Nintendo 板


※ 引述《NintendoFans (任天道)》之铭言: 大揭密!关於Wii的虚拟主机控制手把 任天堂今天在E3摊位又给了参访者一个惊喜:对应Wii虚拟主机的专用控制器Retro-Mote (复古手把),在现场的我们实在很想拿起来把玩啊。复古手把的设计,正如同它的名称 所示,是为了对应那些用Wii的标准控制器不好上手的老游戏,比如说N64,复古手把具 备有两个类比摇杆,同时,所有Wii所对应的往日主机该有的按钮都完整的对应了,包括 NES、SNES、SEGA MD、N64,及其他。 复古手把的大小大约和SEGA MD相仿,而外型的线条也很相似。这张正面图主要传达了按 钮的配置(注:就是网路流传的那张正面图,IGN原文里面也有),但是和我们在现场所 见的实物有所不同;在手把上方那两颗小一点的按钮(介於L、R钮中间那两个),左边那 一个Z钮已经被拿掉,右边那个则被保留了。 我们另外还发现了在图上所没有的玩意;在手把的背部多了两个长条形的缺口,另外还多 了一个隐藏的按钮(注:请见GC星球网页上那张照片)来取代原本手把上方那个小按钮。 现场的任天堂接待人员承认他们也不清楚那些按钮的功用,不过我们相信那只是他们为了 这手把的配件仍不公开所做的保密措施。复古手把将会接在Wii-Mote的下方,就是平常接 着类比摇杆的那个端子。这麽一来,除了不会杂乱地在主机上接了一大堆线以外,同时也 让虚拟主机专用的这个复古手把延伸出感应的功能,这部分交给Wii-Mote来执行。如此一 来,可以同时使用复古手把上面的两个类比摇杆又可以兼具动作感应,真是非常刺激啊! 复古手把使用起来的手感非常好,并且在类比摇杆的部分保留了任天堂传统的八方向凹槽 定向设计,很有亲切感。各个按钮方面,按起来的手感仍稍嫌硬了些,然而这目前还只是 个原型作品,我们回想起Wii-Mote在当初发表时,按钮手感也远比今天在展场中我们所使 用的来得生硬许多。因此,我们猜测复古手把在正式发售时,按钮的手感将会有任天堂传 统的柔软和弹性感觉。整体来说,拿在手上的感觉很不错,然而,Z钮真的有点难按到, 而且也不比N64手把的中置扳机Z钮那麽管用;我们猜测,在Wii上面玩N64游戏时,Z钮指 令应该会改到较好按的面板按钮上来使用。 复古手把的外型可参考GC星球网页,这网址多了背面的照片 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 心得: 保留右边的Z钮,感觉上像是GC手把的配置 但是放在比R钮还要中间,好用吗??? ~"~ ABXY就是面板上的四个钮了,Z钮没地方安插吧 反正N64手把是拿一半的,把Z钮设置用复古手把的L钮来执行就好了 (茶) 但是,还不如把复古手把的Z钮位置重新安排一下比较实际.... 同时操作两个类比摇杆,Wii-Mote势必得固定在玩家身上或是两人协力 这样的确挺好玩的 应该可以做出很不错的应用,只不过复古手把可能不是标准配备 有多少厂商会在这一点上作文章还有待观察 硬体有了,怎麽应用就看软体商的本事了 (摊手) XD,其实这篇文很短,不过途中被叫去做事所以搁着,应该因此多赚了不少P币 :P -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 原文: Hands-On With the Wii Virtural Console Controller The Wii Virtual Console Controller made a surprise appearance at Nintedo's E3 booth today, and we were there, eager to get our grubby mitts on the Retro-Mote. Designed, as it's name implies, to allow for control of Virtual Console games that just wouldn't work out well on the standard Wii controller, like N64 ports, the pad sports two analog sticks, and all the buttons needed to match up with NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, and other consoles the Wii can emulate. The controller is roughly the size of the original Sega Genesis controller, and shaped in a roughly similar way as well. The pic tells most of the story regarding the button layout, but there have been some changes compared to the controller we actually got our hands on. Specifically, the left Z button (that little shoulder nub closer to the center of the controller) is gone, while the right button remains. We also discovered a feature not apparent in the picture. There are two horizontal slits on the underside of the controller body, and instead of that little center nub, there is a recessed button. Pressing the button moves plastic pieces visible through the horizontal slits. Nintendo reps admitted they did not know what was planned for this feature, though we believe that it must be a way of securing some sort of attachment to the controller. We know that the Virtual Console controller connects to the Wii-mote via the connection usually used by the nun-chuck, and we're currently speculating that the slots may be used to accept an attachment that will mount the Wii-mote on the underside of the Virtual Console controller. Not only would such an arrangement keep things uncluttered, but it would also allow the Virtual Console controller to sense movement and point, just like the Wii-mote on its own. The possibilities for games making use of the Virtual Console Controller's dual sticks and the Wii-mote's motion sensing capabilities are really quite exciting. The Virtual Console Controller feels good in hand and in play. The analog sticks rise out of the traditional Nintendo heptagonal openings, which gives them familiar feel. Face and shoulder buttons felt clicky and a little stiff, however, the controller was a prototype, and we recalled that the early Wii-motes were also far clickyier than the final controllers we played with today. We're guessing production controllers will likely have a softer Nintendo feel. The overall layout felt good in hand, though the Z button was a bit difficult to reach and not quite as useful as the N64's center mounted trigger. We're guessing games ported from the N64 to the Virtual Console may remap the Z button commands to the more easily accessible face buttons 徵求翻译人士, 200P (前) -- ▃▅▄▂ Wii \ = _ ̄ ▆▄▂ ▃▄▃ will rock U_\ \_ █▇▆█ \ \▄ ,▄ (﹙(|| ▍◥▇▊▋ └───┬───┬ \▄ ▏Nintendo▅▆ by ╭─┴───┴\ˍ ˍ▁▂▃▄ Gatchaman ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ﹨ ╭Α ▕▇▊████▍ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 nella:好啦,等等翻 (爆) 05/11 13:21
-- 没事.....你们继续......... --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
2F:推 cocokala:感谢您~~ 05/11 16:19
3F:推 danadanad:推噜 哈 05/11 16:21
4F:推 AgentWu:我比较意外的是竟然是接在Wiimote下面而不是接到主机!!!! 05/11 16:24
5F:推 Azelight:好漂亮 :) 不过以前我记得有网站放出以GC手把为概念的 05/11 16:51
6F:→ Azelight:复古式手把,把整只 Wiimote 插入手把上方合体 不过 05/11 16:52
7F:→ Azelight:听说 Wiimote 很重,所以我想这样的东西应该是不会出现了 05/11 16:53
8F:推 NintendoFans:有Apple的感觉 呼呼 05/11 16:59
9F:推 Azelight:希望有黑色 我的Wii想要是买黑色的 比较耐看 05/11 17:00
10F:→ loveahate:为了抢攻女性族群 说不定会出粉红色 05/11 17:16

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