EUROPEAN STAR FITTING IN WELL 欧洲天王适应良好 Jasikevicius Adjusting To New Challenge 小叶调整自己以面对新的挑战 By Conrad Brunner | Oct. 9, 2005 出处: 翻译:gonzdevour Of the many new experiences awaiting Sarunas Jasikevicius, the business of being a 29-year-old rookie is unique. 许多的新经验正等待着小叶;一位二十九岁的新人毕竟是很特别的。 "I get jokes for everything," he said, laughing. "I get jokes for old man, I get jokes for rookie. I've got the best of both worlds." “我被开了各种玩笑,”他笑道:”有老头的玩笑,也有菜鸟的玩笑; 我简直就是集这两方面的笑话於一身。” That's no joke. 这可不是在开玩笑。 The 6-4 guard from Lithuania is living something of a dual life. With the Pacers, he is a newcomer quietly trying to fit in, hoping to earn a substantial role in the rotation if not the starting point-guard job. In Europe, however, he is a star of epic proportions whose every move commands attention; his life story is the subject of a soon-to-be-released movie. 六尺四的立陶宛後卫有点像在过着一种双重生活。在溜马,他只是个新来的, 安安静静地试着融入队伍。倘若没办法当先发控球,就希望自己能争取到 轮替上场的机会。然而,在欧洲,他是史诗般的巨星,举手投足动见观瞻; 关於他的故事即将被搬上大银幕。 It is the current job that has his complete attention. His seven years of professional experience, his three consecutive EuroLeague championships and his global legend aren't forgotten, but neither are they trumpeted. Within the confines of the practice court at Conseco Fieldhouse, he's just another guy trying to make a positive impression on his new coaches and teammates. 他全神贯注於当前的工作。七年的职业经验,三度欧联冠军, 以及全球颂扬的传奇虽未曾或忘,但他从来不吹嘘这些。在Conseco Fieldhouse 的训练场里,他只是另一个试着获得新教练与新队友垂青的人。 "I would like to have some kind of role on this team, there's no question about it but ultimately we help Pacers to win," Jasikevicius said. "Don't get me wrong. I would like to play. I would like to play a lot. That's not a question. But we're one month away from the season, and there's so much more important stuff than your role on the team. If you're in shape, if you come ready to play, if you take care of your body, then that other stuff will take care of itself. I really believe that. " “我当然想在这支队伍里拥有一席之地,但最希望的还是我们能帮助溜马赢球。” 小叶说道:”别搞错,我想打,我想打很多球,这是毫无疑问的。但我们离赛季 已经一个月,还有很多比争取队上角色更重要的事; 如果你健康良好,如果你准备好比赛,如果你注意自己的身体, 万事俱备,自然水到渠成。我是这麽相信的。” A deadly shooter, Jasikevicius is adjusting well to playing without the ball, coming off screens to get open. Individual defense, never a strength, remains a work in progress but his total package of offensive skills has been in evidence. 作为一个致命的射手,小叶准备好要空手跑动,透过掩护来取得空档。 从来不是强项的一对一防守,也是正在进行的功课; 但他具备一身的进攻技术则是无庸置疑的。 "He's experienced, he's a great shooter, he fits in with our personnel and the style we want to play," said Coach Rick Carlisle. "We're confident it's not going to take him much time at all to get acclimated. He's played against a lot of NBA players in the Olympics and other situations like that. He's doing well so far and we expect him to get better. “他历练丰富,是个伟大的射手;他融入我们的成员以及我们想打出的风格。” 卡帅说道:”我们有信心不会让他花太多时间来适应。他曾在奥运与其他的场合 与NBA的球员对抗,到目前为止的表现都很好,而我们希望他更上一层楼。” "It's different, but he played college ball at Maryland in the ACC so he's very familiar with American basketball and he knows the NBA game because he studied it a lot and he's played against a lot of the players. The learning curve for him as a 29-year-old shouldn't be that great." “这是个不同的环境,但他曾在马里兰打过大学联赛,所以非常熟悉美国篮球。 