虽然有小小的cliche 但是还是有当中有许多话还蛮令人感动的~~ ____ Jane Goodall tells youths not to give up on world 珍古德呼吁年轻人不要对世界感到绝望 2006.11.01 / Taiwan News, Contributing Writer / Leo R. Maliksi / Translated by Su Chueh-yu / 翻译:苏珏于 The quest for hope among the youth is undeniably present in both developed and developing countries, said Dr. Jane Goodall during a reception held to celebrate the tenth anniversary of her first visit to Taiwan. 距国际知名保育份子珍古德第一次来台,已有十年时间,在日前一场欢迎晚宴上, 贵宾珍古德博士表示,无论是已开发国家或是开发中国家的年轻人,都在寻找希望。 When questioned as to why this was so, she replied, "Any young person who looks at what is going on in the world is overwhelmed by the environmental destruction. They see social problems, terrorism, global warming and poisoning of the air, water and the land." 在被问及其原因时,她回答道:「这世界上所有的环境问题,包括社会问题、 恐怖主义、温室效应、空气毒害等,都被年轻人看在眼里。 任何一个关心时事的年轻人都会被他们所看见的环境破坏所震慑。」 "It's a very dark world and it's not surprising that young people who think about it feel hopeless; Roots & Shoots is designed to give them hope by saying yes, it's a bad world, but don't give up. There is always hope." 珍古德说:「这个世界现在十分的黑暗,年轻人之所以会对它感到绝望不是没有理由的。 而『根与芽小组』的创办理念正是要向这些年轻人传达:没错,这是个糟糕的世界, 但绝对不要放弃它,因为希望永远存在。」 However, Goodall added, most youths lack the opportunity to become deeply involved. "Only when they bring themselves into it do they realize the psychological power of doing something to help future generations with our caring, understanding and involvement." 她说:「年轻人缺乏能够切身投入这种工作的机会, 然而唯有这麽做他们才能体会以关怀、体恤与实体行动帮助下一代及下下一代 所带来的心灵成长。」 One of Goodall's disciples in Taiwan is Phee Boon Kang, chairman of the JGI Global Secretariat and 2002-2006 chairman of JGI Taiwan. 珍古德在台湾的追随者之一,就是曾担任珍古德台湾协会理事长,现任珍古德协会全球 理事的江丕文。 "Our earth suffers because the human brain is so formidable," he said. "We can do things that are so useful for the world and we can also be destructive if we are not under some kind of a balance." 江丕文说,人脑是如此杰出,却也因此使地球痛苦。 「我们有让世界变更好的能力,但如果不能达到一个与大自然的平衡, 这个有益的力量可能会变成毁灭的力量。」 "This balance can be put into practice in personal lifestyles. If after one day, the shirt you wear is not really soiled, wear it for another day. People forget they can do this and might even check into a hotel room and use six towels in one day!" 他并举例说明:「这个平衡其实在日常生活当中就可以实践。 假如你这件衬衫穿了一天後还没有非常脏,那就再穿一天吧。 一般人都会忘记,其实这样也算是环保。 有些人甚至在入住饭店时还一天用六条毛巾!」 But how does one reconcile the "Goodall restraint" with the need for economic consumption to develop a sense of national or personal power? 不过究竟要怎麽做,才能使「珍古德的坚持」与消费经济结合, 进而发展出一种对国家或是对个人的觉醒能力? "We return to the idea of balance; we should be thoughtful and sensitive to the waste we can produce. It's all a matter of commitment." 江丕文说:「一切都要回归於『平衡』。人类应当对於所有的人为废弃物都多加留意; 这是一种责任。」 For Kang, Jane Goodall's conservation message is another way to spread peace. How else can you preach a gospel of reverence for things of this earth unless you are at peace with yourself and possess balance. 对江丕文而言,珍古德的保育宣言,也是宣导世界和平的一种方式。 一个人唯有在他怡然自得、身心平衡时, 才能将崇敬大地万物的概念散播给全世界的人。 ----- http://www.goodall.org.tw/rs_epaper/rs_day_epaper003/media1.htm --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 编辑: norah 来自: (06/12 13:45)

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