Nintendo 板

LINE GDC: Satoru Iwata Keynote Live Coverage GDC: 岩田老大演说实况 GameDaily BIZ is in attendance at Satoru Iwata's Game Developers Conference keynote this morning. The Nintendo President is delivering a speech titled "Disrupting Development." GameDaily BIZ 躬逢其盛岩田老大今天上午的演说。 任天堂总裁发表的演说主题是:打破固有游戏开发的迂陈思潮 (? 这个我不确定是否意译正确) This morning, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata is giving a keynote at GDC 2006. The speech will be about "Disrupting Development," echoing the corporate battle-cry Nintendo has had for the past year. He will discuss how products and services like the Nintendo DS, the 'brain-training' games, and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection have "disrupted" the market, tapping into new clientele. 今天上午,任天堂总裁岩田聪将在 2006 年 GDC 发表演说。 演说主题订为"打破固有游戏开发的迂陈思潮",反映出任天堂过去这段时日以来的表现。 他将与在座听众讨论 NDS, 脑锻, Nintendo Wi-Fi 等产品是如何"颠覆"游戏市场、 开发新的客户群。 However, rumors have been swirling as to what else could be revealed during his keynote. Will the official name of the Revolution system be confirmed? Will there be demonstrations of Revolution games? Will the details of the Revolution features for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess finally be laid out? 但是,谣指部消息也指出在演说当中有可能透露一些(任天堂产品)新消息。 是否会确认 Revolution 的正式名称? 是否会展示 Revolution 的游戏? 是否会有萨尔达传说:曙光公主对应 Revolution 新功能的进一步消息? Live notes from the GDC are being posted below. A more detailed report on the keynote will be up later today. GDC 现场速记会写在下面。更完整的报导会在演说完毕之後上线。 10:18 AM PDT- GameDaily arrives. People are filing into the auditorium for the keynote, with plenty of Nintendo DS systems in hand and the line going all the way around the corner. PACKED. A fanboy is walking around wearing a sign "Iwata dropped the bomb!", and on the back it said "Revolution is the only solution!". Inside, three screens are on hand for the presentation, one big one in the middle and two on each side, all with the Nintendo logo. There are four tables present, each with Nintendo DS development kits on them. 10:18 AM PDT- GameDaily 抵达会场。人群不断涌进会场,手上还不忘拿着 NDS。 好多人啊!一位死忠粉丝举着一面有「岩田老大放闪光弹!」字样的看板, 其背後还印着「Revolution 才是王道啊!」。 会场里,三台萤幕架在里头做为展示用,一具大台的架在另外两小台的中间, 打上任天堂的商标。有四张桌子,上头摆着 NDS 的开发套件。 10:31 AM PDT- A slide is shown by accident showing the Nintendo DS, a Doritos logo, a Pepsi logo, and Brain Training. 10:31 AM PDT- 突然间!一张投影片秀出来 NDS, 多力多兹商标、百事可乐商标、 还有脑锻。 10:44 AM PDT- Keynote has started. Video presentation. 10:44 AM PDT- 演说开始。展示影片。 10:46 AM PDT- Iwata has come out. Applause. Begins speech. 10:46 AM PDT- 岩田老大出现。听众热情鼓掌。开始演讲。 10:51 AM PDT- Iwata talks system sales, makes comparisons. 10:51 AM PDT- 岩田老大谈主机销售情况、做出比较分析。 10:53 AM PDT- Talks about creation of Brain Training, gets laugh from audience. 10:53 AM PDT- 谈到脑锻这个游戏的诞生,引来听众的笑声。 11:01 AM PDT- Talks about how Pepsi is a disruptive product, as they're number one in soft drinks, number one in sports drinks, bottled water, Doritos. Says they have a familiarity to Nintendo. (Guess that explains the slide.) 11:01 AM PDT- 讲到百事可乐是一个颠覆性的产品,是不含酒精(软性)饮料的第一名, 在运动饮料、瓶装水、Doritos 饼乾等产品方面也同样是第一名。 它们与任天堂极为相似。(猜想这就是一开始的投影片意涵) 11:02 AM PDT- Bill Trennen, Miyamoto's spokesman, takes the atage, walking through a demo of Brain Age. No sign of Miyamoto. Talks about calculations and shows some gameplay and other activities. Looks promising, audience loves it. 11:02 AM PDT- Bill Trennen, 宫本大神的发言人上台了。展示脑锻。 没有提到关於宫本大叔的讯息。谈到计算以及游戏玩法等等。看起来颇赞的, 在场观众看来都颇喜欢这款游戏。 