PC_Shopping 板


这玩意除了丑+重 没啥缺点了 是个好东西... 依惯例先附上网志好阅读版 http://wei3c.blogspot.com/2009/02/netgear-gs108.html ===============================原文开始================================ 话说在无意间发现,身边不论是主机板、网路卡、NoteBook等设备 全部都GBe化了!!我想该是GBe的时代来临了(自己想乱买东西还找藉口...) 刚好某长辈提供管道能拿到相较於市场上相当漂亮价格的入手来源所以不小心... 就会在地上踢到箱子(默) 疑~ 好小巧的箱子 (跟上次踢到的Synology Disk Station DS408相比XD) 开箱来看看~~ http://aweij.myweb.hinet.net/switch/box.jpg
甚麽阿 方方正正的、金属感好重@_@ 轻轻的把它拿出来 看看他的脸长啥样子~ http://aweij.myweb.hinet.net/switch/face.jpg
小小台 但是很重很紮实勒! 上面清楚写着NETGEAR Gigabit SWITCH 全金属外壳 这台GS108 总共有8个PORT 用於个人以及家庭用途应该是相当足够 这是官方规格 Product Features and Technical Details * 802.1x, ACLs, Rate limiting, DSCP/TOS-based prioritization, IGMP Snooping, SNMP v1, v2, RSTP * Eight auto-sensing 10/100/1000 ports, makes it simple to combine Fast Ethernet and Gigabit devices in your network * 802.1x for authentication, with Guest VLAN * MAC-based port security, * Plug-and-play installation delivers ease of use Technical Details * Network Ports: 8 auto speed sensing UTP ports * Forwarding Mode: Store-and-Forward * Bandwidth: 16 Gbps (non-blocking) * Forward Rate(10 Mbps port): 14,800 packets per second * Forward Rate(100 Mbps port): 148,000 packets per second * Forward Rate(1000 Mbps port): Forward Rate(1000 Mbps port): packets per second * Latency (10 to 100 Mbps): 40 usec (maximum) * Latency (100 to 1000 Mbps): 10 usec (maximum) * Queue Buffer Memory: 32 KB per port * MAC address database: 8000 * Acousitc Noise: 0 dB * Heat Dissipation: 38.8 Btu/hr * AC Power: 17.5W * Dimensions: 9.3 inches by 3.93 inches by 0.98 inches * Safety Agancy Approvals: UL (UL 1950), CUL, C-Tick * Electromagnetic Compliance: CE mark, commercial FCC Part 15 Class A, EN55 022 (CISPR22), Class A VCCI, Class A C-Tick * Standards Compliance: IEEE 802.3i 10BASE-T Ethernet; IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-T Fast Ethernet; IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet; Windows, MacOS, Netware, TCP/IP * Warranty: Lifetime warranty for product purchased after 05/01/2007. For product purchased before 05/01/2007, warranty is limited lifetime. * Input Voltage: 5V and 5A * System Requirements: UTP Category 5 or better cables; Network card for each PC or server (e.g. GA302T); Network software (e.g., Windows, Linux, MacOS) * Package Contents: GS108 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Switch, Wall-mount kit, AC adapter, Installation guide, Warranty card, Support information card 但是若是遇到像某长辈在家里会摆RACK的 当然是很不够用(默) 接下来看看屁屁~~ http://aweij.myweb.hinet.net/switch/back.jpg
除了一个电源插孔之外就没有其他接口了 加上不少的散热孔 效果不差! http://aweij.myweb.hinet.net/switch/right.jpg
左右边也是在金属壳上斜向划开了散热孔保障散热效率 实际上线测试结果让小弟相当满意! GBe的传输效率果然不是盖的! 现在从NAS拉资料突破80Mb/s(本机端为小暴龙RAID 0 & DS408作Raid0+1) 传输高清影片相当不错阿(茶) 至於这台Switch的内部就...... .................................... 拖一下搞 等假日再来拆XD 有兴趣的就静待下回分解啦~~~XDD --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 kimfatt:内部就是整个晶片吧 GS108 跟 GS108T 有什麽差别? 02/13 20:15
2F:→ kimfatt:我一直觉得netgear的wireless router很经典 跟linksys WRT 02/13 20:20
3F:→ kimfatt:系列当初拼下蛮多欧美市场 02/13 20:20
4F:推 landattack:推 什麽是"摆RACK"... 05/02 14:56

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