NewAge 板


The next one is a little harder, but just as obvious. You have many ways of 接下来的能源比较难一点,但是一样是很明显的。你们有很多方法制造电力(能源)。 creating power. One of the most complex and difficult to understand and build 其中一个最复杂也最难以了解和制造的就是核能发电厂。 is the nuclear power plant. When you are finished with a five-year 当你们完成了5年期的建造工程,当你们完工时,你们所有的只是创造了一个高价昂贵 construction project, all you have when you finished is having created an 的蒸汽机。 expensive steam engine. For all nuclear power does is create heat. This 因为所有的核能做的只是为了产生热能。 creates steam to drive a generator in circles, which then creates your 这样就可以产生蒸气并且使发电机运转,然後产生你们的电力。 electricity. It is, therefore, a glorified steam engine. 因此,它就是一台美化了的蒸汽机而已。 There is another glorified steam engine called the magma of Earth. Everywhere 那里还有另一种美化了的蒸汽机,叫做地热(地球的岩浆)。 you drill, it gets hot. The further you go down, it gets real hot. Did you 不管你在哪里钻洞,就是会得到热能(它变得兴奋起来)(译注:这里有双关语 ,hot有兴奋的意思) 你越往下钻,它变得真是热的不得了。(译注:这里有另一种翻译, 「你越是进入下去,它变得真令你兴奋。」 噗 XD 不负责任翻译) think about that? If you want heat, all you have to do is drill for it! Now, 你想过那个了吗?如果你要热,你所要做的只是钻洞! this is difficult because you have to go down a long way. It becomes more 现在,这很困难因为必须往下钻很长一段。 difficult because there are by-products that are involved that complicate the 它变得更困难因为有副作用,那就是那牵涉到复杂的安全性和活命的问题。 safety and viability. The technology must be developed to tap the heat, to 这个技术必须发展来输送热能, make a steam engine that's forever. Start by building these holes in the hot 去做一个永远运作的蒸汽机。开始 在热点(另译:热的地点、热门地点),建造这些洞。 spots. The hot spots are defined as those places on the earth where the magma 热点被定义为地球上岩浆靠近地表的地方。 is close to the surface. How about starting at the Pacific Rim, for instance? 例如,从太平洋边缘开始如何? This is where all the volcanoes are, for instance - and where many of your 这是所有火山存在的地点,这是个例子,还有例如大部分你们最大的城市存在的地方, largest cities are, for instance. You will find all the power you need to create steam is right below your feet. 你会发现所有你需要来产生蒸气的能源(电力)就在你脚下。 Is it worth it to invest in this technology? That's up to you. How much 这项技术值得投资吗?这全由你们决定。 longer do you wish to extract pieces and parts of the earth, burn them up and 你们还打算从地球榨取一片又一片的东西,然後把它们烧到大气层中多久? put them in the atmosphere? Now, what is that worth to you? So again we say, 现在,那对你们有多糟?所以我们再一次的说, as clear as we've ever said it to you from the other side of the veil, that 尽我们可能的从三次元帷幕的另一边,清楚的对你说, these power sources have always existed. They exist for you to create 这些能源一直存在。他们为了让你发电而存在,好供应你们的城市能源,供应你的 electricity, to power your cities, to power your vehicles, and it has always 交通工具能源, been a free source ready for you to invest in how to capture it. That was number three. 而它已经永远是一个准备好让你们去投资 以获取它 的免费资源。 这是第三点。 --

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