11L06 AM PDT- It is revealed that the US version of Brain Age will come with a version of Sudoku. More gameplay footage is shown. The game is being played vertically, so the screens are right alongside each other, left to right. 11:06 AM PDT- 证实了美版的脑锻会内建数独游戏。展示更多游戏内容。 这款游戏要把主机转过来横着玩。 11:07 AM PDT- Jamil Moledina, Jeff Keeley, and Will Wright (!) take the stage to test Brain Age in multiplayer competition. 11:07 AM PDT- Jamil Moledina, Jeff Keeley 以及 Will Wright (!) 上台, 以多人竞争的方式试玩脑锻。 11:09 AM PDT- Trennon wins with a low score, but Wright has a Brain Age of 41. Audience laughs. Keeley's gets in the 60's, Moledina ends up with a 37. 11:09 AM PDT- Trennon 险胜,Wright 得到 41 分的脑力测定值,引来哄堂大笑。 Keeley 得到 60 分,Moledina 则拿到 37 分。 11:11 AM PDT- The four get into another Brain Age competition. Will Wright wins this one. The contest concludes and Iwata returns to the stage. 11:11 AM PDT- 四个人接着又继续战下去。Will Wright 这次赢了。 比赛结束,岩田老大重回台上。 11:13 AM PDT- Explains how Brain Age is a "disruption". 11:13 AM PDT- 解释脑锻为什麽是个具颠覆性的产品。 11:15 AM PDT- Explains how he lets Nintendo of Japan employees take their games home to test with their families. Brain Age is a big hit in this manner. Explains that he wants us to take the game home to our families as well. 11:15 AM PDT- 解释他怎样让任天堂本社的员工将脑锻带回家去和家人互相测试脑力。 脑锻以这样的方式引起广大回响("hit"也有"卖座"的意思)。 解释他也希望在场诸位也能把这套软体买回家去和家人同乐。 11:16 AM PDT- Talks a bit about the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, shows off Animal Crossing and Mario Kart boxes. Seeks to make this Wi-Fi connection seamless, with anyone around the world. Explains that Wi-Fi should be a social network. 11:16 AM PDT- 讲到 Nintendo Wi-Fi 连线服务, 展示动物之森和马力欧赛车的外盒(?)。 尝试要让这项服务无缝化(直觉、容易使用)的用意。 解释说无线网路也该是社交网路。 11:20 AM PDT- Says that no one wants to play Animal Crossing online, someone has to come in and cut down all the trees. Audience laughs. One million players have been reached online thus far across the board, Wi-Fi team is very pleased. (And a picture of them is shown with a sign saying "Hi GDC from Nintendo Wi-FI!" Iwata explains they wanted to come, but they were busy, what with Metroid Prime Hunters being out and all. 11:20 AM PDT- 说到怎麽会有人想要在线上玩动物之森?路人会跑来然後把树都砍光光。 听众笑了出来。百万人次上线的成绩让 Wi-Fi 系统团队感到非常开心。 同时秀出团队的照片,上头写着「在场的各位大家好,任天堂 Wi-Fi 团队拜见了!」。 岩田解释说他们正忙於银河战士Prime猎人这款游戏,以致无法亲临会场。 11:22 AM PDT- Trennon is coming back to demo Metroid. Speaks briefly about the game. Three development team members are coming on-stage to test multiplayer. Iwata expects to get "destroyed" in the game. They play the game, with the four DS screens blown up on the big screen to show the action. 11:22 AM PDT- Trennon 又来了,来这边做什麽?来这边为玩家朋友展示银河战士啊! 简略谈了这款游戏後,三名开发团队成员上台测试多人模式。 岩田老大预料会在游戏里挂掉。众人的游戏画面投现在大萤幕上。 11:25 AM PDT- Explanation of the graphics and weapons, while Trennon is "destroyed". Shows the difference between characters. One of the development team is wearing a shirt that says "The Hurt Is On". Audience laughs. 11:25 AM PDT- 说明画面和武器系统,结果是 Trennon 被挂掉了。 说明不同角色的差异处。开发团队成员之一穿着一件"The Hurt Is On"字样的衬衫。 听众又笑开来了。 11:27 AM PDT- Trennon is now doing better in the game, and not merely getting "destroyed". The Wi-Fi team member wins. (The shirt has influence!). Demo concludes, Iwata takes the stage again. 11:27 AM PDT- Trennon 在游戏当中渐入佳境,不再被挂掉。 最後开发团队获胜(是这件圣衣保佑吗?)。 展示结束,岩田回来继续演说。 