Oasis 板


The Mad Ferret himself 全名: William John Paul Gallagher 生日: Spetember 21,1972 (民国 61 年 9 月 21 日) 星座: Virgo 处女座 出生地: Longsight, Manchester, UK 学历: St. Bernard's Primany (Burnage) (1977) St Mark's High School (Didsbury) (198?) 双亲: Margaret (Peggy) Sweeney (Born Jan. 30,1943, Swinford, Co. Mayo, Ireland). Thomas Gallagher (Born in Duleek, Co.Meath, Ireland) They divorced in April 1984. (他们於民国 73 年 4 月正式离婚) 手足: Noel Paul Anthony (Born: Jan.11,1966, Longsight, Manchester, UK) 最爱的足球俱乐部: Manchester City Blues 最爱的乐团: The Beatles, Sex Pistols and Cast 前妻: Patsy Kenist (Born March 4,1968, London, UK) Married: April 7,1997 at Westminster Registry Office in London. (於民国 86 年 4 月 7 日於伦敦公证结婚) Divorced: May 2000 (於民国 89 年 5 月离婚) 儿子: James 职业: Actress 女演员 儿子: Lennon Francis Gallagher 生日: Spet 13, 1999 (民国 88 年 9 月 13 日) 生辰: 8:45am (早上八点四十五分) 出生医院: Portland Hospital London 重量: 6lbs 身高: 5'9 (约 ??? 公分, 拜托大伙会换算的帮忙一下罗...) 眼珠颜色: Blue-gray 蓝灰色 发色: Light brown 淡棕色 血型: Orh 这是指 O 型群吧 鞋子尺码: 8 最爱的歌曲: "Ticket to Ride" by the Beatles "Natural Mystic" by Bob Marley "I am the Resurrection" by the Stone Roses 最爱的书籍: The Lion, the Which and the Wardrode 最爱的电影: Quadrophenia (没看过...) Trainspotting (猜火车;) Seven (火线追缉令;) Scarface (好像是艾尔帕西诺主演的疤面煞星吧) 最爱的电视节目: Neighbors 惯用香烟牌: Benson and Hegdes 最爱的蔬菜: sprouts (是包心菜嘛?) 最爱的颜色: Brown 资料来源: Shake Along With Me http://www.geocities.com/liamluv72/liam.html Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- take me if you think I`m sweet though my life feels incomplete take me when I wish to live for I still have this to give --Liam Gallagher. Take Me --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From: 61-221-60-233.HINET-IP.hinet.ne

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