Orl-Magic 板


选完了,转贴一下各家网站对魔术选秀的评价 平均来说No.6算是选得中规中矩,No.11就有点惨,谜之选择,只能说相信GM吧 今年各家网站唯一选前预测魔术第一轮正确的是CBS Sports 就从CBS Sports 开始贴起 (1) CBS Sports 6. Orlando Magic: PG Anthony Black, Arkansas Grade: A I love it. This is someone who many thought would last to No. 8, but that would have been too late for a player who can contribute on both sides. He has proven himself to be a true big point guard, adding weight without losing speed or agility. The question is his shooting, and he has looked better in the draft process than he looked in college. If he can figure that end out, he will be a top five player in this class no doubt. 11. Orlando Magic (via Bulls): SG Jett Howard, Michigan Grade: C+ This pick is one of the first real head-scratchers of the night. The son of Michigan coach Juwan Howard is one of the best tough shot-makers in the draft and has solid positional size. But he is a defensive liability, and though he can shoot, there are better shooters on the board to help Orlando with that issue (Jordan Hawkins and Gradey Dick). Many expected him to be drafted toward the end of Round 1, not in the lottery. --------------------- (2) Yahoo Sports! 6. Orlando: G Anthony Black, Arkansas Grade: A Black has the potential to be one of the best guards in this draft class with his size as a primary ball-handler, vision in the open court and length on defense. Black was one of the best passers in college basketball this past season and has high upside. 11. Orlando (from Chicago): G Jett Howard, Michigan Grade: C- Howard comes from an NBA pedigree with his dad, Juwan, playing almost 20 years in the NBA. Howard is a solid outside shooter, particularly in catch-and-shoot situations. Howard needs to improve his lateral quickness on defense but makes up for it with his length. He joins Orlando's very crowded backcourt. -------------------- (3) Sporting News 6. Orlando Magic: Anthony Black, Arkansas Grade: A+ The Magic needed guard help and they land the best playmaker in the entire draft class in Black. Adding the 6-7 jumbo guard alongside skilled forwards like Paolo Banchero and Franz Wagner gives Orlando a number of intriguing lineups that should pose mismatches for opposing teams. If they add a shooter at No. 11, we’re looking at a very successful draft night for the Magic. 11. Orlando Magic (via CHI): Jett Howard, Michigan Grade: B The Magic address a massive void for a perimeter shooter, but Howard is an interesting choice with prospects like Gradey Dick and Jordan Hawkins on the board. However, Howard will still provide Orlando with a 3-point marksman who has the potential to be a versatile defender with a 6-8 frame if it can get him to buy in on that side of the ball. -------------------- (4) NY POST Orlando Magic — Grade: D No. 6: Anthony Black, G, Florida No. 11: Jett Howard, G, Michigan First, Orlando chose another guard who can’t shoot in Arkansas’ Anthony Black at No. 6, then they reached for Michigan’s Jett Howard at No. 11, who wasn’t expected to go until the mid-20’s. Howard, the son of former NBA player and Michigan coach Juwan Howard, does shoot the ball at a high level – and Orlando had a major need there – hitting 36.8 percent on 7.3 attempts. But he doesn’t impact the game in any other way. Curious decisions, to say the least. --------------------- (5) Bleacher Report 6. Orlando Magic: Anthony Black (PG/SG, Arkansas) Grade: B+ The Magic arguably entered the night with more point guards than they needed, and they added another here. I actually like that, since it shows Orlando felt Black was the best player available and valued that more than anything. That's the smart move for any rebuilder to make. Black arrives in the Association with an advanced understanding of the game of basketball. Fortune-tellers don't pick up on things as quickly as he can. And he's not just a step ahead of the defense, he's also often a few inches taller as a 6'7" floor general. That means he can already read and see the floor better than most. His playmaking will make him a quick favorite in the locker room. There aren't many boxes he leaves unchecked, but the exceptions are worrisome. He can't shoot, and he isn't super shifty as a ball-handler. If he isn't a shooting threat and can't beat defenders off the bounce, how is he going to run an NBA offense? For someone with so many winning traits, his lowest-end outcome looks rough. Still, his combination of size, smarts and skill is enough reason to buy in. Orlando will have to clear out its backcourt congestion at some point, but that's because Black might already be the best of the bunch. 