11:29 AM PDT- Iwata explains how even grandmothers loves the DS, and talks about Tetris DS and New Super Mario Bros.. Audience claps upon seeing Mario. A new Zelda game is revealed for the DS, but uses an engine similar to Wind Waker. It has touch-screen gameplay, cel-shaded graphics, anthe game has a puzzle formula where what you draw on the bottom screen reflects to the top. The game is officially called The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. 11:29 AM PDT- 岩田解释为什麽连阿嬷都爱玩 DS, 然後谈到俄罗斯方块DS版以及新超级马力欧兄弟。 看到马力欧的时候观众再次给予掌声。 萨尔达传说证实会在 DS 上推出一款新作,采用类似风之律动的引擎。 它将采用触碰式玩法,有着卡通泫染风格的画面, 游戏当中会有一套解谜方式,要用到从下方萤幕画出和上方萤幕相对应要素的玩法。 游戏正式定名为:The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (萨尔达传说:幻影沙漏) (试译,非官方认可) 11:31 AM PDT- Iwata begins talking about the Revolution and how the concept for the controller was originated. He explained that the controller had to be wireless and approachable, and sophisticated and revolutionary. They drew up sketches to get ideas and put them together. Fifteen people in all were involved in its creation. 11:31 AM PDT- 岩田开始谈及 Revolution 以及控制器。 他解释控制器是以无线、易上手、精巧以及革命性的概念来设计。 他们将概念图描绘出来後实作出这样的东西。场中有十五个人正聚精会神於它的设计。 11:33 AM PDT- A picture of Miyamoto is shown as Iwata continues his presentation. The Metroid Prime creator didn't seem so crazy about the Revolution controller, thus the idea for the additional plug-in for control. Prototypes for the controller are shown, and then the final version, originally shown at the TGS. 11:33 AM PDT- 在岩田老大继续演说的同时,萤幕上秀出一张宫本茂大叔的照片。 银河战士的作者, 看来似乎并不对 Revolution 这样采用附加元件方式设计的控制器感到热衷。 控制器最初的原型秀出来後,然後秀出最终完成的版本, 这在东京电玩展已经展示过了。 11:35 AM PDT- Iwata talks about the new interface of the controller and how easy it is to use, and how expensive it was to get it developed. 11:35 AM PDT- 岩田谈到控制器的新介面以及它如何的好用,还有开发它时耗费钜资。 11:38 AM PDT- Speaks of "disruption" again. Talks about expensive console games, for $50-$60. Such high-budget games require more time and more people to work on. Licensing keeps costs high, too. Talks about how graphics shouldn't be the high concentration, like most developers are doing. 11:38 AM PDT- 继续重提「颠覆性」。谈到昂贵的游戏价位。 列出高昂预算的游戏作品,使得人们必须花更多时间和人力去开发。 授权费用也是使得游戏昂贵的因素之一。 业界不该如现在这样一味追求、钻营图形表现。 11:41 AM PDT- The new Mario and Metroid will be games to be played in a whole new way. Says the Nintendo download service is comparable to Apple's I-Tunes service. The download service will act as a virtual console, with all sorts of different classic games to choose from. 11:41 AM PDT- 马力欧和银河战士新作将会有崭新的玩法。 任天堂的下载服务会类同於 Apple iTunes 商店那样的模式。 下载服务会以虚拟游乐器主机的方式运作,提供多种的经典游戏。 11:44 AM PDT- The appeal is wanting to be spread between new and old players alike, and the download service should appeal to both. Nintendo is committed to making games fun for everyone. They are making sequels, but new IP's will also be produced. They've disrupted handheld gaming and wireless gaming, but, in a few weeks (E3), they will disrupt the console one as well. Keynote concludes. Loud applause. 11:44 AM PDT- 这项服务的诉求在於兼顾不同世代的玩家族群, 下载服务应该兼顾“新”玩家及“老”玩家。 任天堂做的游戏,是要能娱乐每个人的游戏。 不但要制作续作,更要积极推出新作。 任天堂已经颠覆了掌上型游乐器以及无线网路游戏, 然而, 几周过後(E3), 任天堂还会颠覆电视游乐器。 演讲结束。 掌声雷动。 At the conclusion of the keynote, attendees got a limited edition copy of Brain Age of their very own to play. 演说结束後,与会者皆获得一片限量版的脑锻。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: hiroshiyui 来自: (03/24 05:05)
1F:推 AgentWu:感激感激!!!!热血阿 03/24 05:10
2F:推 AgentWu:目前各大电玩网站都塞车...看不到新情报@@a 03/24 05:42
3F:推 danadanad:PCE也可以玩耶^^ 03/24 06:17
4F:推 WatanabeKen:酷阿 03/24 06:59
5F:→ AgentWu:PCE耶, 那天外二有吗 @@a 03/24 07:20
※ 编辑: hiroshiyui 来自: (03/26 00:14)

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