Orl-Magic 板


Team Player School / nation The buzz 1. Cleveland G/SF LeBron James High school Undoubtedly a future superstar 2. Detroit C/F Darko Milicic Serbia May be final piece for Pistons. 3. Denver SF Carmelo Anthony Syracuse Could be 2004 Rookie of the Year. 4. Toronto PF Chris Bosh Georgia Tech Raptors still might trade pick. 5. Miami PF Maciej Lampe Poland Heat take sizable chance. 6. L.A. Clippers SG Dwyane Wade Marquette Clips get a steal here. 7. Chicago SG/SF Mickael Pietrus France Euro Jordan lands in Air Jordan's town. 8. Milwaukee PG T.J. Ford Texas Bucks will be surprised to see him here. 9. New York C Chris Kaman Central Michigan Knicks interested in trading out of draft. 10. Washington PF Mike Sweetney Georgetown Misguided Wizards take hometown forward. 11. Golden State PG Kirk Hinrich Kansas Pleasant surprise for Warriors. 12. Seattle PF Nick Collison Kansas Sonics want most polished big man left. 13. Memphis SF/SG Jarvis Hayes Georgia Nice talent falls to lucky Grizzlies. 14. Seattle PG Marcus Banks UNLV Banks riding late rise in stock. 15. Orlando PG Reece Gaines Louisville Best fit for the Magic. 16. Boston SF/PF Zarko Cabarkapa Serbia If Banks isn't here, Celts take this option. 17. Phoenix F/C Sofoklis Schortsanitis Greece Hey, Amare Stoudemire was worth the risk, too. 18. New Orleans PF Brian Cook Illinois Skilled big man needed for depth. 19. Utah F David West Xavier Very good pick this late. 20. Boston PG Luke Ridnour Oregon Celts surprised to see him this far down. 21. Atlanta PG Leandrinho Barbosa Brazil Development will take time. 22. New Jersey PG Zoran Planinic Croatia A skilled big PG in case Jason Kidd leaves. 23. Portland SF Travis Outlaw High school Blazers are deep and can spend time grooming him. 24. L.A. Lakers SG/SF Boris Diaw France Has size and versatility Phil Jackson likes. 25. Detroit SG/SF Carlos Delfino Argentina Pistons get more skilled and athletic. 26. Minnesota SF Luke Walton Arizona The odd pick of the first round. 27. Memphis SF Ndudi Ebi High school Had been headed to Arizona. 28. San Antonio F/C Zaur Pachulia Republic of Georgia Spurs enamored with him 29. Dallas C Kendrick Perkins High school Mavs take big Texan as a project. Brian Schmitz's draft predictions Team Player School / nation The buzz 1. Cleveland G/SF LeBron James High school LeNike finally gives you reason to watch Cavs. 2. Detroit C/F Darko Milicic Serbia Mystery kid doesn't thrill Larry Brown like Anthony. 3. Denver SF Carmelo Anthony Syracuse Say hello to anonymity, 'Melo. 4. Toronto PF Chris Bosh Georgia Tech Garnett-like promise but needs to fill out. 5. Miami C Chris Kaman Central Michigan Pat Riley says goodbye to 'Zo 6. L.A. Clippers PG T.J. Ford Texas This means Andre Miller will be available. 7. Chicago PG Kirk Hinrich Kansas In case Jay Williams' career is over. 8. Milwaukee SG Dwyane Wade Marquette May be draft's best athlete. 9. New York PG Reece Gaines Louisville A reach, but could swing trade to move up. 10. Washington PF Mike Sweetney Georgetown Local kid and tough rebounder. 11. Golden State PG Luke Ridnour Oregon Makes up for free-agent loss of Gilbert Arenas. 12. Seattle PG Leandrinho Barbosa Brazil More than coffee imported from Brazil. 13. Memphis SG/SF Mickael Pietrus France Jerry West upgrades from Shane Battier. 14. Seattle PF Maciej Lampe Poland Sonics join Dallas as NBA version of UN. 15. Orlando SF/SG Jarvis Hayes Georgia Magic grab starter, send Giricek to bench. 16. Boston SF Alexsandra Pavlovic Serbia Celtics get a third scorer. 17. Phoenix F/C Sofoklis Schortsanitis Greece "Baby Shaq" turns Amare Stoudeamire loose on the world. 18. New Orleans PF Nick Collison Kansas A nice replacement for P.J. Brown. 19. Utah F David West Xavier Jazz need everything at end of Stockton-Malone era. 20. Boston PG Marcus Banks UNLV Celtics have needed a point guard forever. 21. Atlanta SF/SG Josh Howard Wake Forest Criminal that kid with hops lasted this long. 22. New Jersey PG Troy Bell Boston College Nets need a scorer, whether Kidd is around or not. 23. Portland SF Travis Outlaw High school Fitting that Jail Blazers pick an Outlaw. 24. L.A. Lakers PF Brian Cook Illinois Shaq needs someone to run interference. 25. Detroit SG Travis Hansen BYU Played himself into first round at Chicago camp. 26. Minnesota C Zarko Cabarkapa Serbia T-Wolves take a flier on 6-11 center. 27. Memphis SF Dahntay Jones Duke GM Jerry West can't pass on Dukie's athletic ability. 28. San Antonio PF Mario Austin Mississippi State Spurs could always use some muscle in West. 29. Dallas SG Zoran Planinic Croatia What else to expect from NBA's United Nations team? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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1F:→ booth:卡特真他妈带塞,魔术=靠类固醇打进冠军赛的废渣队,去死死 11/12 15:32
2F:→ hong8376066:卡特真是真他妈的强 打到3:0还能赢对方 半人半神阿 05/24 20:42

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