Oasis 板


是接受瑞典一个音乐杂志的访问(Andy 的老婆大人好像是瑞典人耶...) In the shadows of the brothers September 23 - posted by xander Expressen: What did you think when you were asked to join Oasis? 当你受邀加入 Oasis 的时候心里在想些什麽? Andy Bell: My first reaction was that this is a crazy idea, There's not a chance I can do it.. I just felt - No. But then I thought immediately "No, you fool. You have to answer yes on this cause this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is fantastic". And the day after the phonecall i flew to England. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^哦^-^~ E: How is it to be in the shadow of the brothers? 在这对盖勒格兄弟的“阴影”下作音乐感觉如何? AB: It fits me really good at this time as a 31 year old man. I've got my chances to play the mainrole. I did it in Ride and in Hurricane I was the only songwriter. It worked a while but it demands so much energy so I come to the conclusion that it fits me well to have a less leading role in a band. Andy 表示其实就目前步入 30 岁阶段的心境看来,他认为自己是满适合担任团里 “不那麽主导”的角色,毕竟在之前 Ride 或 Hurricane#1 的时期, 他都是词曲创作的主脑兼团长,已经让他“玩过/够了”, 况且那样也的确很消耗精力。 E: How much Influence do you got on Oasis? 你在 Oasis 里产生了多大的影响力? AB: It's Noels band. I understood that from the beginning. I don't have so much power to be honest. But I trust him. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^哦^-^~ E: What do you give to Oasis? 那你又“给”了 Oasis 些什麽呢? AB: I'm a guy which is easy to be with. I have great taste in music ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and clothes. I'm a cool cat. I don't know. That's it.... ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^哈哈哈哈哈说得好啊;) E: Musically? 在音乐的层面呢? AB: I'm a really amazing bassplayer. I have a part in the sound and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^嗯真有自信,头子赞美过同样的话咧;) that makes me happy. E: Do you hang out with the other members in Oasis? 你常和 Oasis 其他团员一起出去“鬼混”吗? AB: It's in the whole attitude. After the rehearsels the first weeks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we didn't just go home. They wanted me to hang out with them all the time and become good friends. That's a must if you wants to be a part ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of the same band. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^嗯默契就是这样培养出来的;) In the interview Andy Bell confirms that he has written one song for the new album: "Thank You For the Good Times" which according to Andy reminds him of "Some might Say". 哦 Andy 跟记者确认他真的为新专辑写了首叫 "Thank You For the Good Times" 的歌 而且据他自己形容,这首歌会让人想起"Some might Say"ㄋㄟ... He also said that he spends much time with the other members, especially Liam who he often goes out with and buy clothes. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 唉呦喂常和孩子王一起出去逛衣服啊^-^~ Thanx To John..! for the translation of this swedish article. sourse: www.the-masterplan.com Cheers! 两个帅男子上街呦 Patsy "Gallagher" -- Thou shalt repeatedly say and believe that thy band is the best band in the world. 你们应当覆诵并相信 自己所喜爱的团是世界上最棒的乐团。 --NoelRock. 10 Commandments of Oasis --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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