Nintendo 板


※ 引述《NintendoFans (任天道)》之铭言: : : 仅节录重点部份:) : The top shoulder button, now called C, is a good deal smaller than the lower : shoulder button, now called Z. The C button was oval shaped, while the Z : button was a more traditional square. 双节棍上方的C按键是椭圆的,下方的Z按键是方的 : We expect it will take time before our fingers get used to the controller’s : unique landscape and feel totally comfortable sliding around hitting buttons, : but so far the controller feels good. The only thing we noticed was that you : may find yourself gripping the main controller a little too tightly at first : while playing. We reckon this will be an unconscious thing in much the same : way most people playing a racing game will lean into turns without thinking : or grip their controllers in a vicelike grip when walking around the sky : stage in a Mario game. 原先预期要花一些时间来习惯这个控制器,但其实控制器握起来很舒服 唯一我们注意到的是一开始玩的时候会无意间把Wiimote抓的很紧 这应该是和某些人在玩赛车游戏会无意间的摇摆身体或是 在玛莉欧的天空关很用力的抓着手把有相同的道理吧 : The wireless prototypes have a decent heft to them now, though. They use AA : batteries, which will further add to the weight. At the moment, the main : controller feels about as heavy as a Nintendo DS. The nunchaku weighs about : as much as a cell phone. 无线手把原型机很有份量(重?),用3号电池,Wiimote和NDS差不多重 外接双节棍和手机差不多重 : 我晕了, 徵求翻译, 100P XD --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 BlueDays:哇 那个原型手把真是重!! 05/11 00:09
2F:推 NintendoFans:恩, 第一段是在讲左手那个双结棍 :) 05/11 00:11
3F:→ lemonting:不知道有没有翻错,请多多指教... orz 05/11 00:11
4F:推 rei196:帅阿3号电池,好家在我家有充电电池^^ 05/11 00:12
5F:推 AgentWu:三号电池这到处都有的得买, Wii 又小台方便携带 05/11 00:14
6F:→ AgentWu:又可以外接电脑萤幕, 真的挺便利的, 适合上班族摸鱼用XD 05/11 00:14
7F:推 halken:不晓得可不可以用GBA的充电电池 05/11 00:20
8F:推 smartlai:可以外接电脑萤幕啊,真棒。 05/11 00:20
9F:推 loveahate:容我发问..外接电脑萤幕要做什麽呀? 05/11 00:22
10F:推 NintendoFans:多一种显示器阿, 工作地点不一定有电视但大都有电脑 05/11 00:25
11F:推 NintendoFans:搞不好又会引起另一种社会现象也说不定阿 :) 05/11 00:26
12F:→ loveahate:意思是说Wii不用VGA BOX之类的东西就可以接电脑萤幕玩? 05/11 00:27
※ 编辑: lemonting 来自: (05/11 00:28) ※ 编辑: lemonting 来自: (05/11 00:28)
13F:推 NintendoFans:应该是吧, 我也是看前几天版友的文章才知道的^_< 05/11 00:29
14F:→ loveahate:我的天啊,如果真是如此真的是很酷捏! VGA BOX可不便宜呢 05/11 00:29
15F:推 ricksimon:那是之前巴哈的消息,如果真的支援的话官网应该可以看的 05/11 00:31
16F:→ ricksimon:到 总之期待Wii发售XD 05/11 00:32
17F:推 frogism:像NDS和手机的话是有点重,希望上市钱可以改善 05/11 00:44
18F:推 NintendoFans:可以顺便重训XD 05/11 00:47
19F:推 msun:要重训请买p$3 05/11 01:19
20F:推 loveahate:NDS会重吗? 我拿没什麽感觉 05/11 01:29
21F:推 rei196:在怎麽重都比不过PS3的5公斤 05/11 01:58
22F:推 koboy:5公斤... (把旁边在睡的猫抓起来体验一下) 05/11 02:22
23F:→ BlueDays:五公斤... 比我家的猫还要重 ><" 05/11 02:29
24F:推 fransice7:棍子两端接上PS3即为现成举重器材(茶) 05/11 06:54
25F:推 loveahate:楼上...那你可要买两台PS3~ 05/11 11:34

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