NTUmed88 板


Position: Analyst Job Description: Analyst Position Overview Analysts collect and analyze data to develop critical insights for our clients' issues. As an Analyst, you will: ‧Utilize and leverage business analytics, statistical models, and information technologies to determine potential sales of a product or service. ‧Work on a team to implement consulting and market research project tasks ‧Conduct detailed analysis using third-party software packages and C1 tools ‧Design Microsoft Excel models and Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to present results to clients Qualifications: Analysts should have a MA/MS in Statistics, Psychology, Sociology, or Operations Research.Analysts must have experience with statistical software programs like SPSS, SAS, or STATA. Ideally, Analyst candidates should have 1 year of prior work experience. Analyst candidates for Taipei office should have fluency in both English and Mandarin In addition to strong educational background and work experience, we evaluate the following qualities when reviewing Analyst candidates: ‧ Problem solving ‧ Attention to detail ‧ Communication ‧ Work ethic ‧ Organization/planning ‧ Teamwork C1 Projects C1 projects are staffed with two to three team members. Working with small teams creates a close working relationship with other C1 team members and clients. Direct involvement with clients enables a better understanding of their needs and how project results and insights get used.As a small firm, C1 relies heavily on on-the-job learning. Working closely with highly experienced C1 Principals who are directly involved in project work allows new Analysts to learn quickly. New Analysts are assigned a “mentor” to assist in professional development, career guidance, and performance evaluation. As Analysts demonstrate analytic and project management skills, responsibilities grow rapidly. About C1 C1 is an integrated consulting and research firm headquartered in Summit, NJ. We support pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies tackling tough sales and marketing strategy and business development decisions. We work closely with our clients to help them value and prioritize market opportunities and improve sales and marketing effectiveness. C1 is recognized for our expertise in integrating sales/marketing consulting with primary market research and financial analysis. Our approach leverages customer data, value-added research and simulation modeling to help our clients make sound decisions. C1 has a strong culture devoted to high quality, client service, and team development. Applicant who has a master degree in the following department would be a plus: 心理所 社会所 生物相关系所 公卫 请大家在12/5之前将履历寄到: [email protected] Attach to:曹小姐 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 changeup:应该要回「请勿使用鸟语」吗-_-a 11/13 21:58

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