OverClocking 板


要讲得太多还是直接回一篇 我没买APU.不过看到吃土鸡就知道了 A10-7860k:3.6G---4.0G Socket FM2+,support for PCIe 3.0 four CPU cores based on the Steamroller microarchitecture eight Compute Units based on GCN 2nd gen microarchitecture CPU:吃土鸡架构 GPU:Sea Islands 最白话的讲法:拉FSB/Bclk会动到HTT,NB,RAM,Igpu 以上皆可用除频方式增减频率.Igpu是怎样除频法我就不知道了 超频就是先不动除频.电压硬干先.这样才会获得最高效能 ram直接设1.65V以上好吗.然後其他直接+0.1V拜托 想超频就是要接受耗电爆炸.尤其是吃土鸡核心的.超核爆 如果加压都不行再来调除频跟ram timing 你的是K版.所以可以直接拉倍频.那htt,nb,ram ,igpu都不会连动 超不上去就是电压硬干了没别招 再来如果你有注意看我po给你的网页 RAM-Overclocking: Like I have already mentioned the iGPU benefits significantly from higher memory frequencies. 1866 MHz are usually no problem with stock voltages – given that the memory kit is working at this speed. I’m using a 2 x 2 GiB G.Skill Pi Kit with 2400 MHz on 1,65 Volt. The timings are 9-11-9-28.However if I increase the memory speed to 2133 MHz or higher, the sytem would not boot anymore and the post LED would show 51 which is a memory issue according to the mainboard manual.so what do we do ? My CPU requires to raise the NB-Voltage for 2133 MHz or higher. I had to use 1,2875 Volt to get the system running. Of course this depends on the CPU and you have to test step by step. 刚好作者也是拿Gigabyte的板子.你可以试试看.还有可以按Ctrl+F1看有啥隐藏选项 ※ 编辑: pold123 (, 04/09/2017 23:56:31 ※ 编辑: pold123 (, 04/10/2017 00:05:50
1F:推 woow1225 : 改成uefi了之後ctrl-f1好像也没用了 04/10 00:11
2F:→ pold123 : 很久没摸到G牌的板子了.隐藏选项被改了喔 04/10 00:13
3F:→ woow1225 : 我的板子超外频下去就算只有1 d-sub就会挂掉就乾脆 04/10 00:17
4F:→ woow1225 : 不动外频 04/10 00:17
5F:→ woow1225 : 不然cpu只能超到3.9 之後电到1.475v 只有4.2跑P95 04/10 00:18
6F:→ woow1225 : 也会错误 帮QQ 04/10 00:18
7F:→ pold123 : 我以为FM2+会比较好超说.手上FX8跑[email protected]过P95 04/10 00:27
8F:→ pold123 : 再上去M5A97 r2.0就撑不住了.只能5G低负载自爽 04/10 00:30
9F:→ woow1225 : 我是FM2的A8-5600K 04/10 00:36
10F:推 h94h94ya : http://i.imgur.com/IxEH442.jpg 04/10 12:36
11F:→ h94h94ya : 我只要一动到电压 就会开机无画面 04/10 12:36
12F:→ h94h94ya : 重开机就这画面 已试了一早 04/10 12:36
13F:→ h94h94ya : 电压都照着p大的直接加大 04/10 12:36
14F:→ h94h94ya : 也照着网页弄了一早上 04/10 12:36
15F:→ h94h94ya : 弄到都怀疑到底是我问题 04/10 12:36
16F:→ h94h94ya : 还是天生电脑烂 04/10 12:36
17F:→ h94h94ya : 先感谢p大w大热心教导 04/10 12:36
18F:→ h94h94ya : 祝你们中大乐透 中了在吃个红 04/10 12:36
19F:→ h94h94ya : 直接升电脑就不用烦恼超频了 回 04/10 12:36

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