Orl-Magic 板


※ [本文转录自 NBA 看板 #1a2x53lu ] 作者: foolishbi (blackink) 看板: NBA 标题: [外絮] Paolo Banchero NBA Q&A采访 时间: Sat Mar 11 06:37:52 2023 来源: NBA 网址: https://www.nba.com/news/qa-paolo-banchero-magic-rookie-season 内容: https://i.imgur.com/4nMxa2Q.jpg
( Paolo Banchero is the only rookie averaging at least 20 ppg this season. ) (Banchero 是这赛季唯一一位场均有20分的新秀) Being the first player selected in the Draft guarantees a fellow the fattest contract of any rookie in his class. It assures him of a significant spotlight and a fistful of headlines, whether good as a measure of his talent and potential or bad for any gaps between inflated expectations and actual performances. 身为被第一指名的状元郎,同时得到最大金额的新秀合约。Banchero 肯定会受到镁光灯 跟一大堆媒体关注,无论是吹捧或质疑的新闻。 Beyond that, though, little else is promised. Anything more — respect, individual achievements, winning, award consideration — has to be earned. That’s why Paolo Banchero has kept grinding for the Orlando Magic, with the goal of having his lofty Draft status translate into an all-around successful season for him and his team. 除此之外,状元更应该专注在获得联盟尊重、个人成就、球队胜利和奖项争取上。这就是 为何Banchero为了魔术队持续去挑战,希望以自身的高顺位天赋去带领这赛季的魔术队达 到目标。 In hindsight, the Magic’s decision to select Banchero out of Duke with the first overall selection looks like a no-brainer. While No. 2 pick Chet Holmgren got eliminated from this season’s rookie field by a preseason foot injury and No. 3 Jabari Smith Jr. has labored as part of Houston’s kiddie corps, Banchero has thrived. 回过头看,魔术选Banchero绝对是最明智的决定。在榜眼Chet Holmgren因季前赛受伤休养 和探花Jabari Smith Jr.正处於撞墙期时,状元已经大幅成长。 He has been the tent-pole guy Orlando needed, dropping into their roster of promising youngsters to almost complete the picture. A 6-foot-10 product of Seattle by way of one season at Duke, the 20-year-old Banchero has led the Magic in scoring 25 times, in rebounding 16 times and in assists 11 times. He already has a veteran’s size and most of the time a veteran’s demeanor too. 状元已经成为魔术队建队蓝图中,不可或缺的绝对核心。这位20岁 6'10"西雅图长大的前 锋,经历一年蓝魔鬼的锻链後,加入魔术队有着队内25次最多得分、16次最多篮板和11次 最多助攻的表现。Banchero已拥有NBA老将般的体魄和接近NBA老将的心态。 Almost from the start, Banchero has blocked out other Class of 2022 candidates, holding onto the top rung of the Kia Rookie Ladder. He is considered the favorite in the fast-approaching Rookie of the Year balloting, with team impact as perhaps his top selling point: At 27-39 heading into Thursday’s game against Utah, Orlando already has won six more games than a year ago, with 16 more opportunities. 几乎从赛季初开始,Banchero就卡死今年Kia Rookie Ladder的榜首位置。目前是今年ROY 的最大热门,对自身球队的影响力是他最大的优势。魔术队目前 27-40的战绩已经比去年 多取得五胜,而赛季还有16场可以去努力取胜。 “It’s scary, it’s still so early in his career and he’s already this good, ” Magic coach Jamahl Mosley said of the rookie. “He’s going to keep getting better and better. Off the court, he’s just a cool dude. I think he fits in with everybody perfectly.” 魔术队教练Jamahl Mosley:「这真的很吓人,状元在他职业生涯的初期就如此优秀,还能 再持续进步。状元在场下也是一位很棒的小老弟,我认为他能很好的跟任何人相处。」 