Nintendo 板


※ [本文转录自 Eng-Class 看板] 作者: NintendoFans (任天道) 看板: Eng-Class 标题: [资讯] Mario Through the Years 时间: Sun May 28 17:49:02 2006 Mario Through the Years hat started out as a guy simply trying to rescue his whiny girlfriend from an angry ape twenty-six years ago has since grown into one of the most recognizable faces in video gaming to date. Mario's been through a lot over the years, doing everything from saving Princess Peach countless times from an evil creature in a turtle shell (Bowser), to participating in party games,and taking part in a number of sporting events to show off his athletic prowess, proving that he's not just about plumbing. 是什麽在 26年前开始从一只凶恶的猩猩救回她爱闹脾气的女朋友的人物变成现今 游乐器史上最被熟识的脸孔?马力欧这些年从反派角色(库巴)手中救回了无数次 的碧琪公主,也参与了一些派对游戏,也在数种运动项目中现身来展现他那超凡 的能力,证明他不只是个水管工人。 So, in honor of our big, explosive preview of his forthcoming Wii game Super Mario Galaxy, we thought we'd take a brief (yet detailed) look back at his gaming history, which breaks down into five categories- platforming, role-playing, sports, driving, and other. Platforming, as you may have guessed, breaks down his adventuresome spirit in straight-up coin collecting and item using; role-playing takes a different spin on the gameplay and has him actually completing quests and using items in a different fashion of battle; sports has him, friends, and even some enemies taking part in sporting achievements; driving is strictly a look at the Mario Kart games; and other covers the remaining games/appearances that don't fit into these four categories. 所以,为了向他下次现身的超级大作-银河马力欧致敬,我想我们先简单的回顾 马力欧的游戏史。以下我们将分成五个部分来探讨,分别为 1.平台 2.角 色扮演 3.运动 4.赛车 5.其他。平台部分你可能会猜想从蒐集金币或 是使用道具。角色扮演则是从另种角度着重游戏性而马力欧也确实在不同的战役 中使用道具来完成他的冒险。运动项目则有他跟他的夥伴、甚至是敌人也投身其 中。赛车游戏则是全看马力欧赛车。而其他则是没包括在前四项分类的。 So, here we gooooo! Platforming 平台代表作品 Mario may have gotten his start in the 1980's release of Donkey Kong, battling the evil Kong and hammering away at barrels and fireballs, but it was 1985 when we would see the gem that would start it all for many of us, the magical Super Mario Bros. This game introduced us to a whole new world filled with dangerous Goombas and turtles, simplifying the gameplay into a platforming formula that would work for years to come. It also set the stage for big-selling numbers for Nintendo's first home console, the NES (known as the Famicom in Japan). Mario Bros. was released in a combination cart with the shooting game Duck Hunt, and gamers ate it up aplenty. (It was so popular, in fact, that the game was released for the Game Boy Color and remains one of its highest sellers to date.) Super Mario Bros. 2 would arrive years later and would take a drastic turn in gameplay, as it was actually based on a Japanese game called Doki Doki Panic and not the "true" sequel that was released in Japan only (at the time- it would resurface in the SNES release Super Mario All Stars). It was a hit, and would see a release alongside the launch of the Game Boy Advance years later under the name Super Mario Advance. Some gamers loved it, but many were clamoring for the gameplay that they fell in love with in the first game. It returned a couple of years later with the legendary Super Mario Bros. 3, introducing new level designs and new abilities, including a frog suit and a raccoon tail that would allow Mario to take to the skies. 马力欧是从 1980年 Donkey Kong (大金刚) 这游戏开始现身,当时他拿着铁鎚 击退木桶以及火球,但是却是在 1985年我们大多数人开始注意到这块宝玉-超 级马力欧兄弟。这游戏带领我们进入一个充满邪恶乌龟军团的世界,这游戏把可 能要发展好几年的游戏性全都给浓缩了。这游戏也爲任天堂的第一部家用游乐器 带来了极大的销售量(注: NES为美国名称,日本则为 FC),马力兄弟随着打鸭 子这款游戏一起发售,玩家们非常捧场(其实这款游戏也在之後的 GAMEBOY 彩 色版发行至今也是卖的最好的游戏之一)。超级马力欧二代在几年後问世而在游 戏方式作了巨大的改变,其名称是梦工厂而不是正统的续作且仅在日本发行。 (在之後的超级任天堂上面的超级马力欧世界也再次出现),这游戏风行一时且 与数年後的 GBA同时发售,且改名为 Super Mario Advance。