Old-Games 板


悲报!怀旧游戏再受重击!!ROMhacking.net停止服务 by城东客栈 -- 以下转载自 https://bbs.oldmantvg.net/thread-64226.htm -- https://www.romhacking.net/ 还能继续下载,不过不能上传了 简单来说,是站长被有心的坏逼运营团队坑了,泄露了个人信息,让站长伤心了 It’s been a good near 20 year run, but for various reasons it’s time to wind things down. The site achieved almost everything it set out to do, and far exceeded it. We joined hacking and translation communities together for the first time ever. We outlasted and eclipsed ROM hacking sites that came before us. We brought ROM hacking from niche and fragmented to global and centralized. We assembled the largest force of ROM hackers on the planet. We brought learning resources and accessibility to a much wider range of people. We made major progress legitimizing and pulling ROM hacking from underground dark web type material to something much more accepted by the mainstream. We paved a much easier path for all of those that will come after us. No doubt, this site changed ROM hacking forever. It will leave behind the legacy of those accomplishments to remember. Things sure have changed since the beginning days. I miss the times when I was able to interact with a smaller group of supportive people to collaborate with rather than the entire world. Having gone from an unknown fledgling site to an infinitely growing and globally known one made sustainability very challenging. The site became so busy with 24/7 use, endless queues, and an endless inbox. It’s a very different world than it was in 2005. Copyright pressures increased dramatically with takedowns and legal burden. The site shifted from serving mostly contributing humans to bots and overzealous people abusing resources. They drowned everybody else out. The need for the site has lessened over time. There are now many options for community discussions, open source projects, and file storage across the Internet. For a while, I was looking to find a successor within the circles of site supporters. I asked several potential people, but the stars did not align. I was finally looking to wind things down at the end of last year. I wanted to provide the site database and file archive to the general public. At that time, an internal group suddenly emerged with an offer to help continue the site. I questioned their intentions, but I thought it could prove to be a more community friendly path forward. However, it turned out to be the opposite. We had a rocky phase 1, moving the downloads into their possession. When I went to startup phase 2, I discovered a most dishonest and hate filled group. I learned that I had been dehumanized for a very long time. My personal details had been given out. Secret deceitful plots had been made to cut me out, and drop a bomb like I am a target to destroy. My family has seen this and after discussion, we are immediately ceasing all related site operations. We are cutting ties to Discord and Twitter social media outlets, and will have no further contact with these individuals. Lines were crossed. I had hoped this community especially would have learned from what happened to Near. This behavior is not OK for handling disagreements, miscommunication, anger, or anything else. We have released the site database (sans account and/or profile information) as well as all of the files and images to the Internet Archive. In summary: Internet Archive of Database and Download Files All Submissions other than News are permanently closed. All sections of the site will remain up as read only. Downloads and images will be available for as long as DarkSol, FCAndChill Calico will allow. Forum will remain up Twitter and Discord affiliations have ended. Anything further from these outlets do NOT represent myself or ROMhacking.net. I look forward to seeing what projects will emerge with the site data for the next generation. From what I have seen, it may be a good time to start an open source initiative for a new site. I’d love to hear about what projects you are working on! I thank all of the many staff and community members whom kept the wheels turning and the lights on over the years. I am proud of our many accomplishments here together. I will carry forward remembering the good times, laughing about the bad times, and knowing she was right for the time, but time has a way of moving on. This is ROMhacking.net as we knew her signing off… 有道机翻: 将近20年的良好运营後,出於各种原因,我们决定将网站关闭。该 网站几乎实现了其所有既定目标,并且远远超出了预期。我们首次将 黑客和翻译社区联合起来。我们比之前的ROM黑客网站存活时间更长 ,影响力更大。我们将ROM黑客从小众和碎片化的状态转变为全球性 和集中化的状态。我们聚集了地球上ROM黑客的最大力量。我们将学 习资源和可及性扩展到了更广泛的人群。我们取得了重大进展,将ROM 黑客从地下暗网类型的材料转变为更受主流社会接受的东西。我们 为後来者铺平了道路,让他们更容易进入这个领域。毫无疑问,这个 网站永远改变了ROM黑客的面貌。它将留下这些成就的遗产供人们铭 记。 自最初的日子以来,情况确实发生了变化。我怀念那些能够与一小 群支持者互动并合作的时光,而不是整个世界。从一个不知名的新兴 网站成长为一个无限增长和全球知名的网站,这使得可持续性变得非 常具有挑战性。该网站因24小时不间断使用、无尽的排队和无尽的收 件箱而变得异常繁忙。这与2005年的世界大不相同。版权压力急剧增 加,出现了撤稿和法律负担。该网站从主要为贡献者服务转变为为机 器人和滥用资源的狂热分子服务。他们淹没了其他人的声音。随着时 间的推移,该网站的需求逐渐减少。如今,互联网上有许多社区讨论 、开源项目和档案存储的选项。一段时间内,我试图在网站支持者圈 子中寻找继任者。我询问了几位潜在人选,但命运的齿轮并未合拍。 去年年底,我终於打算将事情告一段落。我想将网站的资料库和档 案存档向公众开放。就在那时,一个内部团队突然出现,提出帮助继 续运营该网站的提议。我质疑他们的动机,但认为这可能是一条更亲 民的前进道路。然而,事实证明情况正好相反。我们在将下载转移到 他们手中的阶段经历了一段艰难的时期。当我准备启动第二阶段时, 我发现这是一个极其不诚实、充满仇恨的团队。我意识到自己被当作 非人对待了很久。我的个人信息被泄露了。有人暗中策划要除掉我, 就像我是个需要摧毁的目标一样。我的家人也看到了这些,经过讨论 後,我们立即停止了所有相关网站的运营。我们将切断与Discord和 Twitter等社交媒体平台的联系,并且不会再与这些人有任何联系。有 些界限已经被跨越了。我希望这个社区,尤其是,能从Near的经历中 吸取教训。这种处理分歧、沟通不畅、愤怒或其他事情的方式是不可 接受的。 我们已经将网站的资料库(不含账户或个人信息)以及所有档案和 图象上传至互联网档案馆。简而言之: 互联网档案馆资料库和下载档案 ‧ 除新闻外的所有提交都将永久关闭。 ‧ 网站的所有部分将作为只读内容保留。 下载和图象将持续提供,只要DarkSol、FCAndChill Calico允许。 论坛将保持开放。 ‧ 与Twitter和Discord的关联已经结束。来自这些平台的任何进 一步行为均不代表我或ROMhacking.net。我期待着看到下一代网站上 将出现的哪些项目。从我所看到的情况来看,现在可能是启动一个新 网站的开源项目的好时机。我很想听听你们正在从事哪些项目! 我要感谢多年来一直推动网站运转、让网站保持光明的所有员工和 社区成员。我们在一起取得了许多成就,我为这些成就感到自豪。我 会铭记那些美好的时光,笑谈那些糟糕的时光,并知道她当时是正确 的,但时间总是在向前推进。 以下是我们所熟悉的ROMhacking.net网站的告别辞… -- 「我从来没讨厌过记者,只是不喜欢一部份自称记者的寄生虫而已。我讨厌的是那些对可 能受到政治压力的事避而不提,却专写那些会伤害一般市民的隐私及名誉的记者;更过份 一点,成为当权者的利益代辩人的家伙而已。」 《银河英雄传说外传.尤里安的伊谢尔伦日记》第四章\帝国的提案 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Old-Games/M.1722627434.A.1BE.html
1F:推 Workforme: 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊世界毁了QQ 08/03 05:30
2F:推 mydoc: 赶紧去载了他的资料 08/03 07:00

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