Milwaukee star Giannis Antetokounmpo has seen Banchero up close three times, with the Orlando forward scoring 20, 9 and 20 points against the Bucks. In the March 1 middle meeting at Fiserv Forum, Antetokounmpo got up close with Banchero’s size, too, stepping in to draw a charge and feeling the ooph! of it. 这赛季状元已经对决过公鹿明星字母哥三次,分别得到20分、9分和20分。3/1在公鹿主场 Fiserv Forum时,字母哥做了状元一次进攻犯规,亲身感受到状元的身材爆发力。 “I didn’t know he was 6-10, 250 pounds. He’s big,” Antetokounmpo said. “ I was 191 and they said 195 or 202, because I was too skinny. They had to lie, basically. That was another John Hammond pick. [Hammond, the Magic’s GM, held that spot in Milwaukee when Antetokounmpo arrived as the No. 15 pick in 2013.] “He reminds me a lot of Jabari [Parker]. He’s trying to play in the mid-range a lot. … He can dominate in the paint, he can shoot over guys, he can shoot threes. Sky’s the limit for him.” 字母哥:「我当时不知道他有这麽壮硕,6'10" 的身高搭配上 250磅的体重。想当初我新 秀年只有 191磅,实在是太轻了,所以团队基本必须虚报到 195磅或 202磅。这会是另一 次John Hammond的精彩选秀。Banchero跟 Jabari Parker很相似,热衷於投射中距离。可 以油漆区取分,可以一对一颜射,也可以射三分球。天空才是他的极限。」 ( John Hammond - 现任魔术总管,2013年时以公鹿总管的身分用15顺位选进字母哥 ) Nothing is guaranteed, though. Of the last 17 players selected No. 1, for instance, only six ended up being voted Rookie of the Year. So before that recent game in Milwaukee, Banchero spoke with NBA.com about the triumphs and the challenges of his first NBA season, while shedding a little light on his personality. 不过事情没有绝对的,过去17年的状元也只有6位能得到ROY。而在近期对战公鹿前,状元 跟 NBA.com的采访聊到了他新秀赛季的成功与挑战,也同时透漏描述一些自身的个性。 Editor’s note: This 1-on-1 conversation has been condensed and edited. 原文编辑者: 以下一对一谈话是有经过浓缩跟编辑的。 ===========================Q&A开始========================= NBA.com: Rookies want to get a toehold in this league, then establish themselves in their teams’ rotations and pecking order. The step after that is a big one — impacting winning. It seems as if you’re at that point. Banchero: That’s been a priority for me my whole life. Every level I’ve played, I’ve wanted to be real competitive. I come off as a mild-mannered guy but in my head, I want to win more than anything. So coming here, that was the biggest thing. Us being bottom of the league last year. And even before I got here, you didn’t think much of the Magic since Dwight Howard. I wanted to kill that narrative as soon as I could. As a group, we have great respect around the league, among our opponents. I’ ll bet if you asked any team that’s played us, they wouldn’t say we’re an easy team to go against at all. I’m just trying to do what I can to help. We ’ve got all kinds of players. We believe we can win. That we can beat anybody in the league. NBA.com :联盟新秀们都希望能在联盟中站稳脚跟,先让自己能进入球队轮替,再更进一 步去达到能影响球队胜利的目标。而你似乎已经都做到了。 Banchero:取得胜利是我人生中最重要的事。从小到大,我只想成为一名真正的竞争者。 我给人的感觉像是温和的书生,但在我脑海中,想赢的心态胜过一切。这是 NBA最重要的 事情。去年魔术队是联盟炉主。甚至在我加入魔术之前,魔术队的魔兽世代结束後,大众 已经看魔术没有很久了,我想尽快把这些言论给扼杀掉。我们有得到其他队伍的尊重,我 敢说没有对手敢说我们是一支可以轻取的队伍。我想尽可能帮助球队,也拥有各类型的队 友。我们相信自己可以赢球并击败所有队伍。 