有些玩家非常喜欢 这游戏,但同时也有其他玩家说想要一代的游戏方式。而在数年後传奇的超级马 力欧三代问世,这次的关卡重新设计且加入了新能力,如青蛙服装还有浣熊尾巴 让马力欧能够飞上天。 The fun continued on Super Nintendo with the release of Super Mario World, a new take on the classic platforming formula. A cape option would overtake the raccoon tail, giving Mario the true gift of flight and the ability to "cape spin" enemies off the face of the screen. But it also introduced us to his friend Yoshi, able to eat most enemies with ease and keep up at high speeds for quick collecting. Yoshi would play an even more pivotal part in the sequel, Yoshi's Island: Super Mario World 2, as you would take direct control of the dinosaur and lug around a baby Mario as you try to get him reunited with his brother, all while tossing eggs at enemies and avoiding dangers. Both of these games would gain great popularity, and would see re-releases on the Game Boy Advance years later, complete with new content. 马力欧的乐趣持续延烧到超级任天堂时期的超级马力欧世界 (我们熟知的四代), 这也是款传统的马力欧游戏。斗篷取代了原本的浣熊尾巴,这使马力欧能够真正 的飞行而且透过斗篷可以击退敌人。同时也介绍了马力欧的朋友-耀西给我们, 耀西可以轻松吃下大多数的敌人且可以速度较快。耀西在往後的续作中也是扮演 非常重要的脚色,耀西岛屿:超级马力欧世界二中就要直接操控这只恐龙同时戴 着婴儿马力欧让他跟他的兄弟团聚,途中要向敌人丢蛋也要闪躲危险。这些游戏 当时都广受好评,也在之後的 GBA平台上重制发行。 Speaking of portables, the Game Boy got plenty of Mario love. Right around the system's initial release in 1989, Nintendo released Super Mario Land, a fathomable, fun adventure where Mario would trek back to Egyptian times to battle alien enemies. The game also introduced shooting levels, where Mario would ride in either a sub or a spacecraft and shoot away at enemies. Many wondered if the Game Boy would ever get a "true" Mario adventure, though, and it finally arrived with Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins, featuring much more detail and greater level design. 谈到掌机, GAMEBOY 获得马力欧不少的青睐。就在 GAMEBOY 发售没多久,任天 堂就推出了 Super Mario Land,这是款非常有趣的冒险游戏马力欧可以跋涉至 古埃及打外星生物。这游戏也同时引进了射击关卡,马力欧可以搭上潜水艇或是 太空船射落敌人。很多人怀疑 GAMEBOY 会否有款正统的马力欧游戏,然而之後 的 Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins 就解除了大家的疑惑,这游戏有更 多更宏观的关卡设计。 But Mario's platforming days would take a giant leap forward with the release of the Nintendo 64 console in 1996. This would bring the debut of Super Mario 64, a blazing adventure that featured fully 3-D levels, solid gameplay that used the N64 pad's analog stick, and a magical new world for Mario to explore, complete with hidden secrets, stars, and items aplenty. The game's graphics were some of the best that the N64 would ever see, and the new abilities, including the liquid metal suit that would help Mario travel underwater, stuck well with many. The game would eventually get reborn upon the arrival of the Nintendo DS handheld on the market in 2004, with the release of Super Mario DS. It was basically the original adventure with some new features thrown in, like multiplayer star collecting, the option to play as new characters in the game (such as Yoshi and Wario), and a new ability to inflate the hero, jettisoning him across terrain. 但是马力欧的平台代表作在 1996年的 N64时期才跨出了一大步-超级马力欧64。 全 3D 化的鲜明冒险、为此量身订做有着类比按键的 N64手把、还有魔法般的新 世界等着马力欧去探索,隐藏的星星、秘密还有道具。这款游戏的画面也是 N64 平台上数一数二的好,而透过穿上液态金属装,马力欧能够在紧贴水底行走。这 款游戏在 2004 年的 NDS 上获得了重生。同时也加入了不少的新要素:多人争 星竞赛模式、新角色可供选择(耀西、坏马力及路易)且马力欧也多了充气的能 力-这使他能浮空通过地形阻碍。 -- ▄▄▄▄▄ ▆ ▆▄▄ ╰▊Gatchaman ▏ ▕∵∴∵ Gatchaman▊╯ ▊ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ ▏ ▕∵∴∴ˍˍˍˍˍ ▃▃▃▃ ▏ ▕ “” ══ ═●═●═▏ ▕ ═══════●═●═ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ --

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1F:→ NintendoFans:觉得翻起来怪怪的, 其实一些老作品我没玩过 05/28 17:52
2F:→ NintendoFans:有翻错的地方请跟我讲一下, 免得闹笑话了:) 05/28 17:52
※ 编辑: NintendoFans 来自: (05/28 18:47)
3F:推 danadanad:推一下阿 好文耶 05/28 19:11

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