而且,因为他研究过也对抗过许多NBA球员,所以很了解NBA的比赛。 对一个二十九岁的老经验来说,这应该不会有什麽学习上的困难。” His level of commitment to proving himself as a winner in the NBA also has been impressive. Jasikevicius did not play for Lithuania in the European Championship, a particularly difficult decision given his role as the biggest star on the national team. This after turning down offers of more money and playing time from other teams to sign with the Pacers because they offered the best chance to win. 为了在NBA证明自己,他所背负的一切令人动容。 小叶放弃为立陶宛打欧洲盃,放弃在国家队当一位超级明星---那是一个特别艰难的抉择。 在这之後,他推却了高额的酬劳与更多的上场时间和溜马签约, 只因为这支球队提供了最佳的夺冠机会。 "I felt like out of all the teams that were interested in me, that showed significant interest, so to speak, this is definitely the best opportunity as far as winning goes," he said. "That's the way it looks on paper. Whether that will transfer onto the court, we will see. “我觉得好像所有的队伍都对我感兴趣,因此最好的获胜机会可说是最重要的考量。” 他说道:”理论上是这样啦,究竟如何我们场上见真章。” "Everyone understands there's a lot of talent here. It's all about us coming together, playing as a team and we'll see what happens. But it's not a bad start, I think." “大家都知道溜马的好手众多,只要我们团队合作,大家就可以等着瞧。 但我想,这样开始也不见得不好。” (按:这句看不懂。) The Pacers don't expect Jasikevicius to produce dazzling statistics or highlight-reel plays. His workmanship shows more in the team result than the individual line of the box score. That explains how a player who never averaged more than 16.0 points in EuroLeague champion developed his reputation. Well, that and the three consecutive championships. 溜马并不期待小叶飙出惊人的数据或做出华丽的表演。 他所展现的细腻技巧对球队战绩的贡献,要比分数盒上的个人数据还要多得多。 这正好解释了一个在欧洲盃平均得不到十六分的球员何以名声如此响亮。 嗯,还有他的三连霸。 "I'm not the guy who will take many shots," Jasikevicius said. "Some games I might, just because of the way the defense will work. I haven't really been the one who's shooting a lot. I much more prefer to get my teammates involved and make sure the team is running properly. I would like to take 20 shots, don't get me wrong, but it might not happen." “我不会出手太多次;”小叶说道:”为了使防守运作,有时候我可能会这麽做, 但我从不是那种出手很多的球员。我更喜欢让我的队友进入状况,确定球队的运作完善。 别搞错,我当然也乐意投进个二十球,不过这应该不会发生。” That is among the many things yet to evolve as Jasikevicius makes his adjustments. Because he spent five years in the U.S. as a youth, one in high school and four at Maryland, he's having little trouble adapting to the culture. And basketball is much the same, regardless of language or country. 小叶要做好调整并不会遇到什麽困难。他青年时期在美国待了五年: 高中一年,四年在马里兰,文化适应毫无问题。 而且,除了语言和国家以外,篮球是一样的。 No, the biggest challenge may well be mental: becoming comfortable and productive in a complementary role after years at center stage. At least he's approaching it with eyes open. 不,也许最大的挑战来自心理层面: 小叶必须甘於从多年来主角的地位退居一个有用的替补。 无论如何,至少他双眼雪亮地面对这件事。 "I have an idea that it's going to be a different role and I think I'm ready to accept it," he said. "How will I deal with it? We'll see, but I will try to deal with it in the best possible way, there's no question." “我知道那将是一个不同的角色,而我已经准备好去接受它。”他说道: ”会怎样我们看着办吧,但我将以最好的方式来做,毫无疑问。” ------- 以上是热身赛开幕前的旧文。 虽然前两场的个人表现并不起眼, 目前小叶的正负分排行已经悄悄地攀升到第四名了。 可见"使球队运作完善"并不是说假的。 哪天投进个二十球来瞧瞧? --

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