NightLife 板


Date: Sunday, 20 June 2010 Time: 13:00 - 22:00 Location: Taipei Country Club 台北乡村俱乐部 Street: QingYun Rd, #1, XinYi Area 信义区青云街1号 (挹翠山庄) Town/City: Taipei, Taiwan ----------------------------------------------------------------- SPIKED和Perpetual团队一起为您献上2010/6/20台北乡村俱乐部Hooligan周日泳池派对 经过6/18华山、6/19台南派对,我们的疯狂派对6/20将回到台北的泳池边 ﹝台北乡村俱乐部﹞当天也是世界知名碎啪大咖DJ Atomic Hooligan的生日唷! 特别嘉宾为:Atomic Hooligan、 Aquasky 、MC Genesis 周日何处去??当然是到泳池边拉!! 型男或辣妹票价一位只要NT350(附上一杯清凉调酒) 各式调酒每杯只要NT100~您不可错过阿!! 酷炫DJ们: vDub –主办兼各大夜店的DJ常客,您不可不听 (throwin' down his chillout poolside mash up) Subtle – 将带来您舞动不停的雷鬼、鼓打贝斯 (booty shakin' ragga drummin'breaks) Trix –主办专门从上海空运来台的电音大咖,错过就得自己买机票去上海罗 (back from Shanghai for the week and doing a special guest appearance that's long awaited) Sinister Sound Syndicate – 将带来您不能错过的电子音乐 (electro dirt basslines) GMB (Genetically Modified Beats) 派对型男辣妹们!快来向英国知名碎啪大咖DJ们展现出我们台湾人跑趴的本事吧! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPIKED and Perpetual Motion present... A HOOLIGAN Sunday After a weekend of touring Taiwan... starting with Legacy club on Friday and a 15 hour outdoor event in Tainan... we'll be back at Taipei's country club poolside, celebrating Atomic Hooligan's Bday proper. Hanging poolside with Atomic Hooligan, Aquasky and MC Genesis... showing the UK how we do it taiwanstyle. and then there are the spiked drinks... and we know how to do it up... hard and cheap! After 5 years of the DIVE in Taichung everything is gonna be SPIKED this Sunday! Everything 100nt all day and night... and then comes the music... the essential mix is on the way... how else would you wanna spend sunday??? cover charge Girls/Boys NT$350 with one free drink ---------------------------------------------------------- djs vDub - throwin' down his chillout poolside mash up Subtle - booty shakin' ragga drummin'breaks Trix - back from Shanghai for the week and doing a special guest appearance that's long awaited... Sinister Sound Syndicate - Electro Grooves, Infused with Poolside groovy vibes... Heavy Bass with the right amount of bounce to make those cocktails go down as the sun sets on a perfect Sunday afternoon! G.M.B - Because we all know beats don't genetically modify themselves! ---------------------------------------------------------- you don't wanna miss the chance to celebrate with these guys poolside all the way from the UK!!! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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