Orl-Magic 板


原文:http://www.nba.com/games/20031029/ORLNYK/recap.html Orlando 85, New York 83 (OT) McGrady, Magic Spoil Van Horn's Big Night 奥兰多85,纽约83(延长赛) 魔术的McGrady毁了Van Horn伟大的一夜 NEW YORK, Oct. 29 (Ticker) -- After Keith Van Horn left, Tracy McGrady finally appeared. 纽约,10月29日(票爷)--Tracy McGrady总算在 Keith Van Horn犯 满离场後大展身手。 McGrady spoiled a solid debut by Van Horn, overcoming poor shooting with a pair of clutch baskets down the stretch as the Orlando Magic rallied for an 85-83 overtime victory over the New York Knicks on Wednesday. 在星期三, McGrady搞砸了Van Horn在尼克精采的初登场,在第四节 结束前,克服了本场比赛不顺的手感,连续投进了两个关键的投篮, 惊险的在延长赛中以85比83击败了纽约尼克队。 McGrady made just 9-of-23 shots but finished with 26 points and helped Orlando overcome a 10-point fourth-quarter deficit. His follow shot with 0.5 seconds left sent the game into overtime. 虽然McGrady出手23次只命中9球,但他全场仍得了26分,并且帮助球 队追平了第四节时10分的落後。他在第四节只剩 0.5秒时抓下篮板并 投篮得分将比赛送入了延长赛。 "I was getting frustrated all night and my shots weren't falling," McGrady said. "As bad as we played they never ran away with a big lead. I told my teammates if we take it to overtime, I will win this game." 「我整晚都感到很挫折,我的投篮都不进,」McGrady说。 「不过他 们打得和我们一样糟糕,并没有将差距拉开。我告诉队友们,如果我 们能将比赛带到延长赛中,我将会赢下这场胜利。」 Van Horn, who arrived via the offseason trade that sent popular Latrell Sprewell to Minneota, was a target for jeers during the preseason. He quickly won over the fans at Madison Square Garden by scoring 29 points and grabbing eight rebounds. 在季前一椿与明尼苏远的交易中,藉由送走很受观众喜爱的 Latrell Sprewell而交易来到的Van Horn,成为了被嘲弄的对象。但他很快地 在这场比赛中,藉由得到29分及抓下8个篮版的表现, 赢得了麦迪逊 花园广场球迷的心。 "I was excited to come in here and show the Knicks fans what I can do," Van Horn said. "I wanted to come out and let my game speak for myself." 「我很高兴能够来到这儿并向尼克队球迷们展现出我所能做到的,」 Van Horn说。「我迫不及待想要上场,并以我场上的表现为我自己辩 护」 But Van Horn fouled out with 34 seconds remaining in regulation. By that time, the Knicks had blown most of a 73-63 lead with 3:43 remaining in the fourth period. 不过Van Horn在正规赛结束前34秒犯满离场。 原本距离终场3分43秒 还有着73比63领先的尼克队,也在此时将他们的优势挥霍殆尽。 (按:在Van Horn离场的时候,比数为Orl 71, NY 73) Van Horn didn't receive much help from his teammates. Allan Houston and Kurt Thomas scored 10 points apiece on a combined 8-of-30 shooting. The Knicks shot 40 percent (32-of-80) overall. Van Horn在这场比赛中,并没有从队友那儿得到太多的帮助。 Allan Houston和Kurt Thomas各得了10分, 两人合起来有着投30中8的命中 率。而尼克队并场的命中率也只有4成(投80中32)。 "When he (Van Horn) left the game, it hurt us," Knicks coach Don Chaney said. "We didn't have anyone that we could go to late. We highlighted him early because he got it going and we started playing off of him." 「当他(Van Horn)离开了比赛,的确对我们造成了伤害,」尼克教 头Don Chaney说。「之後我们找不到任何人可以把球交给他的。早先 的比赛之中我们总是将球集中给Van Horn因为他总是能得分,而之後 我们得在没有他的延长赛中比赛。 」 Orlando went on a 15-0 run bridging regulation and overtime to build a 78-73 lead with 3:38 left. McGrady hit a three-pointer to cap the run and chants of "Fire Layden!" - a reference to Knicks general manager Scott Layden - echoed throughout the Garden. New York cut the overtime deficit to 85-83 on a jumper by Thomas with 17 seconds remaining and had a chance to win it after Orlando's Tyronn Lue missed two free throws, but Thomas shot an airball on a three-pointer at the buzzer. 奥兰多由正规赛到延长赛,拉出了一波15比0的攻势, 在延长赛还剩 3分38秒时建立了78比73的领先。McGrady以一计三分球延续攻势并使 得麦迪逊花园广场中反覆回响着「炒掉Layden!」。 (笔者按:Layden指尼克队的经理Scott Layden) 之後纽约中止了劣势,并在剩下17秒时藉由Thomas的跳投将比数拉近 为85比83。在奥兰多的Tyronn Lue两罚失手後,尼克队原本有可能赢 得比赛,但在枪响前Thomas在三分线上投了一计篮外空心使得尼克队 错失良机。 Drew Gooden had 16 points and nine rebounds, Lue scored 11 points and fellow newcomer Juwan Howard added nine and 10 boards for Orlando. Howard and Lue signed as free agents during the offseason. Drew Gooden得到16分、9篮板, Lue得到11分,新同学Juwan Howard 为球队得到9分和10篮板。Howard和Lue在季前以自由球员的身份所签 下。 The Magic won their fourth consecutive opener as they took advantage of 26 turnovers by the Knicks. 由於领先了有26次失误的尼克队,魔术赢得了连续第四季开幕战的胜 利。 Orlando shot just 37 percent (32-of-87) and made just 16-of-29 free throws. 魔术队仅有37%的命中率(投87中32), 而罚球更是只有29中16的表 现。 Van Horn scored 13 points in the third quarter as New York outscored Orlando, 25-17, to take a 59-51 lead into the fourth period. 在第三节中,Van Horn得到了13分且带领尼克队在第三节取得25比17 的成绩,并使得尼克在前三节打完取得59比51的领先。 New York's Shandon Anderson scored four points in 31 minutes as he played in his 500th consecutive game, the longest current streak in the NBA. 纽约的Shandon Anderson在31分钟内得到了4分,这是他连续第500场 出赛,也是现役球员中最长的记录。 (有幸能翻译票爷的大作,实在是祖上积得三生有幸啊<_._>) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:→ holybell:不小心修掉谁的推文了...Sorry 推 10/30
2F:→ holybell:翻得很烂,大家可以多给我指教^^;; 推 10/30
3F:→ yang0325:加油加油 ...很棒低~~~~^^ 推 10/30
4F:→ magicmac:谢谢大大的翻译^^"!!! 推 10/30
5F:→ colinh:推票爷.. 推 10/30
6F:→ holybell:没错~ 我们都该感谢票爷的恩泽啊 推 10/30
※ 编辑: holybell 来自: (10/30 19:25)
7F:→ booth:卡特真他妈带塞,魔术=靠类固醇打进冠军赛的废渣队,吃大便 11/12 15:33
8F:→ hong8376066:GoGo Magic 冲阿.........总冠军 05/24 20:55

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