Orl-Magic 板


※ 引述《nikeshox (还是我们家怡蓉最好! I》之铭言: : ※ 引述《ranal (孤竹....)》之铭言: : : P.J. Brown 33岁 : : 生涯平均 : : 9.2 points : : 7.9 rebounds : : 1.1 blocks : : 去年 : : 10.7 points : : 9 rebounds : : Juwan Howard 30岁 : : 生涯平均 : : 17.9 points : : 7.4 rebounds : : 去年 : : 18.3 points : : 7.5 rebounds : : 大家比较看看~~ : : 个人认为P.J. Brown虽然老了点~~但比较符合魔术需求..... : : 这礼拜将要和魔术谈...... : : 另外没有Candyman的消息~~大概已经被魔术踢出考虑名单外了...... : : 还有~上周已经跟Daniels和Claxton谈过了~不过还不知道两方面意向..... : Free-agent power forward P.J. Brown will visit with Orlando Magic officials : next week, the Orlando Sentinel reported. : The 6-11 Brown, who averaged 10.7 points and nine rebounds last season in : New Orleans, would fill a big need for the Magic, providing a physical front- : court presence. Brown has repeatedly expressed a desire to play in Orlando. : "This is something that we have talked about for quite a while," Mark : Bartelstein, Brown's agent, told the Sentinel. "He already has a great feel : for the franchise, a lot of respect for it, Doc Rivers and the players there." : The newspaper reported that Bartelstein and Magic general manager John : Gabriel have already held one discussion. But the sticking point could be the : Magic's salary-cap limitations. : The club can offer a first-year salary of no more than $4.8 million, and : the Hornets could offer more money for Brown to stay in New Orleans. : Bartelstein told the paper that the $4.8 million exception probably wouldn't : be enough for Brown to sign with the Magic, although a sign-and-trade could : be a possibility. : The Magic also are looking at Denver power forward Juwan Howard, and last : week met with free-agent point guards Speedy Claxton and Antonio Daniels. Although it was P.J. Brown who came for the visit earlier this week, it's Juwan Howard now who has the Orlando Magic believing they can do some serious upgrading to their frontcourt later this month. Howard, who averaged 18.4 points and 7.6 rebounds for the Denver Nuggets last season, has shown a willingness to accept the $4.8 million middle-class exception that the Magic have offered him, according to NBA sources. Free agents can begin signing new contracts July 16. "They [Magic] have as good a chance -- or better -- as anyone right now of getting Juwan," said one NBA executive. "It looks promising." The Magic are among several teams offering Howard, 30, a similar package that starts at $4.8 million and extends to four and five years. The Minnesota Timberwolves and Detroit Pistons also have expressed some confidence in signing Howard. David Falk, Howard's agent, declined comment Wednesday on Howard's future. Magic General Manager John Gabriel also declined to comment on specific free agents the Magic were courting. The Magic spoke with free- agent point guard Tyronn Lue Wednesday at the RDV Sports-plex. He was the third free- agent point guard who has visited, joining Speedy Claxton and Antonio Daniels. Brown, a 6-foot-11 power forward/center who played in New Orleans last season, left Orlando on Tuesday and went directly to San Antonio. The Spurs are looking for a starter to replace David Robinson and can offer Brown considerably more money than the Magic. Howard, though, is the Magic's first choice. Although he isn't a great interior defender, he would give them a consistent second scoring option behind Tracy McGrady. The Magic would play him alongside power forward Drew Gooden, often going without a true center. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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1F:→ booth:卡特真他妈带塞,魔术=靠类固醇打进冠军赛的废渣队,去死死 11/12 15:32
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