Rival teams’ announcers working your games have said more than once, “The Magic are going to be a problem next season.” As a competitor, you never want to be looked at as the easy team or the easy player, the easy matchup. You want to have respect around the league. But that ’s not given — no one’s going to hand us respect. So it’s on us to earn it every night. I think we’ve been doing that — we’ve had some big-time wins. We’ve also had some heart-breaking losses. We haven’t had too many [blowout losses]. Teams are getting our best shot almost every night. NBA.com :其他队伍的主播赛评不只一次说出下赛季的魔术队会是一个麻烦 Banchero:作为一名竞争者,从不希望被看成坦队跟软蛋。想在联盟获得尊重。但尊重是 需要自己争取的,而不是由别人施舍。所以每场比赛都要努力,这赛季也因此夺下一些重 大的胜利。当然也是会输一些令人难过的比赛,但我们没有输很多大比分的球赛,每场比 赛都会尽全力取胜。 Did you catch teams sleeping on you guys? I wouldn’t say now. Since the break, I think every team has been locked in on us. But definitely early in the season. When we went on our winning streak of seven or eight games, the way we were beating teams, you could kind of tell. Teams were coming out sluggish. Or when you’d beat them, they’d have kind of a funny look on their faces. Losing to the Magic?! I think that’s slowly starting to go away, with teams realizing how good we can be. NBA.com :你觉得有队伍看不起魔术队吗? Banchero:我认为现在没有。赛季初确实可能有球队觉得魔术 NGT,但自从我们连胜并击 败其他队伍时。你可以看见那些输球对手滑稽的表情,一脸不可置信的觉得输给魔术队。 所以轻视魔术队的看法已经渐渐消失,其他队伍知道我们的上限在哪。 What is the dynamic, being a top pick and dropping into a young, competitive group? Everybody’s eager to make his mark – are you rivals, pals, some combination? It was pretty welcoming. Starting with [Las Vegas] Summer League, the whole team came out there and we all went to dinner together. They came to the games and watched me play, and they were all very supportive. Once the preseason began, we started playing pick-up in August and September. That’s where we went after each other, but it was friendly competition. Definitely healthy. But no, I think we all pull for each other. We’re all competitors and everyone’s trying to establish themselves, but at the same time, we want to win. The best way to get recognition as a player is to win. As long as we come together and win, I think everyone knows they’re going to get whatever it is they want. Whether that’s recognition or a contract or whatever, winning affects that more than anything else. NBA.com :身为一名高顺位新秀加入一支年轻且互相竞争的球队的动力是什麽?大家都渴 望能打出自己的成绩,你们彼此算是竞争对手或朋友,还是某种混合的关系? Banchero:球团非常热情。从夏季联赛开始,全队都到也一起吃晚餐。看着我打比赛且非 常支持我。自季前的八、九月,我们就开始打 pick-up彼此互相竞争。算是健康且良性的 竞争。但我更想参与尽全力互相拉拔的模式。大家都是竞争对手,也想证明自己,同时大 家也想赢。身为一名球员,最好获得认可的方式就是赢球。只要全队同心协力去赢球,我 认为每个人都会得到想争取的事物。不论是球迷的认同、球团的合约或任何其他东西,胜 利带来的影响比任何事情都大。 I heard that when you were hurt, missing seven games with that sprained left ankle, you had to work to find perspective on that. True? It was a huge learning experience. That was my first time missing time in my life. College, high school, I never really dealt with injuries. So missing seven games, that was different for me. At first, I wanted to rush back and get my body back as soon as I could. But then you realize that’s not the healthiest thing for your mind or your body. So I took time to relax, took the rehab one day at a time. I missed a road trip, which was hard for me. Just learning how to handle myself and stay healthy with my mind and my body. If those two things are out, you’re going to struggle. NBA.com :我听说你因为左脚踝扭伤错过七场比赛时,你必须学习养伤并分析受伤原因? Banchero:真的是一次宝贵的经验。