Orl-Magic 板


http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/basketball/magic /orl-sptmagic04070403jul04,0,5930557.story?coll=orl-magic After nine seasons and 900 floor burns at TD Waterhouse Centre, point guard Darrell Armstrong may have worn his Orlando Magic uniform for the last time. Armstrong, the symbolic heart and soul of the franchise, said Thursday that he is preparing mentally for the possibility of leaving the only NBA team he ever has known. "They say that all good things have to come to an end one day," he said from his summer home in Atlanta. "It's a tough situation, but I'm ready to face it. I would just feel badly for the fans in Orlando who have been so good to me." Armstrong, 35, became an unrestricted free agent July 1, completing a five-year $18-million contract. He made $4.01 million last season. Although Magic General Manager John Gabriel said Thursday that he expects to re-sign Armstrong, he has spent the past two days talking with younger free-agent point guards Antonio Daniels of the Portland Trail Blazers and Speedy Claxton of the San Antonio Spurs. They also drafted point guard Reece Gaines last month. "Darrell means tons to us," Gabriel said. "We want him back. We want what's best for both of us. He's in our plans, but we've got to put the whole thing together." Armstrong, who has lost some of his quickness, is no longer viewed as the Magic's starter at point guard. He averaged 9.4 points and 3.9 assists in 28.7 minutes last season. He averaged 15.9 points and seven assists during the 2000-2001 season. If Armstrong finishes his career with the Magic, he is expected to be the first player in franchise history to have his jersey number retired. His willingness to play hurt and still play with great intensity has made him extremely popular. Although terms of a new Magic contract have not been discussed yet with Armstrong or his agent, the Magic are expected to offer a reduced salary and fewer than the four additional years that Armstrong seeks. Armstrong and his agent, Glenn Schwartzman, have been listening to offers from several other teams, including the Miami Heat and Washington Wizards, teams in dire need of a starting point guard. According to one NBA source, the Golden State Warriors also have shown considerable interest in Armstrong -- and it will intensify if they los e point guard Gilbert Arenas as expected. The Warriors are coached by Eric Musselman, who was an assistant with the Magic for several years. "My first choice would be a return to the Magic, but this is a business, and I understand what they're doing. That's why I've got to do what I'm doing," he said. "If they don't need me, I'll survive. It looks like they could be on another page, ready to turn my page." Armstrong, 6 feet 1 and 180 pounds, joined the Magic in 1994, working his way through various minor leagues and overseas teams to earn a roster spot after being undrafted out of Fayetteville (N.C.) State. He is the only player remaining from the Shaquille O'Neal/Penny Hardaway era, surviving the purge of the roster that followed. He became the team leader during the 1999-2000 season, when the Magic gutted their roster to create the salary-cap room to sign Tracy McGrady and Grant Hill. In four of the past five seasons, he played in every game, despite a variety of shoulder, back, ankle and groin injuries. "I've read the paper. I can see they want to have a youth movement, but there are no hard feelings from me," he said. "I'll still be a guy who brings it every night, whether I'm hurt or healthy. And I'll be doing that somewhere next season in the NBA." 可惜了..... 终究还是谈不拢~~ 以後可能在魔术看不到他了....... --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: ranal 来自: (07/04 14:17)
1F:→ yang0325:好可惜~~>"< 推140.115.228.144 07/04
2F:→ manieliu:旧魔术王朝的最後一人.... 推 07/04
3F:→ AmdsLancelot:不考虑情感因素的话~我觉得是好事:) 推 07/04
4F:→ fuyuji:同意楼上的!赶快把那几个无用矮子都清掉吧 推 07/04
5F:→ AmdsLancelot:我也不是说矮子都不好拉>"< 推 07/04
6F:→ AmdsLancelot:像Vaughn季中我一度以为可以取代骷髅头... 推 07/04
7F:→ ranal:Vaughn...唉...还是赶快清掉吧...... 推 07/05
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9F:→ hong8376066:卡特真是真他妈的强 打到3:0还能赢对方 半人半神阿 05/24 20:43

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