LINE /1088 November 30, 2005 Bender's career may be coming to an end Forward, slowed by injuries 4 seasons in a row, to meet with team execs next week Bender的职业生涯可能结束 四个球季以来因伤所累的前锋将在下周听候球队决议 By Mark Montieth [email protected] Indiana Pacers forward Jonathan Bender is awaiting word on MRI results that could determine whether he'll be able to continue his NBA career. 印第安那溜马队前锋Jonathan Bender正在有关等待MRI结果的消息 ,那可能会决定他将是否能继续他的NBA生涯。 Bender, the fifth pick in the 1999 draft, has a loss of cartilage in both knees and has missed a significant number of games in each season since 2001-02. 1999年选秀会上的第五顺位Bender,他的双膝软骨都有损伤,而且 自从2001-02年球季已经缺阵非常多场比赛。 He has played in just two games this season for a total of 21 minutes, and for the first time has not accompanied the team on a trip. 本季他只出赛 2场,总上场时间21分钟,而且他首度并未随队出征 。 "We're going to see," Bender said when asked whether he thinks he will play again. 「我们还要再考虑,」Bender在被问及他认为是否能再度上场时说 。 "I'm not going to even talk about that yet." 「我甚至还不想谈。」 Pacers CEO Donnie Walsh said Tuesday that the results of Bender's latest MRIs have been sent to his agent in Los Angeles, and that a meeting with Bender and doctors is scheduled for next week. Bender's agent, Thaddeus Fucher, did not return phone calls Tuesday. 溜马队CEO Donnie Walsh在星期二表示Bender最新的MRIs结果已经 送到他在洛杉矶的经纪人手上,而且将会有一场已排定和Bender以及 医生们的会议。星期二Bender的经纪人Thaddeus Fucher并未回电。 "Right now, we're putting his tests in front of people to get opinions on where they think he is," Walsh said. "When we have enough information, we'll make a statement." 「现在,我们把他的测试放在人们面前以获得他们认为他的情况为 何,」 Walsh说。「当我们拥有足够的资讯,我们将发表一份声明。 」 Bender said he remains optimistic, but he has little medical evidence on which to base that hope. Bender表示他仍保持乐观,但是他没有多少医学证据来支持这个希 望。 "That's just the way I am," he said. 「我也只能这样了,」他说。 "I'll see what the MRI shows compared to last year." 「我将查看MRI所显示的和去年做比较。」 Pacers forward Jermaine O'Neal expressed sympathy when asked whether Bender might have to retire. 溜马队前锋Jermaine O'Neal在被问及 Bender是否必须退休时表达 同情。 "That's up to him to talk about," O'Neal said Tuesday in Salt Lake City, where the Pacers played the Utah Jazz. "Whatever his decision is, I wish the best for him. 「那得取决於他所说的,」星期四O'Neal在盐湖城说,溜马队将和 犹他爵士队比赛。「不论他的决定是什麽,我希望那会是对他来说最 好的决定。」 "He's talked to his teammates to let us know what's going on. It's a hard thing and my heart goes out to him because he's worked so hard and he's not getting that opportunity." 「他告诉了他的队友们,让我们知道情况会怎样。这是件难受的事 ,我的心熄灭了,因为他是这麽努力却苦无机会。」 Bender said he has dealt with painful and swelling knees since high school, and has had to take anti-inflammatory medication. After playing 78 games in the 2001-02 season, he played in just 46, 21 and seven games in the three succeeding seasons. Bender表示他自从高中起便受膝盖疼痛及肿胀所扰,而且他必须服 用消炎药物。在 2001-02年球季出赛78场之後,他在接下来的三个球 季分别只出赛了46、21及7场。 "It's been happening over and over," Bender said. 「那总是一次又一次发生,」Bender说。 "It looks like it's catching up with me." 「看起来就好像对我产生预期的坏影响了。」 Bender said his injuries aren't frustrating. Bender表示他的伤并未令他泄气。 "God moves in mysterious ways," he said. 「总会有奇蹟出现,」他说。 Bender has two seasons, including this one, remaining on a four-year, $28 million contract. He is due $7,175,000 this season and $7.7 million next season. Insurance would cover his salary if he's forced into retirement by injury. Bender包括本季在内还有两季,这纸为期 4年,总值2800万元的合 约才到期。他本季薪资为717.5万元,而下季是770万元。如果他被迫 退休,他的薪水将由保险公司支付。 Bender -- a 7-footer with a 39-inch vertical jump and an accurate perimeter shot -- has shown flashes of potential. Bender ─身高7尺,垂直起跳39寸,还有准确的投篮能力─潜力曾 昙花一现。 But his constant absences have made him a target of frustrated fans. 但是他的常态缺阵让他成为失望的球迷们众矢之的。 "I know it's a hard time for him," O'Neal said. "He has so much ability and people from the outside are hard on him because he hasn't played. He hasn't (not) played because he doesn't want to play. He hasn't played because he physically can't play. 「我知道对他来说很难熬,」O'Neal说。「他是这麽全能,而外面 的人却因为他不能上场而严厉苛责他。他并不是因为他不想上场而没 上场。他不能上场是因为他的身体不允许他上场。 "Anybody who has seen J.B. play knows what type of player he is. He has unbelievable ability and it's just unfortunate that it's an issue that was given to him from a higher level." 「任何看过J.B.打球的人都知道他是什麽样的球员。他拥有不可思 议的能耐,只是不幸的他有更高层次的问题。」 Star reporter Mike Wells contributed to this article. Call Star reporter Mark Montieth at (317) 444-6406. Copyright 2005 All rights reserved --

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◆ From:
1F:推 yushi:泪推! 推小班! 也推翻译圣手 mygodmiller! T_T 11/30 19:07
2F:推 KenK:What a heart-breaking news.... 11/30 19:08
3F:推 sliverstream:其实也只能由失望转为同情了Orz... 11/30 19:08
4F:推 dusted:唉..推三楼 也谢翻 11/30 19:39
5F:推 sam369::) 11/30 19:42
6F:推 wies1ey:小班 > < 11/30 19:49
7F:推 jyunwei:可惜... 11/30 19:51
8F:→ adase:呼....有钱可以找新手了... 11/30 20:51
9F:→ adase:小班实在让我们失望太多次..变绝望了 11/30 20:51
10F:推 bluedragon:摇头苦笑... 11/30 20:53
11F:推 gargoyles:季前的消息...囧兴 11/30 21:07
12F:推 missrt:catch up with :对...产生预期的坏影响(或恶果) 11/30 21:23
感谢 译文已修正
13F:推 smalldpig:ㄒㄒ... 11/30 21:24
14F:推 realfool:orz 11/30 21:34
※ 编辑: mygodmiller 来自: (11/30 21:45)
15F:推 ppacers:谢翻 11/30 22:40
16F:推 iamjohnny:唉.. 11/30 23:23
17F:推 evilchilaya:加油呀! 11/30 23:46
18F:推 silverice:唉...有淡淡的哀伤感。 12/01 00:55
19F:推 hsiaokang:感谢翻译 T.T 12/01 10:46
20F:推 kuchibu:小班....我很喜欢你啊~~~~ 老天爷来个奇蹟吧 拜托 12/03 00:38

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