Oasis 板


source: NME date: September 26th 2001 This year, Noel went to all the festivals, a billion gigs and concluded that the only thing great in the musical universe is The Strokes. "They've got the tunes," he enthuses. "They've got that thing and I don't know why, the un-nameable thing." 呵 Noel 今年去过无数音乐祭和演唱会,得到的一个结论就是,The Strokes 是目前 音乐宇宙里唯一的棒团。他还强调有好歌又有“那东西”(应该是指一个团的精神态度吧) 的 Strokes 怎麽可能还没打响名号呢? Q: Didn't Julian say something horrible about you? 难道你没听说 Julian (Strokes 主唱)说了你一些坏话?(来了来了,媒体哦-_-~) Noel: "That was you lot there, man. Don't bullshit me, I know how it works! What he said was, 'To have Noel Gallagher at your gig who up until that point I thought was the biggest dick in the world was strange'. But obviously they wouldn't write the full piece because that's not a headline? 'But actually he was really cool'. There's nothing NME wants better than me to retaliate to that and then it becomes a Strokes/Oasis thing and I'm afraid we've been there before with fucking monkey-boy from Colchester, and all that Blur/Oasis thing took away from what we fuckin were, and he hung onto our coat-tails and if it wasn't for us he wouldn't be where he is now, the twat. So it's not gonna happen with The Strokes because I'm fucking letting it go because he didn't say it, plus I think they're great." 嘿嘿头子果然明监啊;)他一开始就讽刺道这还不都是你们这些爱兴风作浪的媒体 搞出来的,别想要唬我!呵 Noel 果然还是有在看报纸,他把之前媒体写 Julian 发表出的一段话(大意是 Noel 这个混蛋竟然那麽欣赏他的团他可不敢领教啊等等) “还原”成另一套说法(恕我翻不出头子这段关系代名词超复杂的句子:p)。 然後还明指 NME 的企图无非是想藉这篇报导刺激头子做出反击,这样就可以制造 另一波 Strokes Vs. Oasis 的夙怨。哈哈头子说你少来了,他们以前就经历不少 类似的情况,像是对 Colchester 或是对 Blur 都是这样。所以现在他不会让 这种鸟事再度发生在他真正欣赏的 Strokes 身上。 Q: Damon out of Gorillaz, as he's now known, wants you in his band Liam. 目前待在 Gorillaz 的 Damon 想要你加入他们的团哦,Liam? Liam: "Does he. Does he. Good. Fooking monkey. (Leaps out of seat, bowls around the floor) I've never fooking seen a gorilla with no hair! So he can fooking suck his own fooking cock and his mate in his band's cock. That cunt's going on about I haven't sung a decent tune for years, right? I think it's quite ironic. At least I do sing tunes; what's that fooking nonsense that's on the radio 'ooh-de-fucky-boo', its like fooking three-year-old's music, worse than Steps. Now there's a cunt who's not into it. Whatever happened to his beloved Blur? I'll slap that bald cunt when I see him, the dick. Wants to get a wig or summat before he starts talking about me. I'm sure he's winding me up and he's done a good job, but I'm here for the wind-up, so that's that, what was the next question?" 呵这一段真的很“毒”,孩子王你好毒你好毒毒毒毒毒:p 在逐字逐句翻之前,我要说明两点: 1. Liam 看得出来还记恨当年 Damon 批评他唱歌的坏话。 2. Liam 一向不喜欢甚至讨厌“电子乐”,或者说是 vocals 部分显得比较弱 的音乐,我在书上读过即使是好友兼键盘手 Mike Rowe 做的一些电子乐, Liam 在听了大概 30 秒还没 vocals 之後就大嚷“歌声呢?” 结果大家都沉默他就走人了。 “是吗?是吗?很好。干他妈的猴子。﹝开始跳出座位,身体弯低至地板﹞ 我倒是从来没看过一只没毛的大猩猩呢!﹝Gorillaz 小写的话有大猩猩之义, 而据我所知,Damon 最近是不是剃头了啊,所以 Liam 才这样讽刺啦﹞ 这样一来他就可以很方便的 suck his own fooking cock ﹝不好意思翻咧, 了的人自然了,不了的人去查一下字典就了﹞,也可以去 suck his mate in his band's cock 了。哼那个混蛋不是说我好几年来都没唱过一首好歌吗? 这倒讽刺了,至少我唱的还是“歌”,我在收音机听到的那些他妈无聊的 'ooh-de-fucky-boo' 是什麽东西啊?﹝应该是 Gorillaz 其中的一首歌吧﹞ 像极了他妈的三岁小孩的音乐,比 Steps 还糟咧。 我看到的是一个不专心投入的混蛋,他的爱团 Blur 怎麽了呢? 下次让我看到那个秃头的混蛋我一定要好好闪他一八展,猪头。 拜托他下次要谈到我的时候先戴顶假发好不好啊? 我相信要我加入他“大猩猩”的说法纯粹是他想激怒我的诡计,他做得很好啊 但我不就是因为那个诡计而坐在这里接受访问的吗?就是如此,下个问题。” Q: How's your drinking these days? 这些日子来喝酒的状况怎麽样啊? Liam: "I'm a fooking master at it. When I drink, I drink. I don't fooking pussy about. I get stuck in there and get wasted and I like it and I wake up the next day and think 'fooking hell' then I leave off for a bit. I'm quite happy with my drinking situation at the moment." 我现在他妈的收放自如。当我喝酒的时候,我就是在喝酒。我不会他妈的罗唆 找什麽藉口。我卡在这个东西上,喝个烂醉如泥,然而我享受它, 隔天醒来时候我会想〝干〞然後我就稍微收敛一点。我很满意我目前的喝酒状况。 Q: How about you and coke, Noel? Ever get cocaine wistfulness? 那至於你和你的“可乐”呢,Noel?曾经惆怅过你的古柯硷不再吗? Noel: "What, I could do with a line? Not at all. It means I can concentrate solely on me drinkin'. You could fucking rack 'em out right now this second and I'd be there egging you on, 'Go on! Call that a line!?' I'm just glad I didn't end up in The Priory. Suppose it depends how strong you are." 什麽?我可用一句话就回答你这个问题:一点也不。 呵这样表示我能专注在我的“品酒”上了。你可以他妈的现在就把那些东西摆在 面前,我也只会拿鸡蛋砸你而已。〝来啊!就这麽一点小诱惑吗?〞 我只是很庆幸到头来我不用跑到修道院去修身养性而已。我想这应该和你有多 坚强坚定有关系吧。 Liam: "There's too many things going on in our lives to be sittin' around doing cocaine and drinking all day long. There's nappies to be changed and I'm fooking great at it. There's trainers to be bought. And there's hair to be cut. And there's winks to be winked. Y'knowhatimean?" 在生活中有太多琐事会让你不能整天坐下来吸些古柯硷喝些酒。 有尿布要换,而且我现在是他妈的高手。有鞋子要买,有头发要剪,有觉要睡, 这样你了吗? To be contined 待续... Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- Thou shalt repeatedly say and believe that thy band is the best band in the world. 你们应当覆诵并相信 自己所喜爱的团是世界上最棒的乐团。 --NoelRock. 10 Commandments of Oasis --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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