NewAge 板


各位,光中心的这篇文章很棒哦 来源 如何面对全球性金融危机的灵性讯息!! 亚伯拉罕通灵讯息~对全球性金融危机 的建议   伊丝特.希克斯 (亚伯拉罕灵性讯息灵媒~也是美国最着名的"吸引力法则"推广者;中文书" 有求必应""情绪惊人力量"的作者) 10月7日於美国费城的一场工作坊中, 被询问关於全球 金融危机的因应之道时的讯息,   英文影像: 以下为中英对照翻译 (感谢: 爱丽希亚 翻译分享)   J: If three people were allowed in the debate and you Abraham were the third, what would be your proposal to alleviate the world-wide financial crisis?" 如果有三个人可以参加总统候选人辩论,而你,亚伯拉罕是第三方, 对於减轻全球性金 融危机你会如何提出建议? A: Chill out, and go to work! 冷静下来,回去工作。 J: That's it? 就这样吗? A: Focus upon the things are important to you and figure out how to satisfy the details of you life and stop looking to some else to solve it and figure out how to bring yourself into balance. And turn off things like this debate. So that you don't continually harass yourself into mis-alignment of what's already in your vibration aston and then we would say we have a plan .... 把重心放在对那些对你而言是重要的事, 搞清楚做那些事情能够满足生活上的细节。 不 要再寻找任何人解决你的问题,然後找出方法把自己带回平衡中。 接着,关掉电视上的 总统候选人辩论节目。如此一来, 你不再继续烦扰自己, 并让自己的振动频率保持和宇 宙的振动频率相同。我们会说, 其实我们有一个计画。 J: Oh yeh A: we set the motion long before we got here on this platform and you are all co-conspirators in this plan. 我们早在来到这个演讲台上这前就已经做了这个计画, 而你们也全部都是这个计画的密 谋者之一。 And you have through what you have been living and contributing to this plan. And this is the brightest and most exhilarating of future experiences ever been upon the phase of the earth. And this is the legacy that all of you hold ownership of. 你们将持续的生活下去并为这个计画贡献心力。在地球现阶段, 这将会是你们在未来的 经验中所感受到, 最光明而且最令人兴奋的计画。 你们都将是这份珍贵遗产的共同所有 人。 In order for you to claim your piece of this amazing pie of prosperity, all you have to do is looking to the direction now and see if you can remember what pieces that you've put there, because every piece you put there has been lovingly held for you. 为了让你们能够声明自己是这富足中的一部份, 你们唯一需要做的就是深入地看清现在 的方向, 然後了解且并记住你是这个计画的一部份, 因为无论你所参与的是哪一个部份 , 你都已经被关爱地包含在里面了。 It can not be evaporated from the stock market and it cannot be squandered by those who don't understand and it cannot be misunderstood by anyone and it can not be taken from you. Because if your life cause you to put it in to this holding pattern this vibrational aston, then it is forever there for you. 富足不会从股市中蒸发掉,也不会被不了解的人给挥霍掉, 不会被任何人所误解,而且也 不会从你身上被取走。 如果你们的人生已经是被宇宙所包涵的其中的一部份, 那麽富足 将永远在那里为你们所有。 And the only thing that is required in order for you to make your personal withdraw is make your personal withdraw by no longer paying attention to who else's making what is withdraws. Don't worry about them getting your fair share, it's not possible for anybody to get your fair share. Your fair share is always remarkable for you. It will always stay there in perfect becomingness. 如果你想从中抽身, 你唯一需要做的就是不再去注意别人到底拿回什麽。 不要担心有人 会拿走你应得的那份, 因为这对任何人都是不可能发生的。是你的就一定是你的。 它一 直都在那里,而且是完美的形成了。 Oh and we might tell you that since you put it there it has been improving with magnificent interests aligned with we've never seen. So it got bigger than it was when you ask for it and it gets bigger with every request you make. 对了,我们还可以告诉你, 既然你们已经把所有的富足放在宇宙之中, 那麽富足就以我 们前所未见的方式一直在增加中, 所以当你们要求越多的时候,越多的富足就一直被创 造出来。 And in fact, the more crisis this is applied all around of this, the bigger it gets. 事实上,如果我们继续谈论发生在身边的危机, 越多的危机反而就一直被吸引出来。 So first thing, note it is there for you and no one can get it away from you. 所以第一件事,了解你所拥有的一直都在那里, 没有任何人可以从你身上取走。 And next, stop worrying about what anybody else is doing b'coz it is your worry about what anybody else is doing which is causing you to hold yourself vibrationally out of whack from it. 第二件事,不要再担心别人在做些什麽, 因为担心会使你维持在匮乏的振动频率。 Now, we have acknowledged the majority of people who would be witnessing such debate would not be heard a word of what we said b'coz they are not accustomed to focusing upon the vibrational world, they do not understand that there is a vibrational reality that they hold ownership, too. that they must find the alignment with before they can be physical reality. 现在,我们知道大部份在这里见证这场辩论的人, 其实对我刚才说的话一个字都没有听 进去, 因为他们还不习惯将焦点放在振动频率的世界, 他们不了解其实每一个人都是活 在这个振动频率的世界。他们必须学 会在现实生活中先和宇宙的振动频率共振。   And so for those who don't yet know about the vibrational reality, we would say to them, worry not, we've seen this before and we know you can come through it. We would say, do not worry about what's happening b'coz nothing has changed in the last few days, nothing even has changed in the last few years. That is so far out of balance that cannot come back into the balance. Then we would say, there are enough numbers upon this planet that involve in the economic all this time space reality that this is certain that balance will come back. 对於那些不了解宇宙振动频率的人,我们会先告诉他们,不要担心! 我们曾经见过这样的 局面,而且我们知道你们一定会穿越这一切。 我们会说,不要担心所发生的这些事情, 因为事情的本质从来没有改变过,不论是过去的几天或是几年。 到目前为止,事情只是 发展到一个不平衡的状态而还没回覆平衡。 接着我们会说, 地球上在有足够的经济丰富 是可以让这可以让这一切回到平衡中。 And all you to do is sort of settle yourself in and write it out. And so the thing that we want you to say to yourself everyday is it's getting better, it's getting better and it's going to be alright. It's better, it's getting better, and it's going to be alright. And the sooner you convince yourself that it is better than you thought it was and it is getting better than it is right now and it is not only going to be alright and it's going to be really alright, your prosperity can begin to come to you immediately. 你们所要做的就是让自己适应这个过程然後写出来。每一天告诉自己 ,情况会越来越好 ,越来越好,每件事都会很好。越来越好, 越来越好,而且真的是越来越好。 你能够越 快的说服自己实际的情况比你所想像的要更好, 那麽事情就会真的变好,而且富足就会 立即来到你的生中。 感谢光中心提供这麽棒的讯息... --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: cozoo 来自: (10/18 10:57)
1F:推 marine45:感谢光中心提供这麽棒的讯息... 10/18 22:25
2F:推 laila:谢谢光中心提供这麽赞的讯息~~~^^ 10/19 14:19

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