Nintendo 板


Nintendo Rumor: Wii Graphics On Par With Xbox 360? A new day and another new Wii rumour arises. This time it's from the people at Mozlapunk, who are once again stirring up the rumour if it ever needed stirring. According to this article on the site, Mozlapunk has recently spoken to a "reliable source" who claims that Nintendo's Wii console will be capable of displaying graphics that "will be visually on par with the Xbox 360 and may even exceed it slightly." This certainly has gotten many gamers' tongues wagging, since according to IGN they weren't expecting the console's graphical performance to be any more powerful than a slightly souped up Xbox console. The gamers' favourite IGN reported a while back ago that it had spoken to some third party developers who were working on the Nintendo Wii system and was told that the hardware that they were currently working on wasn't going to prove any competition to either Microsoft's Xbox 360, or Sony's PlayStation 3 in the graphical department. Mozla's source is now contradicting this by announcing that the developer kits that IGN based its theories on weren't actually final development kits, and that the only developers who owned these kits are either second party developers or Nintendo themselves. The only third party company that Mozlapunk is aware of who have a final development kit is Square Enix, who are the developers behind Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and the hugely popular Dragon Quest series, both of which are Wii bound. The question I'm sure you're asking yourself is "Why would Nintendo keep its third party developers in the dark about this?" The reason may have something to do with the final secret for the Wii console, which according to Nintendo of America's Perrin Kaplan, is still yet to be announced by the company. Though as always, we shall just have to wait and see. 很有趣味的一则新闻, 消息来自 Mozlapunk ( 的内部人员 他说 Wii 若发挥实力, 画面表现可以跟 360打平手, 甚至些微超越 但是大部分第三厂商都不这麽认为, 仅觉得 Wii的硬体表现仅能稍微超越 XBOX 这是因为这些第三厂商所拿到的开发套件都是 not final 拿到最终开发套件的据 Mozlapunk 的说法只有 SEX 社 为什麽任天堂要如此保密呢, 推测可能跟Wii 最後一个秘密有关 不会是Z-12-10-3吧?? -- ▃▅▄▂ Wii \ = _ ̄ ▆▄▂ ▃▄▃ will rock U_\ \_ █▇▆█ \ \▄ ,▄ (﹙(|| ▍◥▇▊▋ └───┬───┬ \▄ ▏Nintendo▅▆ by ╭─┴───┴\ˍ ˍ▁▂▃▄ Gatchaman ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ﹨ ╭Α ▕▇▊████▍ --

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◆ From:
1F:推 yoseii:因为大部分厂商都还适用ngc在开发游戏吧 XD 05/16 23:13
2F:→ yoseii:不过给se社也不知道能怎样,会带DQ来吗? 05/16 23:13
3F:推 Azelight:老任常常惦惦吃三碗公半 画面的技术明明都比对手好 05/16 23:14
4F:推 joxjo:说不定会带来FF7重制版也说不定XD 最近老任跟SE社混的不错.. 05/16 23:15
5F:→ Azelight:却都不强调 其实老任在画面上也是很用心的啊 05/16 23:16
6F:推 NintendoFans:我想起上周法米通的黑手帐里面写的RPG 大厂会在 05/16 23:18
7F:推 NintendoFans:最近公布一款大作?? 呼呼, 还是别太期望XDD 05/16 23:18
8F:推 rei196:史克威尔如果不把FF跟DQ正传带回来就真的是她妈的杂碎!! 05/16 23:22
9F:推 jeff0323:克威尔如果不把FF跟DQ正传带回来就真的是她妈的杂碎!! 05/16 23:23
10F:推 halken:史克威尔如果不把FF跟DQ正传带回来就真的是她妈的杂碎!! 05/16 23:29
11F:推 NintendoFans:我对 FF免疫, DQ 回来我就很开心了 :) 05/16 23:33
12F:推 AEL:感觉跟我在猜某件事好像一样... 05/16 23:35
13F:推 NintendoFans:啥事情XD 05/16 23:37
14F:推 pentwo:DQ+1 05/16 23:46
15F:推 danadanad:on par?? 干麻不说是eagle或是hole in one?? 05/16 23:46
16F:推 lemonting: 威尔如果不把FF跟DQ正传带回来就真的是她妈的杂碎!! 05/16 23:46
17F:推 ricksimon:FF跟DQ我都没兴趣,不过只要能增加主机销售量我都OK..XD 05/16 23:47
18F:→ ricksimon:虽然我不会去买啦..@@ 05/16 23:48
19F:推 yoseii:我现在比较喜欢玩动作游戏,不想花太多时间去玩rpg 05/16 23:49
20F:推 BlueDays:老任常常惦惦吃三碗公半 画面的技术明明都比对手好 05/16 23:49
21F:推 NintendoFans:还好不是讲DOUBLE BOGIE XDDDD 05/16 23:51
22F:→ pank:no final...这词最近真流行...XD 05/16 23:54
23F:推 Argerich:不过 sony 不是还持有部分 sex 社的股份吗﹝虽然不多﹞ 05/17 00:39
24F:→ Argerich:有点怀疑任社会安心的把机密只告诉sex社耶。 05/17 00:40
25F:推 kumo:要FF正传 不要周边赚钱的商品啊 正传正传给我端上来 05/17 00:56
26F:推 yoseii:应该只是让se社评估要不要在Wii上开发作品吧 05/17 01:43
27F:→ yoseii:还是得先看Wii一开始的冲刺 05/17 01:44
28F:推 fransice7:AEL大大的神经还真敏锐= =+ 05/17 06:18
29F:→ nella:威尔的压力好大 05/17 14:39
30F:推 enixdqm3:史克威尔如果不把DQ正传带回来就真的是她妈的杂碎!! 05/18 10:51

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