发布日期:2015年10月28日 One Ok Rock Interview | 35xxxv | 5SOS | Kellin Quinn | American Food
Taka sits down with me to talk about their newest record, their first tour in America, and getting to hang out with some cool artist on the road (基本上访问没问什麽新问题、  从日本大场到现在美国小场地也很开心、  美国什麽都好棒棒之喜欢吃牛排  除此之外就是看看黄毛小子一直摸头发搓小腿XD) 发布日期:2015年11月3日 ONE OK ROCK ~ Interview ~ Aftershock 2015 on ROCK HARD LIVE
(其中提到Ozzfest  诚实的Taka表示对他的音乐而言有点太hrad core  他的音乐比较pop一点XD) 发布日期:2015年11月4日 ONE OK ROCK Interview | Aftershock 2015
We got the chance to catch up with ONE OK ROCK at Aftershock Festival in Sacramento, California. Check out our interview with Taka! Make sure to Subscribe for more videos of your favorite bands! 发布日期:2015年11月4日 Traditional Alternative Interviews: One Ok Rock
Back To The Future Hearts Tour 2015 -All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, and One Ok Rock- (专辑里喜欢的歌:Mighty Long Fall、Decision、Paper Planes  表演时觉得Paper Planes最热血  问到喜欢的日团挤半天挤不出来才说了マキシマム ザ ホルモン  还有Crossfaith、coldrain(根本亲朋好友们XD) 发布日期:2015年11月11日 One OK Rock Interview at The Rave on November 7, 2015
One OK Rock interview at The Rave on November 7, 2015 in Milwaukee,Wisconsin. Check out our website 发布日期:2015年11月19日 ONE OK ROCK are living their dreams!
The Japanese rock sensations One OK Rock are touring the U.S. for the first time following the release of their first all-English album, 35xxxv. APTV correspondent Nick Major caught up with the guys at Aftershock where they explained their album title, recording with legendary producer John Feldmann and working with Sleeping With Sirens' Kellin Quinn. 「This is my dream,」 said vocalist Taka Moriuchi. 「When I was young and started this band—all the time I wanted to go to the United States.」 The band goes on to talk about how excited they were to work with one of their favorite producers, John Feldman on 35xxxv. Moriuchi explains that they chose to name their album 35 after they saw that the United States consider 35 a lucky number. — Jake Hanson 发布日期:2015年11月19日 One Ok Rock Interview with Rock Forever Magazine
Rock Forever Magazine interview with Taka from One Ok Rock! We talked about their new album 35xxxv, their collaborations with Tyler Carter and Kellin Quinn, the most memorable moments of their career, and more. Subscribe for more interviews! --

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1F:推 bebetter82 : 一直动来动去是怎样哈哈哈 10/29 23:21
2F:推 mouyashi : 搓小腿超可爱XDDDD 10/30 00:28
3F:推 sunny1993521: 好可爱啊哈哈哈XD 10/30 11:20
4F:推 alan00 : 英文进步好多XD 10/30 14:53
5F:推 bill7241823 : 很紧张之拼命搓 10/31 11:11
6F:推 arakikawa : SiM表示 11/13 04:22
11/21 新增 ※ 编辑: fddk (, 11/21/2015 05:25:16

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