作者kafka ((o(一︿一+)o))
标题Re: 自我介绍 seafarer
时间Tue Jul 19 19:35:40 2005
: 推 kafka:海员有新的定义吗?? 07/07
: 推 seafarer:看不太懂?? 问题可以再清楚点~~谢谢 07/08
之前在某杂志 好像是Fairplay看到
Definition of a seafarer
Talks at the International Labour Organisation(ILO) in Geneva
on a new global labour Law for shipping are still at a deadlock
on the precise definition of a seafarer.
"Is a violinist hired to play on a cruise-ship a seafarer?
"Is Pavarotti when he’s onboard?,” asked a spokesman for shipowners.
The definition is one of several “loose ends” hanging
over from the week-long formal talks between shipowners,
unions and governments aimed at producing a final draft
for adoption by an international conference in February.
The formal talks ended with out the threatened walkout by
unions and work has now passed to drafting committees.
Brian Orrell, general secretary of British officers’ unions
at the talks , says the meeting had been “productive ”
,with both sides realizing there was “too much to
Lose “ if an agreement was not reached.
The issue of enforcement of the labour laws , described
by unions as a ‘show-stopper “ before the meeting,
appears to have been resolved. Orrell says
“appropriate measures” for dealing with crew complaints
ashore have been secured. The shipowners’spokesman says
progress has also been made on the issue of social security ,
seen as a potential stumbling block as it might clash with national
laws and so be unacceptable to government.
Other contentious issues have covered the inclusion of
masters and chief engineers in hours-of-work rules and
the specific applicability of the convention ,both in
terms of ship sizes and the grey areas between international
and domestic water.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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