Oasis 板


Q: Why d'you think Robbie's continuing to unravel his intestines all over the universe with this book of his? Noel: "I'll tell you the thing about that poor little kid. Any disease going round? I've had that. 'Cancer? I've had that. Oh, that bombing in New York? I was in that. What, fucking Alzheimer's? Er, have I had that?'" Liam: "I can't get me head round these kids, man. On the fooking wagon?" Noel: "In yer 20's?" Liam: "Fook off! Have a break but never say never, man. Get a fooking lager down yer neck!" 以上这段记者问到对於 Fatty 在书里自爆病史的观感, 呵 Noel 故意举一堆病来讽刺他哩,不过他两兄弟後头的对话我不太了就是了 Q: Robbie wants to have sex with you. 罗比他想要和你上床呢。 Liam: "A lot of people want to have sex with me. And he's at the fooking back of the list. Fooking charity boxing matches, you fooking goon, but that's all over, thank fook. I don't give a shit no more; I couldn't give a shit about no-one, I'm on cloud nine." 很多人都想要和我上床,他可要排到他妈的很後面罗。干他什麽慈善拳击赛, 你他妈的疯了哦?但干谢啦,现在一切都过去了。我不想再鸟他了, 我也不能再鸟他了,我现在可是在云端之上幸福的很呢。 (注: Cloud Nine 出自一现代英国同名剧作,讲述跨越维多利亚大英殖民时代 到现代的一个家庭内,每个人所发生的关於地位,性别,性爱错置和解放的转变 由於剧中贯穿每一幕的主题歌就是这首讲述追求幸福的 Cloud Nine,所以以後 Cloud Nine 变成一个表达你到达真正幸福的境界, 我大二英戏剧刚好有读到这本剧本,非常劲爆,各种你想得到的性关系都在里头) Q: Born on a different cloud? 呵你正好写了一首“生於不同的云端上”的歌呢。 Liam: "Born on a different cloud, man, and I ain't coming down." (这句话不用翻了吧;) 唉呦真是浪漫幸福死了,不想下来哦^-^~) Q: What does it look like this cloud? 那你的这朵云看起来怎麽样啊? Liam: "Nice" Q: What can you see when you're on it? 那你在上头又看得到些什麽呢? Liam: "Me." (^-^~ 果然) Q: So it's a cloud with loads of mirrors round it? 所以这是个有很多很多镜子的云罗? Liam: "That's it. That's it, man. That's the fooking fella." (干嘛啊还两个一起想像 Liam 的幸福之所啊,真可爱;) These past couple of years, Liam'n'Noel have watched the demise of jubilant rock'n'roll, the curse of the corporate flatline, the dominance of US nu-metal goth-rock gonks and the continuation of the Celebrity Tot's Pop jamboree. 过去这几年来,Liam 和 Noel 眼看着兴高采烈庆祝摇滚乐的精神渐渐死去, XXXX(查不到 flatline 是啥义)的诅咒、美国 nu-metal和 goth-rock gonks 的统治, 还有别忘了流行乐那些持续不断出名的童子军。 Liam has his own category for the reinvention of rock'n'roll as some pleasant blokes with a guitar blubbing on a stool. "Christian Rock," he declares. "That lot on acoustic guitars. And they're all dead nice. They're all just fooking scaredy-cats, scared of saying anything that's remotely fooking interesting. It's embarrassing. English music today is fooking embarrassing." Liam 上面这段是在讽刺现在所谓的“创新的摇滚乐”就是一些温和的人拿把吉他坐在 椅子上哭诉着不知道什麽东西。谓之「基督徒摇滚」。其实 Liam 是在抱怨 那些人是很好啦,好死罗,不过说穿了会不会是畏首畏尾的胆小鬼,不敢说些唱些做些 比较有意思的东西,他还喃喃道现今的英文音乐真令人汗颜啊。 Noel: "No-one writes about getting high anymore. They're writing about their grandparents." 