作者novarossi (ツヨシ)
标题[情报] GPU-Z.0.2.7发布
时间Fri Aug 15 21:51:13 2008
最重要的是现在温度sensor的#1 #2 #3可以辨识了!!
DISPIO - GPU (meaning GPU chip itself) DISPlay Input/Output; this would be
part of GPU core that is responsible for communication with components that lea
d to your monitor (display)
MEMIO - GPU MEMory Input/Output; meaning this is the temperature of the mem
ory controler that is a part of GPU chip
SHADERCORE - well, not much to explain. Shader core is part of GPU chip (co
re) that contains shader processing units, so this is the temperature of proces
sors of your graphics card
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 Ledinsky:以更新:) 08/15 22:11
※ 编辑: novarossi 来自: (08/15 22:19)
2F:推 halt:连电源供应那边的温度感应也出来了~ 08/16 09:55
3F:→ halt:VDDC#1=76度 VDDC#2=79度 VDDC#3=77度 4870改AC S1+TT风扇 08/16 09:56
4F:→ halt:GPU#1=38.5度 GPU#2=43.5度 GPU#3=42度 一般待机状态中 08/16 09:57
5F:→ halt:GPU LORDING 100% 电流最高58.5A 08/16 09:59
6F:→ halt:GPU温度最高48度 VDDC温度最高104度... 该弄个电源散热了 囧 08/16 10:03
7F:推 KCKCLIN:...为何用了就当机了看来和GPUZ一直无缘 2600XT 8.7 08/16 10:51
8F:推 Namicat:当机+1 X1800XT 8.7 08/16 12:20
9F:→ novarossi:4870还能看到电流喔@@" 08/16 12:38
10F:→ novarossi:我用我哥的1650(AGP)开OK 08/16 18:04
12F:→ novarossi:囧 AGP1650好像没有sensor,只侦测得到core跟RAM时脉 08/16 18:52
13F:→ novarossi:其他都没有 08/16 18:52
14F:→ novarossi:电流乘上Vcore就是你的卡的消耗瓦数 08/16 18:55
15F:→ novarossi:请问2楼跟11楼用的驱动分别是?? 08/16 19:02
16F:推 mesmerising:我是8.7 08/16 19:10
17F:推 halt: 我也是8.7 08/17 00:12
18F:→ novarossi:安培数怎麽会差这麽多= = 08/17 01:03
19F:→ novarossi:2楼也来一张furmark烧机图吧= =+ 08/17 01:04
20F:推 giannie:有装卡巴斯基的话 GPU-Z会开不起来 会当机 08/17 14:53
21F:推 oasisa:可是我不会..我是卡巴斯基2009..显卡是3870+8.7驱动 08/17 19:56