这是我人生中第一次缺赛,不论是高中还是大学时, 我从来没有面对过伤痛。缺席七场比赛这件事对我别具意义。起初,我希望能尽快重返球 队,尽快恢复健康。但突然明白这对自己的身心灵不是最健康的处理方式。所以我开始试 着放轻松,逐渐进行康复训练。错过那一次客场之旅,真的很难受。当时只能学习如何控 管好自己的身体跟心态,要是这两方面都出了状况真的会陷入挣扎。 Here in Milwaukee, Giannis stayed and brought a championship to the Bucks. How driven are you to do that in Orlando? One hundred percent. Orlando as a city, I love it. It’s sunny. It’s quiet but there’s a lot to do with Disney and all that stuff. Being able to bring the franchise, like, a championship is a No. 1 goal for me and the team. Obviously, that takes years of failing and trying again – it’s not just going to happen overnight, it’s a five- or 10-year process, whatever it is. But I think we’re learning to put the work in. Maybe get there a little quicker. NBA.com :字母哥待在密尔瓦基,帮公鹿队夺冠。你有多大的动力为奥兰多做一样的事? Banchero:百分之百全心全意。我热爱奥兰多这个城市,虽然这地方大部分只关注迪士尼 相关的事物。为魔术夺得冠军,是我跟全队的第一目标。我知道这需要多年的耕耘跟尝试 ,不可能一蹴即就,不论这是五年或十年的过程。我认为球队正往目标迈进,有可能让过 成能缩短时间。 Have you gotten any feedback from Shaq, the franchise’s first No. 1 pick? He did reach out one time. I had worn a Shaq vintage T-shirt — pictures of him when he was with Orlando — and he mentioned on social media he appreciated it. NBA.com :魔术第一位状元大欧,你有从他身上得到什麽回馈吗? Banchero:有跟大欧交流过一次。我当时穿了印着魔术欧瘦照片的 T恤,大欧有在社群媒 体上表达谢意。 Typically, rookies only hear whistles when they’re called for fouls. How are you able to get to the line so often as a newcomer? I think it’s just because of how aggressive I am on the court. I don’t drive to draw fouls, I drive to score. So when you do that, I feel you have a higher chance of getting fouled than when you look for a foul. Just trying to be aggressive and using my strength and my size to my advantage. Be relentless in attacking the rim — I think that’s my mindset. And I try to be nice to the refs, do nothing crazy. Be a guy who’s easy to officiate. There are some guys who I don’t get calls from, but there are a lot of games where I am able to get to the line. NBA.com :通常新秀只会在犯规时听到哨音,阿你这菜鸟怎麽那麽会买犯规? Banchero:我认为是我在球场上的侵略性十足。我切入不是为了买犯,是为了得分。我感 觉这会比单纯要犯规来得更容易获得吹判。试着利用力量跟身材优势去攻框,这就是我的 心态。也试着对裁判当个乖宝宝,做一位受教的球员。其实很多裁判不太买单,但也满多 场比赛我还是能够上罚球线。 So how did you survive a 1-for-33 month from the 3-point line in February? [Laughs] How do you survive that? That’s something I’ve been talking to my coaches about. I’ve never been in a slump like that, shooting-wise. Shooting is one of the biggest things I need to work on. You’re only going to get better at shooting by getting shots up. You also want to keep the defense honest, so whether it’s going in or not, you’ve got to shoot it. But I’m confident they will go in. So No. 34 is going to go up — it might go in, it might not but I’m going to shoot 35 and shoot 36 and eventually, that 1-for-33 is going to look a lot better. NBA.com :你二月份的三分球怎麽那麽烂? 