头子也接着附和说他觉得怎麽现在都没人写些 get high 的东西啦, 都净写些温馨温和的东西呢? Liam: "There's too many polite people making fooking music these days. Too many clever people making fooking music these days. And if they weren't in a band they'd have a great fooking job anyway, y'knowhatimean? It's different for people like us; it's the band or nothing, it's life or death cos I can't do anything else. An' these bands like The Strokes from America, The Strokes have got a vibe, yeah, but you just look at 'em and think, 'Posh kid. Trying to look scruffy'. Whereas us? I'm a thick cunt who makes music, basically, and I'm fooking proud of myself; I love it and that's it. I don't wanna be a fooking posh cunt cos there's no room for it, fook 'em." 现在有太多“礼貌”的人在做他妈的音乐,还有太多“聪明”的人也是一样。 而且想想就算他们不搞乐团,还是可以找得到他妈很不错的工作不是吗?了吗? 对我们这种人而言可就完全不一样,不是乐团,就是什麽都没有, 已经像是生死攸关的事了,因为说实在话我其他什麽也不会。 看到从美国来的乐团像 The Strokes 没有?他们的确是有那种“震颤”, 不过你看着他们不禁会想,“真像富家高贵子弟耶,却试着想装邋遢。” 但是我们呢?我可是货真价实做音乐的不羁混蛋咧,而且我真的很以自己为荣, 我热爱自己和音乐,就是这样。我才不想装他妈的高贵因为我是不容许自己 这麽做的,干。” Q: Then there's pantomime rock. 那关於这次“五角大厦的摇滚”呢? Liam: "They're all slitting their wrists and wearing stupid masks as if it's Hallowe'en every day of the fooking year." 他们怎麽都别着腕带,戴着笨拙的面具,就像他妈的今年每天都是万圣节一样啊? Noel (now pacing around the floor): "You see Limp Bizkit and Slipknot and Cradle Of Filth and Marilyn Manson and it's all very theatrical and you just think, 'Wonder what it's like in rehearsals on a Friday and they all turn up in jeans and trainers?' (High-pitched American geek voice) 'Hey, so uh, Mar-i-lyn? What am I doing at this point? (Deep American geek voice) 'Well, I'm gonna pretend to decapitate you, man! But you have to understand, man, that you're gonna be wearing stilts!' Eminem? Walking onstage at Reading with his bag of fucking Anadins and a bottle of Bacardi which is actually a bottle of water! I was stood on the side of the stage thinkin', 'You lot don't half deserve each other'. People set their standards too low in their fucking icons these days." ﹝Noel 开始在房里走来走去﹞(有点岔开话题一样) 你看看Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Cradle Of Filth 和 Marilyn Manson, 他们所做的真的都非常“戏剧/舞台化”,然後你会想“真好奇当周末私下排练的时候 他们全部穿牛仔裤和球鞋的时候会是什麽样耶?”﹝Noel 开始装美国高音怪腔﹞ “嘿,嗯,玛─利─连?我现在在这干嘛啊?”﹝转换成深沉的美国怪腔﹞ “嗯,我要假装砍你头啊,老兄!但是你必须了解, 你要先穿上像日本辣妹的高假鞋才行哦!”(Marilyn 是不是爱穿这种鞋啊;) 至於阿姆?在 Reeding 音乐祭台上带着一包他妈的 Anadins 和一瓶其实里头装水的 Bacardi!我站在台子旁边的时候就在想,“你根本不配那些菸酒!”(我不确定 Anadin 是什麽)我觉得人们对现今於心目中他妈的崇拜对象的标准未免也太低了吧。 To be continued 待续... Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- Thou shalt not play Oasis quietly EVER! 你们应当绝不安静小声的播放 Oasis 的歌! (因此造就我现在有点重听的耳朵:p) --NoelRock. 10 Commandments of Oasis --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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