P_Management 板


我想大家都很忙吧 板上似乎有满多手机pm 给大家一些手机方面的新闻 这篇新闻是来自 totaltelecom, 这份电子报主要报导通讯产业 这篇2/2/2009 报导预测智慧型手机年销售量2019年将达3亿只 智慧型手机将会如电脑一样的普及 主要的原因是 手机网路应用软体(mobile web applications)增加 手机越来越便宜 手机上网费率(mobile tariffs)的下降 手机宽频网(mobible broadband network)建置 销售增加的主要地区依序排名;预计最多的将是西欧, 再来是北美 中国 远东, 接下来是非洲和中东 而东欧是最小的市场, 主要原因是高速无线网路的建置缓慢, 以及大部分的使用者仍倾向采用预付手机费率和低阶手机 所以即使智慧型手机价钱降低, 也不会使销售量增加 至於智慧型的手机, 在硬体方面的发展因为大的触控面板的采用 已达到了极限 接下来要较量的地方, 就是在软体内容方面 尽管2009年手机销售量预计下降 但是 智慧型手机热卖将会会减缓手机销售的下降趋势 也因为这个原因, 越来越公司开始加入智慧型手机的战场 除了现有的Nokia, RIM, Apple (怎麽没提到htc呢????) Dell早在一年前就开始开发智慧型手机, 预计将在一个月後推出 至於其他详细的内容就自己看下面的新闻吧 看看英文新闻 学一些关於通讯方面英文的用法 http://www.totaltele.com/View.aspx?ID=104541&t=2&en=1 Annual Smartphone Sales to Reach 300m by 2013 By Nick Wood, Total Telecom 02, February 2009/2/3 High-end handsets sales to rise 95%, Juniper report forecasts; Western Europe, North America, Far East to lead the way. Smartphone sales will hit 300 million units per year worldwide by 2013, as prices fall and more consumers turn to high-end devices to access mobile Web applications, Juniper Research predicted Monday. Smartphones accounted for 13% of all handset sales in 2008, a figure that will rise to 23% in the next five years, the analyst firm said in a new report. Juniper said the rising number of mobile Web applications and media tools, falling handset prices and data tariffs, and the ongoing deployment of mobile broadband network technologies are all contributing to the growth. Therefore smartphone will come to be regarded as essential, in the same way that personal computers have. “The process of evolving mobile phones into Internet-centric, highly personalized mobile computers is well underway,” said a statement from Andrew Kitson, senior analyst at Juniper Research and author of the report. “Changes in the design and form of mobile devices, such as the inclusion of large touch-based displays, have been taken to their limits. Looking ahead, the shape and form of next-generation devices will most likely be led by software and content, rather than hardware,” he commented. Juniper also said that vendors are looking to the high-end market to cushion the effects of the recession, despite overall handset sales only growing 5% to 6% in 2008, and their own bleak forecasts. “Although the mobile device market will record negative growth overall in 2009, the downward shift will be cushioned by strong sales of smartphones,” said the report. What’s more, the likes of Nokia, RIM and Apple are set to face new competitors as more technology companies are setting their sights on the smartphone market. Huawei last November revealed that it is planning to enter the smartphone market in 2009, while the Wall Street Journal reported last week that computer maker Dell has been working on prototype smartphones for over a year, and could enter the market as early as next month. Juniper predicts that the greatest proportion of smartphones will be sold in Western Europe, followed by North America, China and the Far East, then Africa and the Middle East. The smallest market for smartphones is expected to be Eastern Europe. “This region’s comparatively poor showing rests mainly with slow adoption of high-speed wireless networks in certain markets, customers’ continued reliance on low-end handsets linked to prepaid tariff plans, and the fact that even comparatively cheap smartphones will be beyond the means of most consumers for some time to come.” Said Juniper. -- TFCBTUJBO 如果你问我最想要什麽生日礼物 我最想要跟你谈恋爱! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: yule1224 来自: (02/03 11:56)
1F:→ weiber:Smartphone的战场在软体, 这不是很早就知道的事?? 02/03 21:46
2F:→ shihur:不是还有G-phone(OS) 02/03 21:57
3F:→ yule1224:可是外行的我 不知道嘛 :p 02/03 23:25
4F:→ shihur:没关系我大外行 02/04 00:15
5F:→ lovedreamsct:老掉牙的结论 02/10 01:02
6F:→ yule1224:喔 哪一方面老掉牙呢 02/10 11:19

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