1-33的命中率 Banchero:(大笑)我其实都有在跟教练研究这个问题,我投篮从来没有这麽烂过。投篮是 我最重要且努力练习的技能之一。只能靠投篮去改善投篮能力,也需要靠投篮能力吸引防 守者,不管能不能进,我还是会投篮,但我始终有自信能投进去。所以我会继续投第34、 35、36颗,1-33的命中率肯定会变好的。 Are you gaining confidence from that distance? I’ve had my stretches through college and things. You just have up-and-down stretches. Earlier in the year, I had maybe a stretch of shooting 45% in December [18-of-39, 46.2% from Dec. 11-23]. That just shows you can be up or you can be down. You have to keep shooting and keep believing. You put in the work so when you shoot it, you’re confident it has a chance. NBA.com :你对自己的三分球有信心吗? Banchero:我已经经历过了大学的挑战,人总是会有高低潮。我12月中三分球也有过一波 神准期 18-39, 46.2% ,投篮命中率就只是个数字,只需要相信自己继续投篮,因为有练 球,投篮时我总是有信心能进球。 Coming into the league, people tossed out comps for you such as Blake Griffin and Carmelo Anthony. What did you think of that? I’ve heard a lot of comparisons with players I’m similar to. I think it’s all fun. I’m a new face in the league so people see me and say, “Oh, he plays like this guy. He plays like that guy.” It’s fun to see what people think of your game. But I’m not just like anybody. I’ve watched a lot of great players in my life and taken stuff from some of them, but I try to have my own flavor and add my own stuff. So that 20 years from now, people say, “ Oh yeah, that guy plays like Paolo.” NBA.com :人们预想你的模板是Black Griffin跟Carmelo Anthony,你自己的看法是? Banchero:我确实听过很多我像谁谁谁的说法,满有趣的。毕竟我是联盟的菜鸟,人们会 这样去谈论我真的很有意思。但我并不像任何一个人,我从许多前辈的影片中学习技巧, 试着打出自己的风格并加入原先有的技能。到二十年後,人们就会说这家伙打球很像我。 When was the moment this season when things really clicked, in an “I’ve got this” way? It was really my first 10, 12 games. I had a great start and that’s when I felt I had the hang of it. This is not an easy league by any means, so it’s not just going to be up all the way. I’ve had a lot of downs. But once you experience that, you know you can do it. That was huge for me, keeping that in the back of my head whether I struggled or whatever. You can start how I started or you can go 1-for-30 from three. You’ve got to be able to stay level-headed. NBA.com :这赛季哪个时间点,你确实进入了「我悟了」的状态? Banchero:就前10、12场比赛的时候,我适应良好感觉有掌握到关键。 NBA绝对不简单, 不能只是尽全力持续提升自己,我也经历很多撞墙期。但只要能撞破它,你就会明白,自 己绝对能行。对我来说最重要的就是别放在心上,不管是撞墙还是什麽挫折。不论是跟我 一样不错的表现起步或是低迷的1-30三分球表现,只需要让自己能保持冷静的心态。 What do you consider your biggest weakness on the court? I would say my jump shot. I have a respectable jump shot but I wouldn’t say it’s the strongest part of my game. That’s driving the ball, being aggressive. Creating for others is another strength. But shooting is something I’m going to work on getting better at my entire career. I think that’s what separates the good and great players. NBA.com :你认为你在球场上最大的弱点是什麽? Banchero:算是我的跳投吧。我跳投能力还不错,但这不是我赛场上最强的部份。持球保 持侵略性才是。为队友创造机会是另一个强项。但投篮是我职业生涯中需要不断努力去精 进的技能。我认为投篮是区分伟大球员跟优秀球员的指标。 