作者janice (flying angel)
标题Re: [讨论] 有人已经考过CGFNS了吗?
时间Sat Jul 10 13:34:32 2004
Some states ask CP for giving you a seat for NCLEX-RN exam. THe weird thing is
part of them accept you to endorse it from CA BRN without CP.Is it confusing?
As my experience, once you have CA RN license, you can endorse license to the
most of states without CP even they ask CP for issuing the RN license from
beginning. It's very tricky,right?
Regard to the CP exam. The total score is 800, and you have to get at least
400 to pass it. They have different test sets each time, so you may have the
harder one either in the morning or afternoon.It depends on which set you got.
Just be well-prepared no matter phsically or mentally. I would like seeing more
nurses from Taiwan here:)
※ 引述《skystar (大帆金茉莉鱼)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《bottlenose (小瓶鼻)》之铭言:
: : 问一下喔@@
: : 是每一部份答对一半以上还是加起来一半以上阿??
: : 还有~德州不用CG喔?!今年新制吗?
: : 谢谢答覆^^
: 报名德州rn是需要cg的 但是若是用加州或纽约州来endorse
: 没有cg也可以成功的 像我是拿加州的(但我有cg)
: 我有一个韩国同学 是拿纽约州 她没cg 一样endorse成功
: 只是手续上较麻烦..
: 像有些州 如密西根 没有cg 是没办法endorse的 我认识的一些朋友
: 都卡在cg 拿加州的执照也换不过去..
: 每州规定都不同
: 另外 是每一部分都要达对一半以上 我自己觉得第一部分比较难写
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