P2PSoftWare 板


※ 引述《SamGamgee (..)》之铭言: : 我知道除了原本的 Kazaa 之外.. : 好像还有听过 Kazaa Lite . Kazaa Gold ... : 不知道还有没有其他的.. : 那他们有什麽不同呢? 我上网查了一下 大概的意思就是这两个都是Kazaa的外挂套件 还有一个比较有名的就是 Diet Kaza Links Kaza Lite http://www.kazaalite.nl/en/ Kazaa Gold http://www.kazaagold.com/ Diet Kaza http://www.dietk.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is KaZaA Lite? KaZaA Lite (sometimes called 'K-Lite') is a Peer-to-Peer File Sharing application that does not contain any 'Spyware'. In actual fact, it is a slightly modified version of the very popular KaZaA Media Desktop (often called the 'Original KaZaA' or 'KMD'), which is made by Sharman Networks. Both programs are very similar, with almost identical features and appearance. The main difference is that KaZaA Lite has been modified so that it does not have any of the so-called 'SpyWare' and 'AdWare' that comes with the Original KaZaA. KaZaA Lite provides sharing of all kinds of media and software. It is a 'FastTrack' Client, which means it connects to the FastTrack P2P network system, just like some other popular file sharing programs like KaZaA, Grokster and iMesh. (And in the past also Morpheus, which now only connects to the Gnuttella network) KaZaA Lite can download single files from multiple users to ensure you get the most efficient use of your bandwidth. They also resumes broken downloads or downloads that were in progress when you shut down your computer last. All-in-all, FastTrack is a very good, very powerful P2P system. The authors of KaZaA Lite were concerned about the fact that the Original KaZaA contained unwanted third party software and wanted to be able to use it without that software. So a cleaned up version was made: KaZaA Lite! KaZaA Lite is not a different program, it's the same program, just without all the additional software. So any features you would like to have added will need to be added to the Original KaZaA first. If you would like to suggest a new feature KaZaA's web site has a feedback form that you can use to request new features. They don't support KaZaA Lite so suggest the feature to be added to 'KaZaA Media Desktop', not 'KaZaA Lite'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- kazaa gold - Improving Surfing Speed While Using kazaa gold kazah lite, kazza speedup, kaza light, down load morpheus kazaa gold is a software program for trading songs. kazaa gold aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. kazaa gold is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of kazaa gold lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists. Depending on your connection, kazaa gold can run very slowly. I strongly suggest you install the free Marketscore program before you download kazaa gold. Marketscore requires no software downloads and is completely FREE to use and can as much as double your Internet connection speed. There are a lot of legal songs on kazaa gold for new artists. Please be responsible and respect people's copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Diet Kaza is not endorsed by or affiliated with KaZaA Gold in any way!If you purchased a "bundle" or a product such as "KaZaA Gold", you have been ripped off. We suggest you try to get your money back ASAP. We can not help you. Sorry :( Diet Kaza is freeware and legal addon program for KaZaA, Grokster, or Morpheus. Check out the basic features: 。Removes all BANNERs, POP UP ads, and Spyware! 。Built in Advanced Download Accelerator! 。Makes searchs faster, and more results! 。Removes the extra buttons (Bonzi, Shopping, etc) 。Adds QUICK search shortcuts to the systray! 。Changes the KaZaA Start homepage 。Also works with Grokster and Morpheus v1.90+! 。Translated into 19 different languages so far! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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