NewAge 板


Number five and number six are a lot more esoteric and that's why you came, 第五点和第六点比较奥秘的多,并且那就是为什麽你来到这里,不是吗? isn't it? [Smile] Number five - the energy of thought of this planet is (微笑)第五点 - 这个星球的思想能量正在提昇。 shifting. It is shifting greatly, just like we said it would. Humans are 它正在大量的提昇,就像我们以前说过的,它会。 thinking in a different fashion. Many of them are starting to have 人类在想着一个不同的流行。他们许多人开始 understandings and have epiphanies, even about science. New thinking is afoot 有了了解和顿悟(圣灵的显现、经典的顿悟),即使是科学家也是。 about how things work. We told you they would eventually do this. 新思想正进行到关於事物如何运作。(此翻译由tore提供)。 我们告诉过你,他们最後会这麽做。 Those who will never be esoteric are giving you esoteric information and 这些从来不奥秘的人,现在正给你奥秘的讯息,并且他们称它为科学。 they're calling it science. Discoveries are being made that will lead to (科学上的)新发现会通向跨次元的思维。(此翻译由tore提供) interdimensional thought. Science is being rewritten as to what is real and 关於什麽为真什麽非真的科学,正在被重写。(此翻译由tore提供) what is not. All of this is in line with what we told you were the potentials of this planet. 所有这些正好跟,我们告诉过你说 是这个星球的可能性的,一致。 Now, how does that reflect in the current events? You're on the cusp of 现在,那如何反映在当前的事件里? something and I will tell you what it is. Dear humanity, you really can have 你正在某些事情的尖端,并且我会告诉你它是什麽。亲爱的人类,你们真的可以拥有 peace on Earth, but there will be gyrations that you will go through in the 地球上的和平,但是那里会有一些回旋,你会通过一些程序关於 process of learning what you want and what you don't want. But in this year, 学习你要的和你不要的。(翻得不好,徵求翻译)但是这一年, and especially the next, 2009, there are some potentials for you to watch 并且特别是下一年,2009,有一些可能性要让你看。 for. Remember, you heard it here first. [Kryon smile] 记住,你是先在这里听到它的。(克里昂微笑) It's an 11 year. Eleven numerologically has many kinds of meanings. What it 它是一个11年,11在生命灵数中很多种的意义。 means to you in old numerology doesn't matter. What it means, however, is 它在老旧的生命灵数中对你而言的意义不重要。然而,它的意义是 that 11 is the number of this age. We told you that when we showed up. In 11是这个时代的数字。 当我们出现时,我们告诉过你们这个。在 1989, I gave you in the first transmission in the first book, the meanings of 1989,在第一本书里第一个传输中,我给过你们11的含意。 11. Now, here you are, coming up to an 11 year yet again (2009). Only this 现在,你们来了,来到又一个11年(2009)。只有这一个 one is the last 11 you're going to get before 2012. That ought to be 是在2012之前,你们正要到的最後一个11。那应该是对你们而言意义重大的。 significant to you. It's the only 11 with this energy. Here's what I'm going 它是这个能量唯一的11。这里是我要告诉你们的: to tell you: Watch for the young people of this planet to make differences in 观看,在这个下一年,这个地球上的这些年轻人使事情有些不一样 - this next year - differences you don't expect from youth. 一个你们不曾从年轻人身上预期到的不一样。 One of the biggest is the potential overthrow of dictators. This is the 一个最大的就是 这个可能: 对独裁者们的推翻。这是一个 我们说过的 可能性 potential we spoke of where we told you the chest-pounding dictators of this ,我们告诉过你 这个地球上 骄傲满满的独裁者们 正在他们出局的路上。 earth are on their way out, and will be replaced by benevolent leadership. It 并且会被 仁慈的领导者 取代。 is the beginning of a shift of consciousness of what leadership should be to 它是,政府的领导者所应该是什麽样的,觉醒提昇的开始, government, and what ordinary Human Beings are going to expect from their leadership. 并且这是一般人类对他们的领导者的期望(翻得不好,徵求翻译) In an old energy, there was an expectation of government in many lands that 在一个古老的能量中,在许多的土地上,有一个对政府的期望,那就是只是容忍。 was simply tolerated. Without it, there would be chaos. So whichever kind of 没有它,那里会有混乱。 government was created in your land was acceptable. That is an old energy 所以无论何种政府在你们的土地上被创造出来都是可接受的。 concept, for it led to those who would be in control without integrity. 那是一个古老的能量概念,因为它导致这些 在控制之下而不完整 的人。(徵球翻译) That's going to shift. It's going to shift in your own land as well. For 那些正要被提昇。它也正要在你们自己的土地上提昇。 Human Beings are going to start to expect leadership with integrity. That is new. Watch for it. 因为人类正要开始期待完善的领导者。那是新鲜的。等着看它。 In 2009, there's a potential for a major shift in a country that I'm not 在2009,那里有一个可能性,在一个国家里会有一个主要的提昇,我不打算提到这个国家, going to mention, but it's going to be caused by the young people of the 但是它将会被这个国家的年轻人发起。 country. Those who you would never feel could even care are going to rise up 那些 你不曾感受甚至关心到的人 正要四处崛起并且造成一些改变。 and make a difference. Watch for it and when you see it, don't look at the 等着看它,并且当你看到它,别看着新闻然後说: news and say, "This is bad." Don't look at the news and say, "Look at those 「这太糟糕了。」别看着新闻然後说:「看看这些死掉的人。」 who died." Don't look at the news and see the drama. I want to tell you there 别看着新闻然後看戏。我要告诉你那里有这些人,他们已经来到这个星球只是为了这样 are those who have come to this planet just so they could be part of that 他们可以成为这个非常事件的一部分。 very thing! There are those who have come to this planet just so they could 有这些人,他们来到这个行星只是因为这样他们可以参与这事件然後回家, be part of it and return home, then come back and do something even greater! 然後回来,并且做一些更伟大的事。 I want to tell you the overview of this is far grander than you think. 我要告诉你,全副景象是比你想的还要更远大雄伟的多。 Congratulate those who have decided to pass on for this reason, for they made 恭喜这些决定要为了这个理由过世的人,因为他们 a shift that is heroic. That is what we see. The whole planet is involved in 缔造了一个提昇并且他们是英雄。那就是我们看到的。这整个行星都涉入这种欢庆。 this kind of celebration. It really will change the future, you know? Can you 它真的会改变未来,你知道吗? celebrate appropriateness? 你可以以相称的庆典庆祝吗? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ cozoo:我不行了,我要吃饭了掰 09/11 18:47
2F:推 chaos0807:这已经到超级赛亚人3的境界了( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ 09/11 19:41
3F:→ rabearit:推一下可可亚大,实在太强了^^ 09/11 19:59
4F:推 marine45:来推!辛苦罗~~ 09/11 21:32
5F:→ cozoo:哈 哈 哈 没什麽没什麽 噗ㄔ 09/11 21:35
6F:推 tore:New thinking is afoot about how things work. 11/20 21:14
7F:→ tore:新思想正进行到关於事物如何运作。 11/20 21:14
8F:→ tore:Discoveries are being made that will lead to interdimen.. 11/20 21:15
9F:→ tore:(科学上的)新发现会通向跨领域的思维。 11/20 21:16
10F:→ tore:Science is being rewritten as to what is real and .... 11/20 21:16
11F:→ tore:关於什麽为真什麽非真的科学,正在被重写。 11/20 21:16
※ 编辑: cozoo 来自: (03/27 18:12)

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