How about off the court, your biggest weakness? Chocolate-chip cookies. I’ve been really strict trying to be on my nutrition — I got a chef and all. But cookies and ice cream, I find myself always going back to that. Something that was a weakness but I’ve got a lot better at is sleep. Getting the right amount of sleep was something I struggled with in college and through the summer, but since the season started, I’ve been locked in on trying to get the right amount of sleep and staying rested. NBA.com :你在球场外最大的弱点是啥? Banchero:巧克力饼乾。我有营养团队协助我严格地努力控管饮食营养,但总是受不了饼 乾跟冰淇淋的诱惑。睡眠是我原来的大问题,目前已经改善很多,大学期间和去年夏天, 我一直无法获得充足的睡眠时间,但开季以後,我持续专注在确保获得适度的睡眠和保持 休息状态。 Seems like the medical and training staffs, and all the knowledge about nutrition and sleep, have taken some of the fun out of NBA life for you guys. You can get away with eating bad for a while — maybe 10 years, maybe a month — but it’s going to catch up with you. NBA.com :听起来医疗跟训练团队以及这些营养睡眠知识,已经让你的 NBA生涯少了乐趣 Banchero:确实可以因此摆脱不良饮食习惯,但只会是一段时间,可能十年可能一个月, 可这习惯永远不会缺席。 What’s the best advice you’ve gotten so far? I’ve gotten a lot. I’d probably just go back to what Jayson [Tatum, fellow Duke product] told me before I got here, that, “Being a high draft pick, you ’re going to have a lot of stuff handed to you. But as far as on the floor, you’re going to have to go take it.” Whatever you want, you’re going to have to take. Just keeping that in the back of my head. He told me, “Guys are going to come for you, being from Duke, being a high draft pick. Guys see that, guys know that.” NBA.com :你目前得到最好的建议是什麽? Banchero:我收到很多建议。但硬要选一个的话,我会选 Jayson Tatum 蓝魔鬼学长给我 的建议「身为一名高顺位的新秀,你可能会被强加很多期待。但只要你在球场上,你不得 不去接受它,不论你想要的是什麽,你都需要承担起来,人们是因为你的顺位跟学校来砥 砺你,懂的人都懂」我有把这个建议记在脑海中。 What do you make of Tatum’s season in Boston? I think he’s one of the best players in the NBA right now. Shoot, he’s coming off a Finals appearance. He’s starting to hit that real prime. He’s been a Top 15, Top 10 player, but I think he’s starting to reach that Top 5 or Top 3 status. It’s fun seeing the work he’s put in and it’s showing. I’ m sure he thinks he can get a lot better. NBA.com :你怎麽评价Tatum这赛季在波士顿的表现? Banchero:我认为 Tatum是目前 NBA最好的球员之一。刚打完总冠军赛,准备开始全盛期。 他一直是 Top 15、 Top 10的球员,但我认为他已经开始达到 Top 5甚至 Top 3的程度。看 见他的努力正准备开花结果很有趣,我也相信他认为自己还能再进步。 What is your go-to meal? Probably pasta. Shrimp and chicken fettuccine before the games. Not like right before the games but for lunch. NBA.com :你最常吃的食物是什麽? Banchero:义大利面吧。比赛前会吃海鲜鸡肉义式宽面条,不是说开赛前是比赛前的午餐 https://i.imgur.com/0NHPrHY.jpg
Favorite place on Earth? Outside of the gym? I’d say Seattle, where I’m from. Right at home. NBA.com :地球上最喜欢的地方是哪? Banchero:除了健身房吗?我的家乡,西雅图。 You’ve got one shot at a time machine. Where do you take it? I’d probably go back to when my Mom used to play for the Huskies. [Editor’s note: Rhonda Smith-Banchero was a University of Washington star, scoring 2,948 points before playing professionally in the ABL, WNBA and overseas.] Go watch some of her games. Because growing up, every single person I ran into that knew my Mom would just rave about how great she was, how much of a beast she was on the court. I’d love to go back and see it. NBA.com :如果你可以用一次时光机,你想回去哪? Banchero:我应该会想回到我老妈在 the Huskies当球员的时候,我想看她的比赛。