NetRumor 板


I've been observing the phenomenon and the difference culture in Shanghai subway system and Taipei Metro. In fact,taking such kind of gas or unknown gas in ShangHai subway is restrictly forbiddened, X-ray and other inspection and security will try harder to let you know "right now you are safe to get on the train." I've gotten on the train in SH so I won't worry about that, but you should notice one particular case, please always write a letter to Metro before coming back to Taiwan, otherwise you will get higher risk of more attack in Taipei metro because you will never know the gas or toxic air importer is watching you even two ladies you mentioned were just hired to be ad(广告演员) in MRT system, attacker won't admit that so you should call emergency on the train then scan all passenger's communication record. What I really want to say is, you have know one thing, if you are concious of the smell in Taipei Metro has some problem, another method is to leave the passengers besides you, getting off the train and taking the next train would be safer. Besides, you have to call emergency in the train also you have your right to let inspector and MRT service check everyone's purse or luggage has something harmful or not, even though, harmful stuff holder has no excuse to say all the instruction comes from other passenger's application, website or GPS guide wrong person in MRT system. Because using smartphone is everyone's right to make sure you won't miss significant information and calling from your relationship and phone number list, also everyone has the right to move in the fresh air in MRT,too. ※ 引述《xxx22088 (xXx)》之铭言: : Facebook连结 : 我在捷运中正纪念堂月台的椅子上坐着候车。 : 突然,一位太太坐下摸了一下我的头发并开口问我: : 你怎麽都没有白头发? : 这麽好看的发型在哪里剪的? : 我警觉的想:她想做什麽?但因话题很家常,也不像坏人, : 所以就客套的跟她一搭一搭的聊着。 : 一分钟而已,在心里一直疑惑着:她到底有什麽目的呢? : 我忽然觉得脑部有异样的感觉............... : 『赶快离开她』 的念头迅速闪过脑际。 : 才站起来走不到几步异样感觉更强烈了, : 我知道,再等一下我就会失去知觉了; : (麻醉剂发作前的晕眩感我太熟悉了)四肢已开始发麻, : 随便抓住一位候车的太太,努力撑着精神紧抓她的手不放、 : 一直央求:拜托你救我,送我去警察局,我快晕倒了! : 这时捷运车厢进站,她终於同意让我跟她一齐上车, : 并护送我到转车的西门公车站牌。 : 好心的太太离开後,我转身走不到几步,发觉又开始晕眩无法行走。 : 令我惊吓的是:那位好心的太太和先前跟我聊天的中年太太同时出现在我眼前不远处,她们 : 冷冷的观察着我。(原来她俩是一夥的!) : 记得去年10月,一位好友中午在捷运西门站莫名跌倒, : 直到晚上11点多才被陌生人送回家, : 身上所背皮包不知下落,跌倒至回家这段时间记忆成谜的故事再度涌出脑海。 : 所以,我知道那个人在等着接收药效持续发作中的我, : 我坚定的想:我只能去警察局。 : 抓紧旁边店家柜台以稳住身体及求救, : 终於有学生肯理我送我到警察局。 : 最後是公司里好心的老板开车到警察局接我送我回家。 : 直到午夜,我还不能闭眼; 我已由硬撑、 : 怕在外昏睡不醒到精神紧绷过度无法入睡了。 : 隔了一天的现在,站立时仍有脚步不稳的感觉,心情仍旧无法平静。 : 『擦身而过的人,也可以是生命中美丽邂逅的浪漫想法』, : 相信将不会再伫留我心。 : 听警察说这是一个庞大的犯罪组织,遍布在台北县市各个捷运站里面, : 除了用麻药骗钱盗刷之外,也把迷昏的女性朋友卖到中南部私娼馆卖淫, : 过着暗无天日的生活,利用完了再从桥上推到河里淹死当无名屍........ : 我不知道要如何表达感谢老天爷让我逃过大劫,但肯定知道我将不会再遗憾我不是第一个 : 受害者,所以请大家广为转寄, 提醒搭捷运的人千万注意,千万要注意...... : 为了家人及自己的幸福着想,千万别跟陌生人讲话,不管他是老人或是小孩......千万要 : 小心,尽量保持点距离。 : 看到有人分享,请问这真实性多少? -- -------- 以上纯属我个人的意见。└( ̄^ ̄ )┐ --

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