalty revenue, revenue and OI) for specific categories/licensees assigned. -Identify & contract new local licensees instrumental in the development of the category. -Identify product, property, and channel gaps and ensure that there is a plan in place to fill the gaps. -Update contract renewals, new deals and licensee current status and forecasts on a weekly/monthly/quarterly basis (Excel spreadsheets for renewals, new business, filling gaps, etc. with weekly updates to supervisors). -Coordinate with DCP ILS Compliance Group to ensure licensees comply with company's labor standards. -Coordinate with DCP Product Integrity Group to ensure licensees comply with company's quality and safety requirements. -Coordinate with Product Development Teams to ensure licensees have 100% OPA approvals on all products delivered to the market. -Ensure licensees’ thorough understanding and compliance of company's contract, terms and conditions. -Ensure licensees secure brand management approvals on all marketing & retail promotions & collateral materials. 3.Retail -Work with key retail account buyers to manage company's product range and presence at retail. -Work with buyers from key retail accounts to develop business opportunities, retail promotions, retail display, managing product sourcing, mix / range, pricing and new programs specific to each retailer’s shopping profile. -Act as communication link between and licensees and retail buyers. -Identify signage and merchandising needs to respective Retail Visual Merchandising Team. 4.Product Development -Liaise with Product Development team to insure products are consistent with category plan and ongoing product quality improvement program. -Assist where needed licensee’s product / artwork approvals on OPA with Product Development team. 5.Finance -Responsible for the assigned licensee budgets/forecasts in the local market. -Provide forecast of the licensees on monthly/quarterly basis (revenue grading). -Responsible for collection of royalty statements & reports. -Responsible for the administration and execution of the contract. 6.Marketing -Coordinate with Retail Sales Marketing (RSM), Integrated Marketing, and Franchise Marketing, and Special Events Marketing Teams to support sales promotion, events and advertising in the local market. -Work with other category managers to ensure better understanding of consumer profiles and market needs. -Ensure licensees implement the branding and visual merchandising programs including all appropriate marketing approvals. #Qualifications: University graduate, preferably Marketing or Business Commerce. 5-7 years working experience in Consumer Products industry at merchandising, marketing, retail or sales related undertakings. Fluency in English, Mandarin and Taiwanese Intelligent, strong Fashion & Home product knowledge. Self-directed, self-starter, good ability to work within a team. Good analytical skill and understanding of business and financial concepts. Strong interpersonal and communication skills Hands on experience on PC software applications (e.g. Word, Excel & PowerPoint) #Package : 800K~1.2M fixed 12mth #联络方式 1.E-mail 【[email protected]】 请寄履历到以上信箱,标题注明应徵职务+姓名 2.电洽(02)8780-6811找【Alicia 周小姐】 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/P_Management/M.1444922450.A.46A.html

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