NY-Yankees 板


The New York Times Clemens Is Handed Five-Game Suspension Clemens遭禁赛五场 By TYLER KEPNER Published: August 10, 2007 CLEVELAND, Aug. 9 — After hitting Toronto’s Alex Rios in the back with a fastball on Tuesday, the Yankees’ Roger Clemens did not try to claim innocence. It was clear that Clemens was retaliating for the Blue Jays’ actions toward Alex Rodriguez, and Major League Baseball agreed Thursday. 在星期二用快速球砸Alex Rios背部之後, Clemens并没有试着澄清他是无罪的. 很明显地, Clemens是为A-Rod向蓝鸟报复, 大联盟也承认这件事. Bob Watson, baseball’s vice president for on-field operations, suspended Clemens for five games and Manager Joe Torre for one. Torre will serve his suspension Friday, when the Yankees play the Indians at Jacobs Field. Bob Watson处予Clemens五场禁赛, Torre一场禁赛. Torre会在星期五执行禁赛, 那天洋基在克里夫兰比赛. Clemens has not decided whether he will appeal the suspension, according to his agent, Randy Hendricks, although the punishment seems likely to be upheld. A five-game suspension is generally the minimum for a starting pitcher, who usually pitches only once every five games. 依据Clemens的经纪人Randy Hendricks的说法, Clemens还未决定是否对禁赛提出申诉. 五天禁赛是对先发投手的最小处份, 投手通常五天内会先发一次. Toronto’s Josh Towers hit Rodriguez with a pitch in the left calf in the third inning Tuesday, and the benches cleared twice. No punches were thrown, and nobody was ejected until Clemens hit Rios in the seventh, defying an umpire’s warning. Clemens and Torre were ejected from the game. 蓝鸟的Josh Towers在星期二的第三局将球砸在A-Rod的左小腿上, 板凳为此清空两次. 没有任何人挥拳,直到Clemens在第七局投出触身球才有人被驱逐出场, 因为蔑视裁判警告. Clemens和Torre都被驱逐出场. Clemens and Torre were also fined, as were Rodriguez and two Yankees coaches, Larry Bowa and Tony Peña. Three Blue Jays were fined: Towers, the coach Brian Butterfield and outfielder Matt Stairs. Clemens和Torre都被处以罚款, 和A-Rod及两位教练一样(Bowa,Peña). 三名蓝鸟球员被罚款: Tower, 教练Brian Butterfield, 外野手Matt Stairs. BORAS BACKS RODRIGUEZ Scott Boras, the agent for Alex Rodriguez, said there should be no suspicions about whether Rodriguez had used steroids as he climbed the home run list. Boras挺A_Rod Boras说:大家不应该怀疑A_Rod是否有使用类固醇, 当A_Rod在全垒打名单爬升中. “Prior to 2003, there were a great many athletes that were achieving or establishing records and had surges in their careers where they were going to have to answer questions with clouds over them,” Boras said. “But for Alex, it’s all sunshine, because he’s had nothing but consistency in his performance path. Since the age of 21, he’s hit 40 home runs or more almost every year.” "在2003年之前, 有很多运动员完成或创下新的记录, 他们必须回答人们的种种疑问." Boras说. "但对A-Rod来说, 一切都是摊在阳光下的, 因为他的表现一直都很一致. 自从21岁开始, 他几乎每年都打超过40支全垒打." Atlanta’s Chipper Jones told reporters Wednesday that as Rodriguez hits more home runs, he will face scrutiny about whether he has taken steroids. Jones also said that Jose Canseco’s claim that he would publish information on Rodriguez in his next book must be taken seriously. Boras dismissed the idea that Canseco might implicate Rodriguez. 勇士的Chipper Jones告诉记者: 当A_Rod打越来越多的全垒打, 他会被仔细检视是否服 用类固醇. Jones还说: 大家必须认真看待Jose Canseco声明要在新书中揭露A-Rod的一些资讯. Boras不考虑Canseco会牵连A-Rod的想法. “In his book, he listed all the athletes he knew who used performance-enhancing drugs, and Alex was excluded from that list,” Boras said of Canseco’s first book. “He specifically mentioned Alex, but only in relation to personality observations.” "在他的书中, 他列出所有他知道使用增强运动表现药物的球员,A-Rod并没有在名单之中." Boras谈论着Canseco的第一本书. "他有特别提到A_Rod的地方只有个性观察." RETURN FOR RAMíREZ Reliever Edwar Ramírez could be called up again as early as Friday. Ramírez earned a save for Class AAA Scranton/Wilkes-Barre on Thursday. Since the Yankees demoted him last month, he has allowed 1 earned run in 10 2/3 innings with 17 strikeouts. Ramírez回来 Ramírez可能最快星期五就会回来. Ramírez星期四在3A赢得一个救援点. 自从洋基在上个月将他下放, 他在10.2局里投出17次三振, 只掉一分自责分. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 有错烦指正 谢谢大家! --
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1F:推 siliver:小拉米加油!! 牛棚这麽缺人应该会有一点爱吧 XDXD 08/10 14:15
2F:推 cychi:如果是放肆火丢就不会被认为是故意的嘛XD 08/10 14:16
3F:→ cychi:老方:我就控球不好 不然你想怎麽样 08/10 14:17
4F:推 JessicaA1ba:如果是麦狗丢-->故意 老方丢-->正常 比赛继续 08/10 14:21
5F:推 GameDemon:KKK本来就要上来练一练的........老方拜托你加油一点 08/10 14:45
6F:推 seack:看到老克这麽挺A-Rod 心情也跟着澎湃起来阿XD 08/10 14:52
7F:推 magicagar:拖累:老方 你如果想找架打自己知道该怎麽做吧 方:(奸笑) 08/10 14:56
8F:→ magicagar:100mph火球 打完架通体舒畅 KKK结束该局 从此box里的 08/10 14:58
9F:→ magicagar:老方从固定1BB 1HR 变成1HBP 3K XD 08/10 14:59
10F:推 Tzylu:五场会不会太多 也不看看是谁先挑衅 有仇不报非君子阿 XD 08/10 15:09
11F:推 CCLu:先发当然禁赛五场,要不然禁止他们去球场做体能吗? 08/10 15:16
12F:→ CCLu:主审警告後才投触身当然处罚比较重,这是规矩。 08/10 15:17
※ 编辑: parabird 来自: (08/10 15:28)
13F:推 jagdzaku:丢两次没有加重吗 08/10 15:40
14F:推 CCLu:又不是两次都打到。只是第一次没打到丢第二次有点难看就是了 08/10 16:54
15F:推 a78544521:Boras中肯阿 08/10 17:01
16F:推 JessicaA1ba:连砸两场实在很像二流球队 08/10 17:22
17F:→ JessicaA1ba:如果是两场一起追溯来看的话蓝鸟就应该要重罚了 机车 08/10 17:23
18F:推 gdgy:老克不能上,还有小克和伪克可以上 08/10 17:29
19F:推 Melson:老克就肛心~~ 08/10 18:24
20F:推 tlw0709:KKK加油 08/10 20:25
21F:推 tokyoto:先出手的罪还比较轻 那下次老方升上去对览鸟当SP 08/11 02:43

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