作者ryo2006 (pharmacy rainbow) 看板:NTUphy95
标题Anatomy experiment
时间Sun Oct 28 17:35:18 2007
I have brought a box of plastic gloves for pharmacy,
you can ask me to get your gloves on Wednesday.
I think I should gather your cash payment.
I apologize to you for not typing the chinese.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 编辑: ryo2006 来自: (10/28 17:36)
1F:推 godfist:That's OK.We know what you are talking about. 10/28 21:29
2F:→ godfist:By the way,I want a pair of gloves.Thank you!! 10/28 21:31
3F:推 mcgrady12336:这让我想到我的英检又...挂了 10/28 22:13
4F:→ jeonjihyunch:韦嘉说要去医院ㄎㄧㄤ几盒回来耶@"@ 10/28 23:45
5F:推 traceofwind2:我拿了一整盒免费的~~~~当天我会整盒带去 10/29 00:55