NewAge 板


I've spoken of this before, and each one of you knows of what I speak. The 我以前曾经讲过这些,并且你们每一个都知道我在说什麽。 music is always playing on the other side of the veil, on my side. Even when 这音乐总是在三次元面纱的另一边,我这边,演奏着。每次当 I'm here speaking to you, it plays to me. It's not really music, but I've 我在这里对你演讲,它就对我演奏着。这不是说它真是音乐,但是我只是线性化的 just metaphorically linearized an energy that is always around me, which is 去比喻一个总是在我身边的能量为音乐, the composite of God, and called it music. It is beautiful. It is what some 这能量是神的组成。它是漂亮的。他是你们有些人 of you get in a sleep state; it is what makes you breathe easier. That's what 在睡梦中得到的(能量);它是那令你呼吸更轻松顺畅的。 makes you feel loved, dear ones. Do you know about the music? [Kryon smile] 它是那令你感到被爱的,亲爱的各位。你知道这个音乐吗?(克里昂微笑) The room starts to heat up even more than it should because there's more here 这个房间开始变的比它原本该是的更热了,因为这里有比几分钟前更多 than there was a few moments ago. Oh, the message is not necessarily that 的存在(指灵魂、有意识的能量体)在这里。欧,今日这讯息不需要再那麽隐喻的 metaphysically profound today, since I'm going to do something I don't do 那麽深了,既然我现在要做一些我不那麽常做的事: often: I'm going to speak about current events. We don't normally do that, 我打算谈谈有关当前发生的一些事件。我们通常不那麽做, but some like it, so that is why I've told my partner to transcribe it. Here 但是有些人喜欢这些东西,那就是为什麽我叫我的夥伴(指通灵者"Lee")去抄写它。 we are in a circle, the continuous circle of life. When I see you, I see all 这里我们在一个圈圈里,生命持续的圈圈。当我看着你,我一起看见了所有你的 of your lives together and the potentials of all of your own futures. I see 前世,还有你所有未来的潜在可能性。 those who started humanity, and those who will close it. You've done this before, dear ones. 我看见有些人将开始他们的人类旅程,而有些人将会关闭它。你以前曾经做过这些, 亲爱的人。 [Kryon pause] 暂停了一下 There's a shaman in the room who's just awakening, who is starting to see his 有一个沙门(黄教僧人),它刚在房间中醒来(译注:可能指觉醒),它正要开始看它的 shamanic energy. It's taken a long time, and he knows who he is. There are 沙门能量。它被拿走很长一段时间了,并且他知道他是谁(他的本来面目)。有很多 other old souls in this room who have no concept of what is in the rings of 其他的老灵魂在这个房间里,他们对於「什麽在他们的清晰(水晶)之环内」(意指他们 their crystal [meaning their past-life experiences]. I'll speak of that in a 的过去世经验)没有概念。我会在稍後说到这些。 moment. In fact, I'm going to give you six energies [subjects] and that will be the last one. 事实上,我正要给你六个能量(一些主题),而这会是最後一个谈到的。 Number one. Let us speak of current events. Something is happening right now 第一。我们来说说当前的一些事件。有些事情正在当下发生,你应该知道它们。 you should know about. It's very, very current. Right below your feet is the 它是非常、非常当前的事情。正在你脚下的是地球的岩浆。 magma of the earth, the core of the earth. It's shifting. That is to say, the 这是地球的核心。它正在提昇。那就是说,中间正在溶解的那个,它正在减慢速度。 center, which is molten, is slowing down. If you look in the right places, 如果你看进正确的地方, you'll see this in your news. It's slowing down! This is creating the 你会在你们的新闻里看到这个。它正在减速!这正在造成你们的地磁网栅减少。 lessening of the magnetic grid. That is to say, it is starting to decrease in 那就是说,它正在减少它的高斯单位数(电磁单位数)。这个减量是可以被侦测到的。 its gauss (unit of magnetic measurement). This lessening is measurable; scientists can measure it. It is happening right now. 科学家可以侦测到它。它正在发生。 It is part of the shift that we speak of, and part of the new year, 2008. We 它是我们谈到的提昇的一部分,新的一年,2008,的一部分。 told you it was coming and here we are in the seventh month of a "one" year 我们以前曾告诉你它正在来到,而现在我们在「一」年中的第7个月 [2008 as seen in numerology]. The number seven is a sacred number. You know (2008在生命灵数中看来)(译注:感谢fairy提供的翻译)。这个数字7是一个神圣的数字。 that, don't you? And if you've done your numerology and you have looked at 你知道的,不是吗?而如果你曾经做过你的生命灵数,并且你曾经看过我们说的, what we have said, you would expect it now, would you not? And here it is. It 你现在会预期到它,不是吗?而在这里它就是这样。 is a continuation in the physical properties of the planet that we told you about 18 years ago. It is appropriate. 它是一个这行星物理属性不间断的过程,18年前我们告诉过你这个,它是适当的。 Do not fear it! There are those who say you're headed for a magnetic flip. 不要害怕它。有这样的人,他们说你们正在朝向一个地磁翻转事件前进。 Indeed, you are. However, the potential is that it will not be in your 的确是的,你们是的。然而,很可能是它不会在你有生之年发生, lifetime, but eventually it will take place. If you expect it, there will be 然而最终它会发生。如果你预料到它,就不会混乱。 no chaos. In the past, it has hovered at a zero energy for hundreds of years 在过去,它曾经在翻转之前,在零能量点徘徊上百年。 before the flip. But not this time. However, the potentials are that it will not be in your lifetime. 但不是这个时代。然而,可能性是它不会在你的这一生中发生。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ cozoo:阵亡了 09/10 16:11
2F:推 chaos0807:可可亚平均战力:四篇! ( ′▽`)-o因囡囝囚 09/10 16:26
3F:→ cozoo:还有下篇 09/10 16:49
4F:推 fairy:numerology 生命灵数、数字占卜 2008→2+0+0+8=10→1+0=1 09/10 21:00
※ 编辑: cozoo 来自: (09/11 18:33)

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