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New Smash Bros. Brawl details revealed Tuesday 6-Jun-2006 12:34 PM Series director reveals new info on the Wii fighter. Plus: is a Nintendo DS version on the way? Super Smash Bros. Brawl director Masahiro Sakurai is keeping fans informed on the development of the Wii fighter, by answering burning questions on his official Smash Bros. website. Courtesy of a forum user, the Japanese-fielded questions have been translated over to our native tongue, and some new 'Brawl details revealed. Among the info splurged, Sakurai noted that the Wii instalment of the series will stress "easiness" over the small details of combat, to help make the game easier to play for newcomers. The 'Brawl director also touched on the game's character line-up, noting that it hasn't been finalised yet. Sakurai said that the reveal of Solid Snake means that they're contemplating adding one or two more non-Nintendo fighters to the game, but he notes that the characters must have appeared on Nintendo systems at some point to be considered. Even though an online mode was already confirmed by Nintendo President Satoru Iwata at E3 2005, Sakurai isn't as quick to champion the now year-old announcement. The 'Brawl team are apparently looking into the feature and hope to include online play in time for the game's 2007 release, but we're told there are currently no plans for leader boards or the like. Interestingly, Sakurai also mentioned a possible Nintendo DS entry in the Smash Bros. series. While he said there's nothing in development at the moment, he didn't rule out a stylus-waving Smash Bros. for the future. Keep your eyes on this space for more Smash Bros. revelations. 看的懂的重点:1.游戏操控将会简单一些,以帮助这个系列的初学者。 (真是为那些可能被吸引的Lu着想阿~) 我只希望有n64的顺畅度阿~ 2.史捏克的加入意味着会加入一些非任天堂,而且曾在任天堂平台 上的优先考虑。(那可以加的实在很多阿..) 3.一个网路的模式已经被宣布过,但是还没有计画好。 4.可能会有NDS版。 (只要做到类似N64的就新满意足啦) m(_ _)m 其他重点请其他人补完 :D --

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1F:推 danadanad:NDS版这麽棒的推广平台不出一款真是太可惜了啦 06/06 23:05
2F:→ danadanad:随时随地就可简单地面对面或Wi-Fi对战 有何不出的道理阿 06/06 23:06
3F:→ danadanad:洛客人应该加入了吧XD 06/06 23:07
4F:推 jeff0323:的确这种游戏随时对战的魅力很大阿,在家还可以WiFi 06/06 23:10
5F:推 hero568:洛克人又不红 他进来我怕砸了大乱斗的招牌 06/06 23:11
6F:→ jeff0323:洛克人的技巧随便想就一堆,急冻人 Balabala... 06/06 23:11
7F:→ yoseii:洛克人好歹也是CAPCOM的招牌之一呀(曾经) 06/06 23:16
8F:→ hero568:里昂和洛克人 我选里昂 因为洛克人不红了 06/06 23:16
9F:→ rei196:可以一家公司收一个代表人物吗??马力欧大战轰炸超人 06/06 23:16
10F:推 danadanad:曾在任系平台 FC上的洛克人好歹也算招牌了阿 06/06 23:17
11F:推 jeff0323:说实在的加入亚瑟应该蛮有趣的,突然想到他XDD 06/06 23:17
12F:→ danadanad:一秒16发的高桥名人? 06/06 23:19
13F:→ hero568:高桥名人还有可能 洛克人不可能 因为洛克人不红了 06/06 23:20
14F:推 jeff0323:照楼上的说法,好像现在高桥名人比洛克人还红...。 06/06 23:22
15F:→ jeff0323:我是觉得会不会加上去还是看技巧合不合用,再加上一点的 06/06 23:22
16F:→ jeff0323:品牌影响力 :D 06/06 23:23
17F:推 danadanad:重点不是现在红不红吧@@ 那我就无法理解像敲冰块之类的 06/06 23:23
18F:→ danadanad:角色 还可以出现在大乱斗里面 06/06 23:24
19F:→ rei196:NAMCO提供小精灵如何?? 06/06 23:25
20F:→ hero568:那不一样 因为敲冰块是任天堂的 洛克人是卡普空的 06/06 23:25
21F:→ rei196:基本上加入摇滚人没啥不好阿,加入旧的角色可以让老人怀念 06/06 23:26
22F:推 danadanad:还有大盗 怎麽每次说到怀旧角色都是这几个人 06/06 23:29
23F:→ hero568:小精灵很有可能 NAMCO=PAC MAN 任天堂和NAMCO关系良好 06/06 23:29
24F:→ hero568:没有小精灵实在不合理 06/06 23:30
25F:→ hero568:加入士官长和克劳德桑尼就拜定了 06/06 23:34
26F:推 halken:来个高桥名人吧,我跟石头人不熟 06/06 23:35
27F:→ hero568:大乱斗DX碧姬公主把Toad拿在手中当盾牌 ricksimon作何感想 06/06 23:37
28F:推 davieliu:我认为SONIC和三岛平八出线的机会颇大 06/07 00:07
29F:推 dragonlucky:结城晶也来凑一脚吧XD 06/07 00:13
30F:推 ricksimon:我觉得很好笑阿XD SSMB我都用Pikachu的(挺) 06/07 01:13
31F:→ ricksimon:缩写好像缩错了..是SSBM...Super Smash Bros. Melee 06/07 01:14
32F:→ hero568:结城晶是谁? 樱花大战的男主角吗? 06/07 02:10
33F:推 Solzeta:是VR快打主角... 06/07 02:37
34F:→ hero568:多年前我有寄信给天堂希望让别家厂商游戏角色参战 难道任 06/07 07:58
35F:→ hero568:天堂是采取我的建议制作Wii版大乱斗的吗? 我有写SONIC和蛇 06/07 07:59
36F:推 danadanad:说到写E-mail给日本 日本还真是有写必回耶XD 而且挺快的 06/07 08:36
37F:→ danadanad:过去我问过FAMITSU、任天堂、D3P 全都有回而且快速 06/07 08:37
38F:推 hero568:用英文问还用英文回答我 真亲切 上次我写庆贺20周年和台湾 06/07 10:25
39F:→ hero568:100期庆祝 FAMITSU还回信说谢谢我长期以来支持FAMITSU 06/07 10:26
40F:推 jeff0323:其其实 FF应该也有加入的可能性吧? 06/07 11:57
41F:→ hero568:几乎站在SONY那边的SNAKE都来了 我能说FF不可能吗 06/07 11:59
42F:推 jeff0323:哈哈哈~我论伪蛇大变成任饭的可能性!? 06/07 12:04
43F:→ hero568:我实在是想不到任天堂还有什麽角色可以参战的 苦恼中 06/07 12:56
44F:推 jeff0323:刚刚看了对岸的论坛提到Bowser Jr.(新超级Mario), 06/07 17:31
45F:→ jeff0323:Ridley(银河战士的飞龙),Link(风之律动)将可能登入Wii版 06/07 17:32
46F:→ jeff0323: 陆 06/07 17:34
47F:推 jeff0323:而Ice Climbers、Mr. Game & Watch、将可能从系列中消失ꄠ 06/07 17:36
48F:推 hero568:如果那段大陆论坛的话能信 我就送看到这句话的人一台Wii 06/07 20:00
49F:→ halken:(存到信箱备份) 06/07 20:41
50F:→ hero568:我只是开玩笑的 XD 以上纯属虚构 06/07 22:30
51F:推 rex510:结果成真了 XD 我的Wii~ 06/08 12:22
52F:推 hero568:现阶段为止还是巴勒喔 06/08 12:52
53F:推 jeff0323:等着拿Wii(茶) 06/11 14:20

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