Nintendo 板


Top 10 Tuesday: Best Launch Titles The games you simply had to buy. Or steal. May 23, 2006 - Welcome to IGN's weekly countdown of the exceptional, fascinating, and absurd: something we like to call Top 10 Tuesday. Every week we'll feature the top ten games, characters, fashion state-ments or whatever else we can think of that in some way relates to gaming and its history. And just because it's called Top 10 Tuesday doesn't mean it's always going to be a list of the best -- we like to razz on stuff as much as praising it. From counting down the best consoles ever to revealing the worst use of fish heads in a videogame, this is where it's at. Today's Top 10 Tuesday list has a special meaning for Sony and Nintendo fans. With the upcoming launch of the Wii and PS3, it had us thinking -- what are the best launch titles of all time? It covers every system ever released, so chances are your favorite may not have made the list. If that's so, try not to spit out your intestines in disgust. Or if you think gut-spitting is in- evitable, just make sure you're next to a trash can. 以下仅列出 SEGANintendo 平台 9) Virtua Fighter// Sega Saturn Most people deemed the original Virtua Fighter arcade machine as revolutionary. So when it appeared alongside the Sega Saturn, it quickly jumped into "must own" status for those that purchased the system. It was the first game of its kind, really, that you could actually play at home. Not only that, it's just plain good. Virtua Fighter had a complex fighting system, a roster of cool characters and a slew of different techniques to learn and master. By all accounts a swell title, but the fact that it shipped next to the Saturn made it all the more noticeable. As such, it'll always be one of the most popular, influential games in history. 7) Power Stone// Dreamcast What better game to have with a new system than the kind you can use to humiliate friends? Power Stone let you control an array of funky characters in fully 3D arenas. And basically, all you had to do was beat the living snot out of everything in site. You could pick up tables and chairs and a bunch of other items and use them weapons, too. But the coolest aspect let you collect the titular power stones and morph into a badass version of yourself. It made great party game, one that has been copied time and time again. To this day, it makes an excellent addition to any get together. All that's missing in a house with Power Stone is a few crates of beer and a giant bowl of chips. 6) Super Mario World// Super Nintendo Entertainment System Unlike other Mario launch titles on this list, Super Mario World didn't offer anything new. What it did offer was a refined, tech- nically inspiring update to previous titles in the series. And, at the time, it seemed like one of the biggest titles, in terms of content, ever released. It packed more worlds and stages than its predecessors (and its competition) and it refined many of the mechanics that made up the platform genre. It did everything better, in other words, than any game before it. And, of course, it came packaged with the sublime SNES. So how could it not be on the list? 3) Super Mario 64// Nintedo 64 This little gem did everything right. It virtually introduced a new age for 3D games and single-handedly sold the N64. The new- and-improved Mushroom Kingdom was truly a sight to behold. More importantly, it felt like an actual place Mario could freely explore. Quite literally, it opened up a world of possibilities. And it looked absolutely phenomenal doing it. Most 20-something gamers can probably remember the first time they laid eyes on it, running at the local Toys R Us. Or seeing the first screenshots grace the pages of some videogame publication. It was enough to make you cry. 2) Super Mario Bros.// Nintendo Entertainment System Here's another ludicrously obvious choice. If you owned Nintendo's 8-bit NES, then chances are Super Mario Bros. ranks high on your own top ten list. Even if you didn't own the system at all, it's a safe bet your neighbor did, and he/she probably shared the love. Starring Nintendo's protagonist plumber, Super Mario Bros. introduced gamers to the Mushroom Kingdom, and more importantly, to a slew of well-designed game mechanics that set the standard for platformers. Plus, it looked really damn good at the time of release. To this day, it remains one of the most important titles ever released. 1) Tetris// Gameboy In the end, it's all about Tetris. Placing it on any videogame list seems like cheating it's such an obvious choice. While the game appeared on PCs first, Nintendo's decision to include it with the original Game Boy caused both the game and system to gain wild popularity. Plus, it simply made sense. It's easy enough for anyone to play, and it's something you can do for a few minutes just as easily as several hours. It's fast, fun and highly addictive. In terms of popularity and plain old playability, it's clearly the most important launch title ever. -- ▃▅▄▂ Wii \ = _ ̄ ▆▄▂ ▃▄▃ will rock U_\ \_ █▇▆█ \ \▄ ,▄ (﹙(|| ▍◥▇▊▋ └───┬───┬ \▄ ▏Nintendo▅▆ by ╭─┴───┴\ˍ ˍ▁▂▃▄ Gatchaman ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ﹨ ╭Α ▕▇▊████▍ --

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