11. Orlando Magic (via Bulls): Jett Howard (SF, Michigan) Grade: D The Magic entered the night with a clear need for shooting, and using the No. 6 pick on Anthony Black did little to address that. Clearly, that was the motivation behind this pick, but it could be the night's first big reach. Howard has NBA pedigree as the son of longtime pro (and his college coach) Juwan Howard, plus the size, shooting and basketball IQ to carve out a lengthy career of his own. He is a lights-out shooter with his feet set and a potential sharpshooter on the move. He is comfortable (though not dynamic) with the ball in his hands, either side-stepping for threes or making the simple, smart pass to an open teammate. But he isn't a great athlete by NBA standards, and that could limit his utility as a defender. It's hard to project which players Orlando will even ask him to defend, since he's had trouble against both quickness and strength. If the Magic were fine with a shooting specialist, why not Gradey Dick or Jordan Hawkins instead? If they wanted shooting and more, why not stop Cam Whitmore's skid here? This one is a puzzler. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Orl-Magic/M.1687515422.A.937.html
1F:推 withouttalk: 6:A,11:F 06/23 18:32
2F:→ withouttalk: jett穿鞋6‘8不是6’10,真的悲剧 06/23 18:34
3F:→ withouttalk: 如果向下交易加上1只未来首轮才合理,亏到只输勇士 06/23 18:35
4F:推 rbking21: 看起来是#6多数好评 #11被批得惨不忍睹XD 06/23 18:42
5F:→ rbking21: 不过我们也不能忘记21年选秀,再看看吧 06/23 18:42
6F:→ rbking21: 要投射要size都有 唯一争议是reach 06/23 18:43
7F:推 withouttalk: Jett应该还不如Houstan 太傻眼了 06/23 18:44
8F:推 rbking21: https://i.imgur.com/LciGjkl.jpg 06/23 18:46
9F:→ rbking21: 好图值得一发再发 06/23 18:46
10F:→ JameerNe1son: 我们前场又不缺人,Jett长太高反而没球打,6’7打摇 06/23 18:46
11F:→ JameerNe1son: 摆人差不多 06/23 18:46
12F:→ rbking21: 经过这几年 我的定论就是别太早下定论 06/23 18:47
13F:→ JameerNe1son: 说Jett不如Houstan就真的太夸张了 ...... 06/23 18:48
14F:→ rbking21: 我反而对Black比较有意见 除非把他当侧翼组织前锋用 06/23 18:48
15F:→ rbking21: 可能就#6 BPA #11 fit的想法吧 06/23 18:48
16F:嘘 withouttalk: Dick只输Jett一点,未来没先发留不住,Jett没人抢 06/23 19:02
17F:推 JameerNe1son: 不过在活塞选Ausar之後,当下最好的选择就只剩下Bla 06/23 19:02
18F:→ JameerNe1son: ck了,目前看起来会是富人版MCW?但是Black的弹跳力 06/23 19:02
19F:→ JameerNe1son: 很猛,加上空间感好,也许第一年能以空切二传为主? 06/23 19:02
20F:推 withouttalk: Black1-3号都能打,又不黏球..Cole跟儿子没便宜续的 06/23 19:05
21F:→ withouttalk: 肯定被交易掉 06/23 19:05
22F:推 withouttalk: Suggs每天苦练,未来Suggs+black的後埸很有趣 06/23 19:10
23F:推 oude: 不知道後卫群轮替变怎样 SG改Jett先发? 後卫好壅挤 06/23 19:16
24F:→ oude: 之前替补都Franz帮忙控场 改Black带替补? 06/23 19:19
25F:推 GGGHILL: 我觉得会给 Suggs 先发打2号,Black, Cole 替补出发,Jet 06/23 19:22
26F:→ GGGHILL: t 替补 3-2 号 06/23 19:22
27F:推 oude: 卖掉2轮签觉得有点可惜 有很多大四即战力的内线 本来以为会 06/23 19:38
28F:推 GGGHILL: 我猜 FA 会补强篮板 06/23 19:39
29F:→ oude: 补像Drew Timme之类的球员 06/23 19:41
30F:推 withouttalk: 我猜2年1000补强中锋mo bamba 06/23 19:42
31F:→ withouttalk: Timme去公鹿了 06/23 19:43
32F:→ oude: Trayce Jackson-Davis 看库奇在推荐 我也觉得不错 没想58勇 06/23 19:48
33F:→ oude: 士还真得还选得到 以为2轮初就被挑走 06/23 19:48
34F:推 slashmac: 感觉班霸回魔术也不是不可能@@ 06/23 19:50
35F:推 withouttalk: Sanogo 居然也落选 06/23 19:50
36F:→ withouttalk: Bamba:LA真好玩…LBJ太凶了 06/23 19:51
37F:推 slashmac: Sanogo去公牛罗 06/23 20:01
38F:推 GGGHILL: 我看,就是我大 V 回归的时候了! 06/23 20:06
39F:→ GGGHILL: 来个 3年 60-65M 06/23 20:06
40F:推 withouttalk: https://i.imgur.com/UHgsFxb.jpg 06/23 20:31
41F:→ DPP48: 大V好像会跟公牛续 06/23 20:44
42F:推 withouttalk: Juwan Howard是Jett的教练,Franz/houstan也是…所 06/23 21:14
43F:→ withouttalk: 以这是11换总教练?难怪Mosley脸那麽臭 06/23 21:14
44F:推 CHERRYCOLA: 不认为公牛会放掉那个9号 06/23 21:15
45F:→ withouttalk: 换个养成型的Juwan Howard教练这我突然能接受Jett了 06/23 21:16
46F:推 rbking21: 脑补太多了啦XDD 06/23 21:22
47F:推 withouttalk: https://i.imgur.com/RbpwvKe.jpg 06/23 23:47
48F:→ withouttalk: Jett没比Black高,估计就穿鞋6‘7,标准的SG身材 06/23 23:48
49F:推 rbking21: 这张Black鞋子超高的吧 还有爆炸头的关系 06/23 23:54
※ 编辑: DPP48 ( 台湾), 06/25/2023 02:17:46

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