从小 到大,我遇到的每一位认识老妈的人都会称赞她当年在球场上的表现,实在是太凶猛了。 特别想回到当时亲眼瞧瞧。 Rhonda Smith-Banchero 是华盛顿大学球星,得了2948分,毕业後在ABL、WNBA和海外打球 ---------------------------------------- 心得和短评: 大中计,这篇文章实在是太长了==,总算是翻译完了, 翻这篇的理由只是因为板桥罗有义大利国籍,,敬礼! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NBA/M.1678487875.A.BF8.html
1F:推 shau7276 : 所以该喂他凤梨披萨了吗 03/11 07:03
2F:→ xo45527788 : 真的很强未来大有可为 03/11 07:07
3F:推 jonestem : 推翻译 03/11 07:11
4F:推 bithmuth602 : 罗先生的妈妈当年有来台湾打过球喔 03/11 07:22
5F:→ bithmuth602 : 可以看看古神的考古文~ 03/11 07:22
6F:→ bithmuth602 : https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbi 03/11 07:22
7F:推 tiefu : 推 03/11 07:48
8F:推 e920528 : 推翻译 03/11 07:55
9F:推 kyo90637 : 板桥罗先生抗压性蛮好的 打起来不像新秀 03/11 08:00
上次跟鹈鹕BI互爆+2 印象深刻
10F:→ TheRock5566 : 魔术之星 03/11 08:17
11F:推 NukAnah : 看原文看到一半放弃,真的好长XD 感谢翻译 03/11 08:31
12F:→ NukAnah : 身为板桥人也稍微有关注板桥罗,心态看起来很棒 03/11 08:31
13F:推 gp03dan : 翻译推 03/11 08:49
14F:推 gp03dan : 字母:Banchero跟 Jabari Parker很相似 03/11 08:52
15F:→ gp03dan : Jabari可惜了,被伤病摧毁 03/11 08:53
16F:→ lehueerfy31 : 这种优文值得在总版推广,等一下补推 03/11 09:11
17F:推 lehueerfy31 : 推推 03/11 09:15
※ 编辑: foolishbi ( 台湾), 03/11/2023 09:16:59
18F:推 owlrex : 感谢翻译 03/11 09:16
19F:推 byby55133 : 好文推推 03/11 09:19
20F:推 wahaha303 : 看下来感觉心态很好 谦逊又不失自信 03/11 09:19
21F:推 pippen2002 : OH~~? 03/11 09:25
22F:推 TDKnight : 推 03/11 09:36
23F:推 Blackie9211 : 推翻译 03/11 09:37
24F:推 gerg : 推,好好看 03/11 09:45
25F:推 love1500274 : 优文 总版缺这种文 03/11 09:48
26F:推 kk9517 : 推啊 心态很好 03/11 09:53
27F:推 dream6789 : 推 03/11 09:54
28F:推 linchunan : 推! 03/11 10:02
29F:推 slough1003 : 推用心翻译 03/11 10:08
30F:推 caLvinyzc : 好赞 很知道期待的新人 感谢翻译 03/11 10:08
31F:→ caLvinyzc : 很值得啦干 03/11 10:08
32F:推 k285 : 优质文章必推!班伽若也真的强 03/11 10:09
33F:推 eternal5566 : 推 03/11 10:12
34F:推 aspired : 板桥之光 03/11 10:13
35F:推 orlando71 : 推推板桥之光 03/11 10:16
36F:推 zuhuei : 推 03/11 10:17
37F:推 kevinfan00 : 推! 03/11 10:20
38F:推 JJRICH : 推! 03/11 10:24
39F:推 cloki : 推 原来母亲也打过职业啊... 03/11 10:26
40F:推 tingx2 : 最後好好笑,推! 03/11 10:34
41F:推 matsuwu : 现况感觉谁被火箭选到都很倒楣 03/11 10:36
42F:推 jokert : 推推 03/11 10:38
43F:推 matsuwu : 板桥罗别受伤看起来会是大物 03/11 10:39
44F:推 AriesC : 真的有像甲百二帕克 03/11 10:40
45F:推 Monetelliz : 优文 03/11 10:43
46F:推 mikeway : 推 03/11 10:46
47F:推 rbking21 : 推推 心态很棒的球员 03/11 11:11
48F:推 a00110661 : 推翻译整理 03/11 11:18
49F:推 hws606 : 推翻译 03/11 11:32
50F:推 cyd1218 : 推好文 感谢翻译 03/11 11:39
51F:推 whhw : 推 03/11 11:43
52F:推 tim19990312 : 推 03/11 11:53
53F:推 ThunderLord : 感谢辛苦翻译 03/11 12:57
54F:嘘 jay60202 : 这麽长谁看的完 03/11 14:16
55F:推 dreamkd : 帮义大利打球吧 03/11 18:10
56F:推 sam50540933 : 推推 03/11 18:58
57F:推 abrovpa : 怀念贾霸二 03/11 21:53
58F:→ rbking21 : 借转 谢谢 03/11 23:46

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: rbking21 ( 台湾), 03/11/2023 23:47:01

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