NTUphy95 板


※ 引述《zoo7737 (Potato)》之铭言: 课程名称︰普通生物乙 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰施秀惠 开课系所︰医学院 考试时间︰2005/10/24 试题 : 一、是非题(每题3分,计36分;对於以下各叙述、正确的请打O,错误的打X) 1.Research results have no impact at all until shared with a community of peers through seminars, publications, and websites."Publish or perish" researchers thus said. 2.Water is one of the few substances that are less dense as solid than a liquid. 3.Darwin called the evolutionary history of species "descent with modification" that aosl captured the duality of life's unity and diversity. 4.The emergent properties, unique to life, are due to the arrangement and inteactions of parts as complexity increases. 5.Each functional group behaves differently from one organic molesule to another thus helping to give each molecule its unique properties. 6.A protein's function depends on its specific conformation, which is intrinsic in its primary structure. 7.Morphine and heroin could relieve pain because they have similar shapes to endorphins and could mimic endouphins by binding to their receptors in the brain. 8.The polarity of water molecules results form hydrogen bonding. 9.The trem "polypeptide" is not quite synonymous with the term "protein" except for a protein consisting of a single polypeptide. 10.Monomers are connectedby a reaction called hydrolysis, nd polymers are disassembled to monomers by a dehydration reaction. 11.Enantiomers, molecules which are mirror images of each other, may not be equally effective while using as drugs. 12.In nucleotides, because the atoms in both the nitrogenous base and the pentose are numbered, the base atoms have a prime(') after thenumber to distinguish them. 二、填充题(48分) 说明:以正确英文术语回答者每格3分;以正确中文术语回答者每格1分 1.The scientific logic called _______ is reasoning from a set of specific observations to reach a general conclusion, in contrast, _______ is from the general to the specific. 2.The attraction of a particulat kind of atom for the electrons of a covalent bond is called its _____, such sort of bond is called a ______ covalent bond. 3.A liquid that is a completely homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is called a _______.______ is one in which water is the solvent. 4.The ability of water to stabilize temperatues stems from its relatively high ______. And ______ of water contributes to the stability of temperature in lakes and ponds and also provides a mechanism that prevents terrestrial organisms from overheating. 5.Most organic molecules are formed by _____ which vary in _____, and may be straight, branched, or arranged in closed rings. 6.Structures of these functional groups are: hydroxyl____;carboxyl____ 7.Lipids are a diverese group of _______ molecules, but one kind of them, _____ show ambivalent behabior toward water. 8.Carbohydrates serve as fuel, such as_____, and building material, such as _____. 三、问答题(每题8分,计16分) 1.What is denaturation of a protein? Why does a denatured protein no longer function normally? 2.Please give an example for the theme of "Form dits function" on molecular basis. 诚徵高手repo解答= = 感激不尽.... 奖赏 你po完自然就赚到p币了XD -- 小宝:幽~怀~国~~喔喔恨 啊啊啊啊啊~~~心~暗~~~伤(泣) 多隆:大人 唱的难听不用哭阿! 小宝:是要考生物啦~~~(泪流) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: zoo7737 来自: (10/22 23:26)
1F:推 ryo2006:我好像有了...不过还是谢谢你.. 10/22 23:37
2F:→ yiiwen:有人不会找....指谁啊... 10/23 02:23
-- 小宝:幽~怀~国~~喔喔恨 啊啊啊啊啊~~~心~暗~~~伤(泣) 多隆:大人 唱的难听不用哭阿! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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